Two things:
>Why did they publish that shit right now? I thought it should be racist when these things are public??? What is happening?
Sweden YES
Other urls found in this thread:
Sweden should just nuke it's self.
What the actual fuck.
Take a bump
Please nuke us, thanks. Evacuation to Finland required for good people only
Oh yeah, thanks.
Europeans deserve this for destroying Canada you introduced socialism, homosexuality. Atheism, liberalism to our country everything we fine when we were Anglo and banned 75% of your country (the EU is a country) from moving here but it all went down hill in the 1950's when we first let in those damned continentals.
When I was a kid in my school of 200 we had one nigger, now I see a nigger once a month!
fix your own country cunt
we have our own fucking problems
There are no good people in sweden. If there were they would have stood up to their invaders.
Let me introduce you quick ways to commit a suicide nationally:
There you go.
are you going to get taken away to a reeducation center for posting on here?
do you need help?
wasnt this a starter pistol?
>no good people
>Peter Springare
>leaks on monday
>Jimmie Åkesson
>Angry Foreigner
yeah, there is no good people in Sweden at all.
God damn this world.
your country does not deserve to exist.
the right of the stronger.
Unless someone is monitoring this
>Muslim rapist was freed because it can not be proven that he knew that there was semen inside his penis and that it would shoot when he penetrated the vagina
And what have they done for your nation? Jack and shit. Also, gibs link to leaks. Leaks about what?
no internet police like bongland?
sorry johan but they are not redeeming features
There is, it's called Säpo.
Sweden thinks so little of these people, thinks they are so inferior to native Swedes that they treat them like infants then call it "progressive" and "enlightened." It's just plain racism/classism.
There is no such thing as racism. There is only the human race, and he is an Englishman. Everything else is an animal and there is nothing wrong with classicism. Sorry, but a factory worker isn't equal to me
>Nearly a decade ago in high school, all the slutty socialist/leftist chicks constantly ranted about how perfect Sweden was and how it was proof that a multicultural, socialist society could function
>Now literally nobody left of center ever talks about Sweden anymore
>They never even mention it and pretend like the whole country they once idolised doesn't "really" exist
The best shit was people claiming the "no go zones" were lies made up by right wing newspapers, then it turned out they were real and people just shut up about them entirely. Sweden now exists as a perfect example of liberalism and socialism gone mad. Thank you for existing, Sweden; I'm sorry it had to be this way.
Well if it makes you happy, I will murder any member of the Swedish government that I come across.
How the human intimates did the so-called feminist party in Sweden get into power?
Inb4 tossed in jail for obvious joke.
Should provide actual source before posting
>Gun can't shoot live rounds
>Didn't think the gun could shoot anything
>Gun was loaded with rubber bullets
>Pulls out the gun to scare people
>Someone tries to disarm guy with the revolver
>He shoots the gun and puts a rubber ball in someone
>Still gets charged for violence but to a lesser extent
That's what I got from a broken translation
It's still dodgy that he only got one month but please provide actual source and not a twitter post of someone paraphrasing in a misleading way
I can't help but shit on Sweden, no matter how crappy America is. I know we're only ~62% white, but those whites still have some spine, some fighting spirit, and some desire to stand up for themselves, even if in an indirect way. We would have to be defeated in an actual war before we conceded to our enemies what the Swedes have conceded to theirs.
Imagine current ruling party declare the government becoming feminist-friendly
Well, it's reality now
never understood what Sweden had to feel guilty about, unless they are gonna go all the way back to the vikings or something.
inb4 säpo bait, inb4 säpo conspiracy
white guilt is worldwide, senpai
America really can't point fingers on this after San
fran"sanctuary city"cisco let a mexican get away with murder based off the argument "he couldn't have known the gun would go off"
Leftism is fatal wherever it spreads
There's only one more phase to go, folks:
Man Is Acquitted After Shooting And Killing Another Man Because In Some Cases People Get Shot But Do Not Actually Die. Ho could he have known that the shot would kill??? Please have pity on him.
Look out for that headline. Coming soon!
No one has a logical reason to feel guilty for being fucking born white.
If i migrate to sweden and throw around the 6million card enough,
will i be able to get a swedish waifu?
Show bob and vegene
so progressive
we should all follow the scandanavian model
to hell
apparently not, they use anti-semite card to attack people on the right only, but do nothing when jew got attacked
I guess that argument flies there, just surprised anyone buys it given Swedens history. In the US the lefties can point at slavery, indians, Jim Crow, etc. to harvest their crop of tears and votes, but Sweden hasn't done anything. You can't be guilty of colonialism if you never had colonies.
*Just for the record I fully support colonialism, slavery, and dead indians.
Nigger-loving court probably decided that the trigger was pulled because the victim tried to fight back so the only punishment they gave out was for threatening people with a gun. I believe the guy with the gun should take responsibility for firing the gun.
Guy fucking bailed out of sweden to live in a rich white neighborhood in the UK
I don't think there's a more cucked place on earth.
Every time I think it's fake news I google sweden and it's even worse
And here I thought Canada was about to take the cuck crown. Leave it to Sweden to just completely blow us the fuck out
bring snus and maybe then you can come.
>not aware Sweden ever engaged in slavery
>not aware Sweden went on raids to please their gods - or maybe even just for fun
Read more.
Nah, I'm convinced that you guys are gonna sperg out.
Don't blame America for what cuckfornia did. America was pissed.
No dumbass.
We introduced it to them.
Leafs are patient zero of the neoliberal SJW cancer that is killing western civilization.
I'm genuinely confused by Sweden. Like, I truly don't understand how a peoples can just go on like this. Is it fear of the muzzies? Fear of the police? The government? See I don't think so. I think it's a very irrational fear of social stigma.
You guys literally need to stop giving a fuck. Get a gang of Swedes to beat the shit out of a bunch of random muzzies next time something happens. Which is probably in the next 5 minutes. So get to cracking heads!
Who did we ban from Europe? Wasn't it only restricted immigration from Eastern Europe (slavs) and Southern Europe? As far as I know Anglo/French and generally West/North Europe were desired?
So I googled this, there's literally no proof of this actually happening minus (((Breitbart)))
It's almost like the western powers that be are trying to formulate manufactured rage with MSM articles like this.....
.....Gee I wonder why?!
Oh Sweden, someone over there should just provoke Russia and have them nuke you.
Varför sprider du PeterSweden skiten när han hittar på 90% av vad han skriver för views och för att idioter tror på honom. Du vet att det är på grund av sånt här skit som 90% av alla jänkare tror att Sverige är något jävla uland.
This can't be real. Just cross source this shit
They worked for the nazis.
Germany entered Sweden with a phonecall
Honestly it's not an unreasonable assumption if he's some east African like he looks.
100% false
Look at Canada pre War when it was 100% Anglo
And look at it post War when millions of Europeans came here
In the early 1800's it was illegal for even papists to vote
Hard to tell if anything out of Sweden is true given how the Swedish government and media literally bends over backwards to try and keep these stories hidden. There was some sort of "leak" or something the other day that showed non-swedes were 4.4 times more likely to commit rape compared to natives and the response from the Swedish government was to ban sites that list offenders' ethnicity.
Yeah, but we banned anyone or deported them if they were communists, even committing adultery was enough to be deported back in the day. And usually we tried to find a reason to deport or ban people from entering, like they didn't have enough money or something. Immigrationnwas extremely strict, we were criticized by the British and Americans for deporting too many people
Swedish media doesn't actually try to hide much stuff at all, contrary to what Sup Forums believes. They do however have a massive bias towards the left.
Most of the stuff Sup Forums claims the media hides or ignores are simply fake news or just not news in the first place, even the OP is horseshit but people here lap it up.
Like the "leak" wasn't even a leak, it was public information and had actually been reported on ages ago. Yet because some random twitter account calls it a leak all of Sup Forums now believes it's a leak.
de självlysande säponegrerna har tillåtelse att lagra all information som passerar landets gränser
allt du skrivit här som deras algoritm fann intressant nog ligger i din fil, redo att användas när de känner för det så bete dig, du
I would support immigration from Europe only, and I would definitely support deporting useless drain on society. But I don't think you ever had or are going to have 100% Anglos. Different europeans were allowed for different reasons (again, as far as I am aware); for eg. poles/ukrainians were allowed for farming, and germans were good at making stuff so some of them made more money than anglos/french over time.
>Swedish media doesn't actually try to hide much stuff at all
You're still saying this years after Aftonbladet was caught red-handed photoshopping suspects white in arrest pictures.
Go fuck yourself. They're 100% complicit. There's a reason we were 5-10 years ahead with the alternative media.
And the government made it plain illegal for their agencies to record ethnic data, and are now pushing to make the collection and publication of publicly available information such as convictions a crime.
only certain times like post WW1/recession there were strictly anglos/french and some people from US coming in.
Ah okay thanks for clearing all that up.
Sweden is patient zero. This is where it all started.
När jag sa 'hide' så menade jag med att dom inte rapporterar det överhuvudtaget. Och jag sa inget om va regeringen håller på med.
Påpekade bara att svensk media rapporterar det mesta som händer, dom skippar inte mycke bara för att det inte passar deras agenda som jänkarnas nyheter. Istället vrider och vänder de på det tills det passar.
I lol'd and saved.
>Be you.
>Wake up at 5am, brush teeth, breakfast (cold oats and water - power bill was shut off so can't afford to heat them).
>Leave home at 5:30, into work at 7 (all city apartments have been given to refugees who I work to subsidize, so I live 1.5 hours from work).
>Begin working on notes for the tolerance seminar at 10:30.
>Xir (my boss) waddles in at 10:25 in a "fat acceptance" shirt and "white boiz can't compete" shorts.
>Boss is non-cis, so Xir was given a free apartment, 2 minutes walk from work.
>Xir gets to work even faster by taking taxi.
>"user, have you written my notes for today's presentation?"
>"Yes Xir," I reply. I attempt to hand Xir the papers.
>Xir's face begins to redden.
>"Xir, XIR?!?! Who the fuck do you think you're talking to you WHITE MALE CIS SCUM! I am not Xir today, I am Xeemie. What is it about genderFLUID that you don't fucking understand? Pack your things and get the fuck out you piece of shit white male fuckhead shitlord!"
>I sigh
>I ask myself, "why do I have to be so racist and sexist? Why can't I just check my privilege?" as I pack my things and get out.
>I ask Xeemie if I can kiss Xeemie's feet on the way out as an apology.
>Xeemie agrees, as long as I give the rest of my salary to a family of African refugees.
>It was a small price to pay to breathe in the beautiful fungus smell of Xeemie's big toe in particular.
>I love being Swedish, wouldn't trade it for the world.
Why is Sveden such a pozzed shithole?
No, bleaching pictures to make suspects look white is one step further than merely hiding it, it's outright lying. Propagating false information to mislead people. That's worse than merely publishing truth selectively. Which they definitely, and quite fucking obviously, do as well.
He's just lying. Shows up every time someone mentions Sweden and then starts sperging out about how payroll taxes aren't really taxes and shouldn't count.
Uh yeah, out of self preservation. White girls are getting gang raped there duh
Ja kommenterar inte mycke I sverige trådar och skulle verkligen inte försvara skatten, du har blanda ihop mig me nån annan.
Disgraceful. I've seen it before but what happened to him, do you have an update?
well it would be a pleasant change of pace from the even more laughable idea that expressen, aftonbladet, svd, dn, gbgp or sydsvenskan are some objective and unbiased purveyors of information when they are proven unrepentant, outright liars. So maybe you should get on that and you'll make less of a fool of yourself.
Ask him yourself, he's in the thread. My guess is he's currently gargling on refugee cock as he types. There's probably a gun to his head, but he thinks he deserves it because he had to be forced to suck the cocks, rather than offering.
Sorry Swede anons.
the racism of low expectations
>we can't know for sure that black people know how guns work
>Angry Foreigner
Is an absolute cuck who deletes comments on his videos that highlight Sweden's problem with muslims. He's a civnat faggot who thinks the only problem with Sweden's immigration policy is the amount of immigrants that are allowed in.
Replace that fuckhead with The Golden One.
Question for the Swedes: What percentage of the native population do you estimate is completely fed up with this kind of shit? Are the people as cucked as we're led to believe? Or is it mostly the politicians and more of a "silent majority" type thing? How far do you think Europe is from reaching a breaking point?
I want to say I feel sorry for you, but I'm actually disgusted and mad.
>– Han tittade snett på mig. Jag måste skydda mig. Alla är rasister! sade 21-åringen om skjutningen i förhör med polisen.
>He looked at me wrongly. I had to protect myself. Everyone is a racist! said the 21-year-old about the shooting in the Police hearing.
>How far do you think Europe is from reaching a breaking point?
I hope by the end of this year... Someone please confirm?
Is this real? What the fuck?
We all need Europe back.
Do you have the source of this. I cant find the article on google.
How would you write the headline in swedish?
>things have changed shes not our min of def. But shes a bloody good politician!
Someone, please.
Fake news
It was actually 10 times Sup Forums btfo
Do you have link to the court protocols or a trustworthy article?
Then why did he pull the hammer back? Then why did he aim the gun? Then why did he pull the trigger?
I'm ok with watching this shit from afar