Immigration without Integration is Invasion


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And we all know how this ends.

Immigration is invasion
All French, Jews, Arabs, Slavs, Italians, Greeks, niggers, aborigines, spics, orientals, punjabis, Scandinavians, Teutons

Multiculturalism by definition means that the immigrants don't integrate, but that they force their ways in and their foreign cultures/religion/language are THERE TO STAY

Unless you're a native, you have zero fucking rights to complain about living in a nation of immigrants.

Show me a constitution predating those of European settlers

Angela Merkel is guilty of genocide, a class "A" war crime under the Nuremburg Code, punishable by death.



No goyim.nooooooo

>Immigration is Invasion

what does integration even mean?

BBC + buxom german lass

Every people on this Earth are entitled to their own lands, you heartless son of a bitch.

I keep hearing them say integration.
that they need integration.
what is integration supposed to mean?
are people supposed to pretend the obvious pack of pakistanis are not really pakistanis>

lol nice meme

Integration is just the latest buzzword elites use to pretend they are addressing immigration concerns while doing nothing to change the status quo

No, they legit are pushing sex between the invaders and the natives to speed integration along. PURE COINCIDENCE this also fits with the Kalergi Plan.

Do you actually believe this? Are you that mentally ill and brainwashed?

The weak should fear the strong, dipshit. All social constructs are backed by force.

Merkel received the most recent Kalergi Award.

So why are you complaining about a "foreign invasion" then?

Do you have the force do stop it? No? Then I guess you can just shut the fuck up.

Immigration is invasion to begin with, literally no moral justification for taxation for immigration

She’s a fetal alcohol baby

If you believe in might making right, then you must also believe in the extinction of the white race. We have gotten to close to the sun, as a people, and now we are complacent. We will be overrun by the other races and taken off the face of the Earth forever and we deserve as such, according to your philosophy.


Integration is for spineless cucks. Both as an idea and as a process

Why do I stay up all night with you retarded niggers?

How can someone from America - a country of immigrants - say something so fucking stupid?

You really think that people travelling to a country in search of a better life for themselves and their children is the same thing as a bunch of people with guns seizing control of a country?


nice meme dude


>How can someone from America - a country of immigrants - say something so fucking stupid?
The phrase 'Nation of Immigrants' does not appear in American history until the 1960s with John F. Kennedy writing a book with that very title and wanting to liberalize immigration law. The Founders tended to be very cautious when it came to immigration, so much so that if we were to take any they wanted a residency of 21 years just so they can prove how much they really wanted it

Not an argument, dumbfuck

Americans are entitled to America, and there are no nations of immigrants, as immigration can only occur in the presence of an established nation.

>historical precedent, founding documents, and statements from the country’s founders are not relevant to a discussion about the nature of the country in question
You’re the dumbfuck.

> Discount Texas McChile thinks burgers care about his input on their history
Get a load of this faggot

So what's the idea behind the mass immigration to Europe?

Destruction of the Western world by mongrelizing it into a low-IQ slave race to be ruled over by pureblood Jews.

>The creators of the nation shouldn't be taken into consideration with regard to laws and the future of the country but some poem written by a kike 100 years later and some phrase that people use to virtue signal with are
Very smart thinking there Ace

>conquer a bunch of clay
>establish a new country
>someone else is trying to conquer you
>you have no right to resist
allow me to disagree with you there

>low-IQ slave race

> some literally who good goy freemason
Wow I guess immigration means something else now

Immigration is invasion

Putsch when?

Go be a faggot somewhere else
You literally have no arguments

So jews fear whites?

>not mentioning the Filipinos
hello jose!

segregate not integrate
cant find a embed link hnm wonder why

Who gives a fuck, shitskins need to stop trying to be wherever whites are, fucking parasites.

she's ex communist, fluent russian speaker

Yeah ok, it's totes just a conspiracy theory goyim.

BTW JFK wrote that at the behest of the ADL. I'm sure that's just a coincidence.

Yeah, those natives (who slaughtered the shit out of one another) were well on their way to creating a empire...without roads.

>That's ok they never made a wheel either.

Having fun being ruled by your mudslime rapefugees?


immigration has never changed its definition which means " you are gettin replaced "

> ex


Immigration with integration is even worse. It's a lot harder to get rid of the invaders if they've become intertwined with the natives via intermarriage and so forth. Let's be real here, fully assimilated and integrated invaders don't belong in White countries any more than jihadists or uncivilized African tribesmen do.

Yes but there are retards and trolls who want you to believe that as long as Paco and Ahmed read Rothbard and other libertarian kike books and can repeat a few shibboleths that it's okay that they impregnate your women.