Trump Slurred Speech

Today in his announcement speech about the official recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, he had a weird slurring in his speech towards the end in the last minute or so.

What the heck is going on? It sounded like he had dentures coming lose or something in his mouth.

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just tired. he had a long day of winning. Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in order to cause massive Muslim chimpouts, thus accelerating the destruction of Israel.

I sure hope so.

Yeah. You could see he was rushed and he was breathing quick and heavy instead of with with command. Pence in the back even looked a little unsettled.

I've been curious to catch the alleged slurring, but so far I have to side with just being overworked.

>dentures coming loose
kek yeah actually it sounded something like that, especially with the tongue noises as if he was trying to lodge it back in to place.

Good pick up on that. No idea.

I remember Alex Jewnes talking about Trump being on highly addictive tranquilizers the weirdo white people globalists were putting in his diet cokes. That he was slurring his speech in late night phone calls despite not being known to drink.
Then he never mentioned it again.
Probably just Kushner putting drugs in his diet coke for Israel thus it's ok.

The emperor has NO FUCKING CLOTHES. I unironically think 2018 will be ~the happening~

Nah AJ mentioned it again like a week ago give or take. He was unspecific, suggesting he knew more than he wanted to say.

What? Beats me. But AJ wouldn't have mentioned it unless it had come up for some reason. We'll see.


theyre called "demons"

He's got a dry mouth and his tongue is clapping against the roof of his mouth. Remember the shitstorm the last time he had a drink of water?

His bottom teeth look fake.

jewish mind control was wearing off slightly

>unanimous vote six months ago in senate

Well at least I wasn't the only one. I wouldn't really have much of a problem with it but it'd be nice to know.

Have a link to a clip of it?

They're probably dosing him to make him look crazy in case he tries to back out of supporting Israel. The moment he stops sucking Jew cock is the moment they say he has alzeimers and turn on him and thanks to all those diet cokes they probably have plenty of opportunity with him half drugged late at night stumbling around to parade in front of the media.

his mouth was just dry

Sounds like dentures to me, you can see him trying to lodge them back up as he’s signing. A man mid stroke wouldn’t have continued so it’s safe to say he’s alright. Just an old man with fake teeth

i didnt hear much of a difference but it sounded like he was a bit congested

No one is upset with Israel. Every Muslim is upset at the US. They assume rats to be rats, but for America to do something like this? I suppose you cucks have always been their puppets.

r/the_donald go back.

>Trump is a Zionist shill
>Still better than Hillary
>Still better than Cucks
>Still voting for him again

Nah I just put AJ on in the background as one part of my day-long radio intake. He said all of nothing about it. Just stuck in my mind that AJ hadn't mentioned it for a long time, and AJ is not exactly the best at holding his tongue when somebody tells him something to get excited over.

idk. I'm going with nothingburger so far, e.g. somebody said people are going to jump all over Trump for having drymouth or whatever it is.

Don't you have a suicide bomb to detonate?

you're right, thats really weird.
almost sounds like daffy duck at the end
like he has too much spit built up in his mouth and need to swallow.
I havnt watched many of trumps speeches, but it also looks like he has something in his mouth that hes sucking on

>united shush

No joke apparently he is being slowly dosed with depressents by the CIA to make him docile. It's happened to every president before him. Look at what happened to George Bush.

> Every Muslim is upset

Part & parcel of being a muslim rat. Your pedophile prophet won't survive with a free internet and information all around. Islam is a satanic cult.


America is definitely the world empire today.

>Goat fucker

He has a cold.

Is this a new pasta? Seeing it posted verbatim in every thread about this

>Islam is a satanic cult.
They're not the only ones.

Why would a billionaire have dentures ? Wouldn't porcelain veneers be the go to ?

He may have ejaculated while thinking about the 1.6 billion jimmies rustling all at once. I did.


Get ready for it. Burntcoat Head is going to be the next capitol of Canada. Bay of Fundy dank as fuark.

Yeah its all 4-d chess! Trump just repeatedly acts like exactly like a kike-puppet, but it's all in his master plan. Just wait 7 more years to find out what it is!


muslims are just dumb. they got tricked into worshiping satan by jews.

>Muslims are upset.
What a surprise.

>Spends his whole election campaign going on about how healthy he is
Another lie from the globalist who has ramped up sentiment to international military spending despite promising the opposite in his campaign, went on about his wall for ages and how mexico was going to pay for it all through his campaign but hasn't even chosen a contractor, endlessly fired shots at china during campaign speeches but literally sucked their dick at the first chance, got most of his voters & rally attendees chanting "DRAIN THE SWAMP" with him then went on to fill the white house with swamp, oh the list does go on...

How can Sup Forums continue to defend this obvious neocon globalist? You've all been swindled. I'll give him that. He played you all like fools.

and the dems...

>muh slurred

The message is more important. You're pretty good for following Rules of Radical for attacking the messenger.

You can watch his bottom dentures come loose
>can confirm


>"if if if uhhh if if okie dokie if if if if"
>nothing to see here

>nothing to see here

>"we love *yawn* ishrael"

I beleive this is possible and that coa niggers would do this but do you have any infographics to provide on the matter?

Don't make fun of Canada. Bay of Fundy a best and then we can have the Great State of Maine annex it and secure North America for our White Progeny.

post the one with his face inside giuliani's fake tranny tits or the one where he necks with pence or his piss tapes or his incest or his grabbems sodomy

Maybe Israel does have a currently active mind control programme deep underground, I imagine using a multitude of techniques

I wonder I wonder, how things have developed

What are dentures.
OP is a fag, sage

Of course this country is a jewish slave state LOL you have the internet in Pakistan, yes?

you stink like vagina cancer

>mind control

Nigger, he's just a fucking jewish actor, not a mind controlled robot...

He clearly has something in his mouth. A lozenge or something. As he finished the speech, he walked away clearing his throat. He's probably got a cold, and popping Halls like a madman.

You know why he Drinks Diet coke, right? Diet Coke has to be opened. Diet Coke comes from a facility that has some of the highest and most rigorous standards of regulation in manufacturing possible.

The dude's likely got a head cold or a sinus thing going on, or some sort of sore throat from all the talking, wheeling, and dealing he has to do. Not to mention overworked.

Cut the man some slack. We've had more winning in the past 10 1/2 months than in the past 24 fucking years.

Does Diet Coke still have aspartame in it? That shit's no good for you. I never liked the sound of that (not to mention fast food is terrible for you in general but I guess nobody's perfect).

Earlier today someone posted a comparison of Trump's signature from the past to his signature today. It has changed a bit, much wider loops. So that, and the fact the past few times Trump has had this weird speech issue going on, do you think he could might be being poisoned? A bit spoopy.


Ever been tired before m8?

He's 70 years old. Slurred speech is one of the signs of Fronto-Temporal Dementia.

The early stages of FTD are characterized by poor insight, planning, and assessmnet; impulsivity; lack of concern for social conventions. Poor planning--like running for President at 70 years old despite having no political experience to speak of.

It is also associated with a decline in language skills. This can manifest in Agrammatic Primary Progressive Aphasia. This form of aphasia does not involve forgetting words, but in forgetting how to construct sentences that make sense. Compare Trump's conversations with Charlie Rose in 1992 to Trump on the campaign:

Trump in 1992:

Trump's first debate with Hillary:

By 2016, Trump has clearly had a decline in his ability to put sentences together. While he was always prone to run-on sentences, they eventually swung back around and made sense. In the last couple of years, his sentence structure has been completely mangled. He repeats himself over and over, as if he's having trouble figuring out where he's going next. He leaves sentences hanging and leaps into a new clause, only to leap to another clause before finishing that one.

Dude has dementia.

Stay upset then.
Any more questions who is in charge?
Quit whining about the disposition of that shithole.
Jesus loves you.

God is showing his anger with Donald.


Wow so you guys finally settled on FTD? Took you long enough. lel

Nothing to do with being tired, mate. This is the second or third time he has had this speech issue, but this is the first time the words were noticeably slurred. And also, his signature has changed a bit. Something is going on, whether you want to believe it or not.

holy shit. its a Super Doctor, who can diagnose a problem using one arbitrary symptom and not interviewing the patient himself

agreed! i bet BASED ISRAEL can't handle so much winning!

wew, how weird

Yeah, because Trump picked an anti-American, super pro-immigration open-border zealot as head of the DHS.

And the Jews scurry out. Go eat some foreskins

Why would someone with access to the best dentists in the world have dentures? There's no way dentists couldn't save a billionaire's teeth.


Im sitting here in my comfy house waiting for you to be a statistic of a suicide bombing.

being this mutt

I noticed this when he called Bill Clinton out during the debates.

Out of breath, possibly nervous. Trying to remember his lines.

Most of us would be mumbling fools in these situations. Trump just isn't that great of a public speaker unless he's going off top.

No, but he has had a lot of (very, very high quality) work done on his teeth.

No I meant why didn't you advance FTD like a year and change ago when you started this meme? It took what a few months to develop the Levondopa Parkinsons hypothesis for Hillary?

Low energy.

Shit, I've been saying the dude has dementia for the past year.

It's hilarious that you think I'm a shill. I'm just a brocialist with a free evening that thought it sounded funny to argue with dark enlightenment morons for a few hours.

I'm not the one who got cucked by a 70 year old conman with dementia, after all.

Why even hide the fact that you're a filthy jew now? Pol has unironically become a Jew board.

I won't get suicide bombed, but your daughter will become a statistic of a single mother with a nigglet who gets killed killed at the end.

I hate to even say it, but I'm a little concerned he's developing dementia--I know his father suffered from it. I detected something was up near the end of 2016 but am more convinced now. I wish he would live a healthier lifestyle and get the treatment he needs, but that may mean having to resign, and I don't think that will happen soon.

Definitely a dentures problem. It must be a sign from Kek.

Why only a year? Webster Tarpley outlined a raft of 25th Amendment ideals more than a year ago. Are you slow?

Yes the last gasp of the left. He has dementia...

It's not even the last gasp. They were on this before Trump even got elected. They're just so fucking dumb they can't even take their talking points on time.

go mend to the goats achmed. I have my coffee to drink.


dementia yes that's it. Yeah, dementia. Say it with me: Deeeemennntaaaa. All together now.

I pray it is not dementia. I did not know his dad had it. But looking at the causes of dementia, it does not look like Trump has anything that fits the bill of causing it. And dementia is very rarely inherited. Nope, if anything is going on it is poison by the deep state.

You mean a bull to prep and a faggot son to convert to trans. Besides that, it's the death penalty for fucking animals in Muslim countries, yet legally allowed in the US and Canada.

So it is you that can go fuck your dog

Sounds like a sinus problem from a cold or allergies.

Do you think he does not have his bad days you fucking dickheads?



Maybe Trump is just worn out from too much signing.

I think he has dementia, too. This is outside of my core competency, but I picked up on this during the campaign, and now it's even more clear.

man muslims really know how to throw a circle pit
lamb of god ME tour when?

Rumour was that they are going to drug him and then claim he was losing his mind, just a senile old man.
Do you think they will give up so easily considering what they have done in the past?

That's from too much denture adhesive and when his dentures moved, some leaked into his mouth and it tastes awful but he could spit it out on national tv so it started pooling in his mouth with saliva. Common occurrence if you know anyone with dentures


A poor diet is one contributing factor, as is prolonged stress + age. It can be genetic, but sometimes there's no clear cause. I know 1 in 10 people over 65 have it, and the prevalence only increases with age. I really hope he doesn't have it, either, but I guess only time will tell.

Do you have running water in your village?

I said this many times.
Maybe his mouthpiece just fell out or got loose?