It's been a year Sup Forums. Have you forgotten about her?

It's been a year Sup Forums. Have you forgotten about her?

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Still mad she didn't get with Coachi.

Is VN worth playing?

If you like moege, then yes


I haven't forgotten. I still haven't watched the last 2 episodes though.

yea, but not the other girl though, think about her everyday. Misaki forever and always.

At least they start translated the VN for real now

>you will never watch giant robot shows with a cute flying fishie

Misaki was the best thing about the show

A best.


Misaki is my girlfriend

Misaki is a miracle of the universe.

Tbh it was pretty funny seeing the "translation" project on Fuwanovel getting destroyed by a professional translator who happens to be a friend of the writer of the original VN.

More or less. I tried to watch it but stopped midway because of all the drama. Maybe they should have cut some scenes and put more sol scenes (I liked them more at least).

The anime was a compiled of bad decisions, director was a fucking idiot.

Udon is not free.

Did you forgot a trip again, MKL?

>Bottom line: find a new translator
Fucking savagery right there.

It's needed, Fuwa is full of N4s from SEA who think they can translate to English.