What the fuck did Alex Jones mean by this? Are we getting to his head?


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Holy shit he's admitting he's pro Israel. Hahahahahahahahah.

Jones is almost too goy to be true

That fucking video thumbnail


Wait....Is this the rock that Alex Jones is willing to die on? What is he gonna say when Mueller starts exposing Israel?

Clickbait to sell water filters and iodine.

You played yourself goyim

He spends the entire video talking about his opinions are based on an israeli perspective.

no, he does this all the time. he's heard the accusation so much that now he just says "yeah believe what you want"

He felt the need to defend it though.

AJ sarcasm/clickbait vids are usually his funniest work.


much to some of Sup Forumss chagrin alex just doesen't see the jews as the ultimate string-pullers, that or he refrains from naming the jew all day long to keep his show and life.

he basically says that just because he agrees with Israel on everything, doesn't mean he's a shill -- and he's right. Maybe he doesn't get paid by Israel to say the things he does.


I've been had.


Nope. He's a Jew owned TREASONOUS faggot. And he knows Jews did 9-11

I might watch this because, like... at least him existing is comedic in itself.

Fucking clown world.

He literally says he views reality through an israeli perspective.


What do I do Lord ?


I'm mad at myself for ever listening to jones.
I mistakenly believed that he cared about truth.

I remember when he admitted his family goes back to the Rosicrucians. They was a proto-intelligence agency. Dude is a bigger spook than most realize, despite him larping as some sans-culotte. He's from the same billionaire crypto-jew families that formed Texas.

The project was to tell a lot of truth for a long time to build up a base. The jews just didn't realize his base would turn on him very quickly after red flags kept popping up. Same with Trump. I think they're scared to be honest, but perhaps I'm a bit enthusiastic because I see bitcoin is a joke, and that gold and silver are going to follow bitcoins meteoric rise, and that'll be the real death knell... good thing all the plebs wasted their money on e-coins LOL

the first step is admitting you have a problem

>its real

Holy shit kek

kek I love this one

Bill Cooper was the real maverick, the real /ourguy/, Alex Jones was trying to be like Bill. When the alphabets killed Cooper, they probably paid Alex a visit, and from then on he shilled and shilled.


Australia was a mistake

He did the exact same thing about being accused of being a Russian agent recently. He does this sort of stuff semi regularly. He's too masculine and raw though his virtuous doses of Super Male Vitality and The Real Redpill to blandly deny and apologize for insults fake or real, as the soyboys and globalists do in the mainstream Soros-funded news.

To be honest, his increasing partisan tendencies are beginning to get to me, I don't know if he spends so much time trying to help Trumpo that he forgets the superficiality of the bipartisan system sometimes, or if he knows he's semi-mainstream now and understands that if he seems too third-party the uninformed and apathetic populace will just tune him out.

Is this what an atheist society looks like

Bill Cooper thought aliens were in contact with the government LOL



The sooner anons realize no one is fighting for them the sooner they can rescue themselves.



I don't give a fucking shit about your shitty fucking country or anyone in it, but you fucking can't base your argumentation on "SUSPECTED" cases, you fucking retarded cunt.

You mad JIDF?

now that really got the gumballs rattling


Yes and they killed him, strange things.

Mein Fuhrer eeza gutten boy, ja. Dindu Nuffin. Das Juden eez bad, ja! Also, quit calling us Nazis.
So sick of being called a Nazi by commies then called a commie by actual Nazis. At least this stupidity will finally plays itself out with “fire & fury”.
Also...the “Mueller is our guy meme” is totally retard tier “woke”. I could not possibly think of a better way to derail 4 chan then getting them to believe that larp. But fuckheads willingly fall for this nonsense & call everything else a larp.


The damage control is real.
So when is Jonestein going to talk about AIPAC being a foreign agent, the 5 dancing israelis or the attack on the USS Liberty?

His reputation is about to be utterly irreparable once the truth comes out.

WTF!! It appears Alex Jones has more Nazi cred then any of you faggot larpers.
His dad funded Central American death squads? Hahahahahaha Nazis BTFO by their own CIA nigger produced propaganda.

The mental gymnastics his listeners do is quite something.

>death squads

Holy shit we're not worthy

Because nobody ever does that on pol. Did I hurt your feelings? Run to your safe space then, faggot.


there is also "i love ping pong"

Alex is a clever guy. it's not about Israel it's about the Jews, not just Israelis.
watch how he pivots and conflates any anti "Israeli" (jew) attacks as being no different than like being a leftists.
what Alex is brushing under the rug is that fact that Jews created the problems in the middle east in the first place.

propaganda at its finest


he said he is a jew years ago you fucking plebs

Or they faked his death because he got bored of playing his role in that project. You don't know much about how the world works, eh?

I checked

no, bill cooper said aliens were a manufactured threat to promote world government.

Didn't he also promote Majestic 12?

>I love Big Cock
Good Asian girl. Can't wait for the North Korean war refugee qts.

no shit

He's the most hated person on pol

Alex Jones covered for Israel on 9/11 and continued to while American kids were being sent off to die for Israel in one of their middle east conquests

He's an American traitor who sucks Zionist dick

read his book. wouldnt hurt to check the HOTT mp3 archive too, every show is on there.

I've read Behold a Pale Horse. I think, if anything, he was fed misinformation by sources he thought he could trust. But... seeing as his work amounted to a big fat nothingburger, I don't really care to defend him.

Do you like California Cabernet or do you usually stick with Bordeaux Cabs? I'm curious. I like them both, but I go with Oregon Pinot Noirs because those are really the best tbqh family.

but that's harmless

I went to school with Alex Jones. We use to pick on him lots. His dad was a rich dentist who like hunting and shit. Jones would try to brag about his dads impressive gun collection, so we would tease him by saying we were going to take his dads guns away. He would cry and freak out. This went on for years.

When Jones got his first gun at the age of 12 we were relentless. We all ended up in the vice principals office. Jones was having a panic attack. The V.P. had to explain the second amendment protected his gun. We said sorry and promised not to do it again. After that was when things started to go a bit to far.

We printed out flyers for fake political rallies for fake groups that were trying to make Texas gun free. We would post them by Jones' house. We signed him up for anti gun mail lists. We even hosted a UN > USA rally at the park by his house. We hired a an older guy to go to house one night and tell him he was future Alex Jones and that the globalists get all the guns in the future. Jones started publicly campaigning against a fictitious political movement.

I should have felt guilty when i saw him on Piers Morgan. I just laughed though.

That's bullshit, but I believe you.

wasn't his ex-wife a jew