Islam is better than Judaism.
You know this is true.
Islam is better than Judaism.
You know this is true.
Other urls found in this thread:
The Chad Muslim Terrorist vs the Virgin Westerner
Mother goose < Harry potter
>Muslim Terrorist
Muslims that live in the West are some of the nicest and kindest people you can meet.
Few people know the true purpose of Judaism.
The "terrorists" are literally just opposing Jewish oppression
The Terrorist are Jews and government hired pig fuckers.
those cuck jews did this
-steals land
-feels insecure when see a bunch of arab faggots at their border although has a gun and tank
-believes that all goyim will become slave to jews in end times (talmud)
-promotes homosexuality (see lGbt pride in tel aviv)
-always whine about being victime and "remember the 6million give israel money"
the chad mudslime on the other hand
-storm europe like blitzkrieg
-kills faggots and gay
-Hates jews
-Rich af (except for arabniggers)
-denounced holocaust
-helped nazis in ww2
Well, I know I'll get shit for this buuttttttt
A Jew won't strap a bomb to himself and self-destruct in a public place killing innocents. Or drive a truck through a crowd. Or rape and murder your people.
Jews may be money-changers. They, as a people, might be masters of psychological warfare, but if you don't think like a brainwashed gentile then you can actually work with Jews and coexist. Dindune coons will just fuck your shit up senpai. You can fight back against propaganda but you can't fight a fucking 10 ton truck coming your way at 60 miles per hour.
And you're not one of them lmao
What does it take to get someone to blow themselves up?
Is it really crazy to believe that the bomb is surgically implanted and remotely detonated? You really think someone would blow themselves up willingly? They're still human.
What exactly happens in Guantanamo?
>Islam is better than Judaism
Like there is any difference, kill yourself and some europoor faggot
they revere the same god that christianity does... they are all three the same fucking thing... fuck those kike revering shits... two of them revere a kike god, one of them reveres a kike on a stick...
Literally have them believe that by doing so they will be absolved of any and all sins they have committed in life and will secure their place in heaven as a hero by doing so.
The world is in a massive "underground" religious war right now. Jews know it, Muslims know it, Christians for whatever reason are oblivious to this.
Not true Islam
Agreed but you all Need to convert to Christianity if you want to get to heaven.
protip: it's all Judaism.
>horse shit is better than mule shit you know this is true
>dog shit is better than pig shit
Christ is the light, the way , and the truth.
TYR > (((JEWSUS)))
Stop posting on these threads guys
Only post on threads that help US go forward
>muh jewsus
Stop. Falling. FOR. THAT. SHIT.
Stop worshiping a dead jew on a stick.
>objectively best morality
>names the Jew
>promises the destruction of the Jews
>somehow is lumped in with the kikes anyway because nazi larpers wanna fap to traps and not feel guilty
>one false religion is better than another false religion
Islam is a wolf, but Judaism is a cancer.
>one wants world domination through subversion and manipulation while the other wants world domination through violence and coercion
I suppose Islam is easier as an opponent but they're both bad.