L O L white women... not even once

L O L white women... not even once.

She's getting so fat. Just stay thin and wear 1950's clothes BITCH

Is that actually real? Please don't lie.


Shes probably going steady with someone. Girls usually get plumper after finding the one

she's eating herself out of memedom

truly /ourgirl/

She's probably pregnant


this or on some type of hormonal bc, that shit fucks you up


wtf happened to her?! :(

still would

You mean get lazier.

This must be shopped. I refuse to believe queen tay would let herself go.

Age pill


Taylor Swift got fat ha ha I bet her poops are gross now too

Thirties came early for her?

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you're welcome

Gross! Her face looks like my obese aunt. Seriously, she looks like shit wtf happened?!


Scat fetishist detected

thanks why am I such a nigger?

>going steady with someone

with calvin harris, if i recall correctly...

The Wall, still undefeated.

delet this you filthy communist

Dude my gf is a lil chub and we donthe deed all the time though I feel she gets way too into it

we're all niggers in our own way, user

Post her feet.