Beautiful image

all people, of all nations and ethnicities together as friends

not hating each other

Why is there only two niggers?



The reality is:





Here, another beautiful image.


sorry for the delay my mum made me make my own tendies

>literally most common brainlet everybody already has

make sure to sage btw

I Fucking love you for doing this dude.

Please post more fucking based kangaroo



nice basic

God dammit I fucking love you

gonna use this one to make a sub folder of tea drinkers


keep forgetting to sage

i like this one, good for faggots who take the bait


only posting rarish ones, if you want commons go to /sci/ but don't post I'm too low iq to understand anything so I just posted brainlets and now I feel bad about. Shat up so many threads.

this person gave up


But is isn't true.

op is swede

pretty popular because of how good it is, but it is absolutely godly

I Fucking died laughing how are there this many of these

Post more rare brainlet




for a while ppl were posting literally nothing but brainlet threads

I think it's something like 15 seconds between posts, absolutely mad

Hmmm, no because it is unrealistic.

Only reason for a folder of this size is so you can post brainlets without hitting the identical image timer

I need to visit that board more often

we should set up a brainlet google drive

I'm literally using this thread to make a brand new brainlet folder

might stop soon, dont have to but kind of want to.

2 more

Hey Aussie, here's one from /dng/

1 more

last one

This was a great thread. Thanks australia for making pol great again.

Gonna go fap but now I have a brainlet folder.