Is this the best Okada show?

Is this the best Okada show?

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Yes, and even then is sightly above meh.

Aquarion Evol

Miuna is the best character Okada has ever written.

I want to breed with fish

She really should have won.

Miuna is the best character.

I watched the show because of the Miuna threads
But Manaka turned out to be the cutest

Yeah, only because of Miuna though.

Blackheads never win when they go up against redheads.

PA Works best show so I guess it is Okada's too.

That'd be picrelated.

Okada was a mistake.

Yes but it isn't much of an accomplishment


I liked M3.

Either this or M3.

I liked NagiAsu, though.

>I watched the show because of the Miuna threads
I did too. It was an interesting journey too bad it didn't turn out something I wanted.

Mah niggas!

That's True Tears.

What is the worst Okada show?

Manaka is literally Menma with red hair

You're all objectively wrong


I want this new work of hers get TL so bad!

I forgot that was Okada.

Okada is such a fucking faggot
Why does she insert a dyke in almost everything she does

Mari 'Tearmaker' Okada.

I want to fuck Iona (Kuro).

I want Iona (Ulith) to step on me.


What defines a Mari Okada™ Self-Insert?

Mahmu was the first time I began to think about her self-inserting stuff.

I love Mari Okada.
I wish she could just become better when it comes to execution.

Most of these plot elements were good the first time around.

Too bad Okada likes to use them over and over.


When certain character from her original works as series composer shares traits from her childhood and adolescence's persona. Examples: Hitoe, Mahmu, Hiromi-Noe, etc.

can some do the memenigga version of this'

Why does Sup Forums hate Anohana?

Can't since Mayoiga is the result of what Mizushima told Okada to write, for that reason that is not her work in the pure sense.

Literally SSY rip-off for children

>traits from her childhood and adolescence's persona
So sarcastic, cold, glasses, may or may not be a bisexual?

Friendly reminder Okada is now working on a live-action movie, manga and theater. So multifacetic lady.

damn didn't know that, but it still check almost all the boxes

Oh boy, here we go again.

I don't hate anohana, but it's way more hyped than it deserves

How does sales poison like her get work

Maybe Okada experienced a love for someone who were of the same sex and the love went unrequited.

Kiznavier flopped that hard?
Holy shit

It's not so bad, it almost sold 1 frt. Or I guess it's known as 1 flp now

It's more or less a Shinsekai Yori Lite, but there are enough differences to avoid the ripoff label desu

Nice meme.

Because she is the biggest example about is not always about your skills, but your contact portfolio in the whole industry. Since she is known, she can get work anywhere. That's why I love her so much!

Same. I'm piqued.

Last year Okada threads in sudokuland


What? How are those anything alike?

Implied post-apocaliptical world with confirmed existence of magical beings.


Which one is the better opening, Sup Forums?

Second one, no contest. I love the part when Miuna talks.

Usually I like the first op better, but the second one wins this time.


Best Okada shows are Simoun and Sketchbook Full Colors.

No. This is.

It's not Miuna, though it might as well be given the lyrics.

Are you sure?

My ears are more than positive, but if you don't believe me just check the credits on the single.

Both adaptations.

I'm watching it right now, it's a fucking korean drama which I'm enjoying

I only watched it because I had faith in PA Works after Uchouten Kazoku. I enjoyed it while it aired but I don't think I could rewatch it; not for the story.

The threads were fun.

Op 2, by far.

What happened to Kaname?

Both EDs are far better.

Okada a best!

I'm not sure anymore. At first I thought it was because he was still at the bottom of the sea, but Manaka is there so that makes no sense. Wish I could go back and check the context for that.

Incidentally, does anybody have the full version of pick related?

Love is dead?

Seems like there are few of these

You mean least shitty show


What does anabasis mean here?

It means when you conquest your fear/problems/inner conflicts and grow as a person /character in your life.

Sayu will always be best girl.

Is this the Miuna Monday thread for the week?


I know Miuna is your waifu but Hikari was a far better character.

No, that died six hours ago.

Yes, love will live forever.


Best girl.

>I'm a strong wymen I don't need no man
>oh mister Kaname oooh please let me suck your dick
At least she's the most realistic girl.

She's just acting like an strong independend wymen, on the inside she always lusts for Kaname's dick.

Everyone forgot about his existence.
It was a common joke in the threads because of the difference between how Hikari and Kaname were treated.
I'm sad the "Kaname is psycho yandere" theory were not confirmed.

I felt pretty bad for making fun of that when he cried and said he thought nobody was waiting for him.

Made me want to hug him.

If she was responsible for Oscar and that subplot then I won't forgive her, it was great until that began and the owls

Don't feel bad, user.
He got Sayu and Sayu would make him her heroine and protect his smile.

forgot pic


I have only this one.