Tower of God

You're in the wrong.
Update 223
Will Karaka and Wangnan recognize each other?


>You're in the wrong.
At this point the deletions are in the right.
Add a line to the Mod to a normal thread. Threads that are basically complaints about moderation and threads with non anime images are against the written rules.

This thread is about Tower of God's new chapter.

It's not allowed here anymore. Move on, idiot.

You know, I'm fine and dandy about webtoons, but try posting it in Sup Forums.

Wanna see the reaction

A mod hasn't said that?
This is rogue Janitor going against stated mod rules just like nipple gate.

First post best post. Fuck off.

That's why I'm telling you to not make it a mixed thread.

Last time I used an on topic image he still deleted it.

>Will Karaka and Wangnan recognize each other?

They won't. See chapter 234.


So is bang done with the rice pot?

Probably lots of Sup Forums autist tell them to bring that shit to Sup Forums, and the cycle goes on.

>Will Karaka and Wangnan recognize each other?
Not much chance of that, considering Karaka didn't even know Wangnan exist. I wonder if Karaka will try to train Wangnan though

Fuck off with your gookshit to Sup Forums
This isn't manhwa, it;s webtoon.

Kill yourself.

>considering Karaka didn't even know Wangnan exist
I thought he did?
He realized his brother was still alive when Bang told him about the ring. I guess he wouldn't know what he looks like though, maybe he'll recognize the horns.

But even if they posted legit paper manhwas like Breaker, elitist autists will still gather around like flies around shit bees around honey.

>ywn be his precious student

Good. Koreans belong in the trash.

They even whine when SAO is posted.

Nice meta thread

>flies around shit bees around honey
Gooks around kimchi?

Hiro said each board can have a meta thread up, so image could be okay on technicality.

Why is he so strong? Is he stronger than Evan?


MAL doesn't have a ToG profile because according to them it's not manhwa because no physical release. Take that as you will.

>apply mal rules to Sup Forums
You really want to go down this road user?

Then go back to MAL faggot.