The truth about HIV

Much like racism, Sup Forums uses pseudoscience to try and justify being homophobic. Allow me to lay down some facts.

First and foremost, I'd like to point out that gay men and women make more than straight people, on average

"You'll die in five years, look at this study!"
Much like studies you dumbasses use on race, this is a flawed and old study. The actual statistic is ten years of life lost, at most.

HIV is rarely spread through sex when the person with HIV is taking medication

White gays experience a dramatic decline in new HIV infections:

HIV infection decreases globally by a third:

HIV infection rate in the US falls by a third in a decade''

UK HIV decrease:

AU HIV decease:

HIV came from Haiti to New York

It must suck being wrong all the time...

Other urls found in this thread:

slide thread


Also, the more resistant strains Sup Forums fear mongers about and pretends will kill all gays are tamer than their normal counterpart, you're less likely to die. It's like how syphilis used to rot your flesh but mutated. B.T.F.O.

Fuck off aids fag.
People don't have to fuck your aids riddled bodies just because you say so.

everyone with aids should be put to sleep

gay or straight I wont disciminate

Its spread via blood, thus unless the vagina has abrasians in it there is almost 0 chance of spreading it. Its spread through unnatural anal sex that tears the lining of the ass. That said the world would be a better place if we just purged degenerate AIDs carriers.

You are just another faggot apologist enabling the spread of life-endangering disease. Youd give every baby a HIV-injection if it meant that people would somehow start sharing your delusions.

You should be buried beneath a prison.

Wtf is wrong with you, HIV isn’t something you’re born with. Other people shouldn’t be ostracized because of not wanting to die.

AIDS patients should have been quarantined in the 80s

If it's so safe then why don't you do it then, OP?

Being homophobic justifies itself you dog fucker

97% of all humans are straight.

Only 3% of all humans are gay. That is the DEFINITION of not normal

The tyranny of the fascist minority

fuck off, faggo. go poz your fellow ass fuckers.

fagging out like this will only make more people want to kill you. If you acted normal and kept your mental illness to yourself you would be fine. If you insist on defining your life and identity based on a fetish, you deserve the death you will receive.

You know for a group of people crying for tolerance, you sure are not very intolerant of others.
Please fuck off.

Literally the first link is about anal sex, it's still rarely transmitted. BTFO

Only 10% of the population is white. That is the DEFINITION of not normal, you should hate whites, right?

Thanks for spreading my gospel, fellow gayanon, there's more links in the chan archives.

fagging out like this will only make more people want to kill you. If you acted normal and kept your mental illness to yourself you would be fine. If you insist on defining your life and identity based on a fetish, you deserve the death you will receive.

Wtf im going to let niggers cream pie me now

>actually, you lose 10 years of life
>HIV is only sometimes dangerous with medication to partners.

Was this supposed to make being gay seem okay somehow?

Nigger what?

Funny guy, my asshole is still like a sanctioned north Korea though; no imports only exports of useless shit nobody wants.

Rarely per incident. But when you're having thousands of anonymous encounters the odds get bad in a hurry.


AIDS doesn't exist, the thing we call AIDS is just the consequences of sodomy on the body

At least I dont have aids.

Yeah but they are just whoring then.

That 10% of whites produce 99% of all human advancement, culture, and technology.

The 3% of gays produce 99% of prolapsed anuses.

what's your point fag?
>quoting the washington post
you know you are just jew slaves right? all your life revolve around being degenerates

you really suck gay people

haha suck

That's nice sweetie, but the world would be better off by every measurable metric if every single person with HIV/AIDS just simply stopped living immediately.

Don't take it personally! It's not your fault you were born.

Leonardo Da Vinci, Gay. Michelangelo, Gay. Homosexual advancements in culture are higher than straights in comparison.

The authors investigated the role of homosexual arousal in exclusively heterosexual men who admitted negative affect toward homosexual individuals. Participants consisted of a group of homophobic men (n = 35) and a group of nonhomophobic men (n = 29); they were assigned to groups on the basis of their scores on the Index of Homophobia (W. W. Hudson & W. A. Ricketts, 1980). The men were exposed to sexually explicit erotic stimuli consisting of heterosexual, male homosexual, and lesbian videotapes, and changes in penile circumference were monitored. They also completed an Aggression Questionnaire (A. H. Buss & M. Perry, 1992). Both groups exhibited increases in penile circumference to the heterosexual and female homosexual videos. Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli. The groups did not differ in aggression. Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.

A 1996 study from the Journal of Abnormal Psychology found that homophobic heterosexual men were most sexually aroused by gay male porn than non-homophobic hetero men.

A 2012 study of 785 college students published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that “self-described highly straight individuals” who “indicated some level of same-sex attraction” were significantly more likely than others to “express greater implicit hostility toward gay subjects” including supporting anti-gay policies.

A 2017 study published in the journal Sex Roles said that men who felt insecure about their masculinity were more likely to make homophobic and sexist jokes to appear more manly.

i mean dude, you just get down on your knees to suck dick or get fucked in the ass, if you think you are smarter by sucking dick, you are just retarded

>homosexuals are a superior race!

You're literally the exact same as anyone else except your mind is warped by the practice of sodomy

Reverse is true.

You act like losing ten years of life isn't a big deal... kike moron

degenerate lies and half-truths

there was a thread by an "insider" that said the intent of hosting immigrants was to infest the population with hiv. pharma companies have a treatment that can keep hiv in check, and the immigrants will be the carriers.

make of that what you will

Dogs with rabies get put down

Why should you be different?

Look at this brave cunt. Look, niggers have a predilection to contracting herpes. Not fucking a nigger doesn't make me "phobic". It makes me risk-aware, and adverse to exposure.

Fuck off.


Why would you assume I practice it? Not every gay guy is fucking everyone you know. Really I am not sexually active as I am romanticist.

and HIV spreads more easily among homosexual men than women because of how the anus tears and bleeds more easily during sex.

I wouldn't want any contact with people who have sex with homosexual males. I already have one expensive lifestyle medication for an autoimmune disease, I don't need more, considering I'm already immunocompromised. Fuck off. It makes perfect sense to avoid sexual contact with gay males to avoid higher risks of HIV, and Hep C. (Hep B you can get vaccinated against thankfully, but risks of that go up too). I also won't fuck coalburners because blacks are 40% more likely to carry those STI's.

Guess what faggot. You will die of aids. So fuck you. Best kys first

Ok, so obviously there is some male quality you think you lack that other men can give you. Why not just get into self-improvement so you overcome this insecurity, instead of acting like you actually experience an attraction to other men?

>AIDS patients should have been exterminated in the 80s

Really because of chance and that I am quirky, but really I don't fell the same for a girl as I do for a guy, even if they are really attractive it is just a different feeling.

>HIV is rarely spread through sex when the person with HIV is taking medication

What % of the aids ridden population is actually on meds though? There's reason to worry if the vast majority of people aren't on meds, retard

That's because you don't see the male quality that you lack in girls (thus girls don't interest you). If you manage to overcome your weakness and gain this male quality yourself, you will stop deluding yourself into thinking that you experience an attraction to men

>thread called "The truth about HIV"
>Starts by attacking Sup Forums for unrelated subject
>Starts fawning over self with another unrelated subject
Cool slide thread.

dude, we can be okay with Gay people existing in society, but we can also not want to have contact with them or with people who've had sexual contact with them to avoid higher rates of diseases. That doesn't mean we're going to gay bash you or tell you you don't have rights. Just that we don't want to get your infections. What's wrong with that? You're obviously HIV positive or you wouldn't be making such a big deal about people not wanting to have sex with you.

Put it this way, I feel like I can live with a guy forever and just feel not frightened of anything, never get that with women. Mostly sex doesn't even come to mind, the company is just the satisfaction you need.

they are going to make billions on hiv treatments

Honestly, I wouldn't have sex with a guy with AID's and would be paranoid about checking.

It's as I said, you feel that you lack a particular quality that men typically possess, and you feel that the only way to gain this quality yourself is to absorb it from another man, whether through sodomy or through proximity in your case.

If you think about it hard, can you come up with what might be causing this sense of lacking?

>spreading incurable diseases is AIDS-OKAY!

Shit gets me heated. Fags in California make it legal to knowingly give people AIDS but its totally okay you can just pop pills for the rest of your fucking life. No biggie.

It wouldn't be a problem if you people didn't push your insane philosophy of spreading and glorifying disease and sickness on the rest of society.

It's just avoiding the risk if possible. Like I mean, I refuse, even if the girl swears up and down she's clean, to fuck her without a condom, if I don't have a condom on me, I'll just pass and say some other time maybe, and if I know for fact she fucks black guys, or has had a LOT of partners, or I know for fact that she's had sex with gay men or bisexual men I just say no. Obviously since I'm not sexually attracted to men I won't do traps or gay men myself.

But It's all just avoiding risks, I'll be friends with a gay dude no problem, as long as he accepts that I'm straight and I'm not "curious" and there's no chance of "converting" me we're not going to have any problems at all hanging out, going to clubs, playing video games, bullshitting etc.

I don't hate gay people I just am paranoid about risks so I'm extra picky about my partners.

>HIV is rarely spread through sex when the person with HIV is taking medication

"Although 11 HIV-negative partners became HIV-positive"

1. The study only refers to people actually taking medication and the medication is working.

2. How are you supposed to know this?

That applies to straight guys though, I mean surely you look for something in a woman you might not have that is a part of the law of attraction.

Don't blame you, I mean California basically legalised Hivving people on purpose, which I was extremely against because it put us as a community under more scrutiny and it put's countless live's in danger, my best answer is to not look for the spontaneous of people because they are at risk the most. Like me I am Maudlin but obviously in your case a woman.

>Meme flag
This is a slide/bait thread. Wise herb in options


It's ok to be straight

That meme makes me feel lonelier but some how contented.

My mummy is straight and I wouldn't want her to be any other way.

Fags are cancer.

>HIV infection rate in the US falls by a third in a decade
> it's still rarely transmitted
So let's jack it back up again! :D

This is so fucking stupid. Not a surprise that CA Leftists/fags are so miserable they're increasing the ways they can die sooner.
Telling people not to take precautions is the moral hazard of having disease spread be your own fault.

No, it isn't the same at all. Woman complements man, woman doesn't substitute the male qualities that man is missing

If your pic related is really from WaPo they deserve to be killed for misleading people into contracting AIDS

A convicted child molester worked for the Alliance Defending Freedom. They are the org currently fighting against gays in the Colorado wedding cake case.

Lisa A. Biron (born 1969) is an attorney from Manchester, New Hampshire, and a convicted child molester and child pornographer. In November 2012, she was indicted on federal charges related to the sexual exploitation of her 14-year-old daughter, including taking her to Canada to have sex with a man there. She was convicted on all charges in a January 2013 trial, and was sentenced that May to 40 years in prison.

Biron was admitted to the New Hampshire and Massachusetts bars in 2008. She eventually became involved with the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), a network of lawyers aligned with the Christian right. She also served on the board of directors of Mount Zion Christian Schools in Manchester.[1]

On September 29, 2012, Brandon Ore, an 18-year-old from Merrimack, told Manchester police officers that he'd seen child pornography on Biron's laptop computer. Ore had first met Biron in the summer of 2012 when he answered a Craigslist ad placed by "two girls, 18 and 33, looking to party." He moved in with them in July 2012 and had sex with the "18-year-old" on several occasions. However, two months after moving in, he moved back out and went to the police after learning that the two "roommates" were really mother and daughter—and that the "18-year-old" was really a 14-year-old girl.[1][2]

Gays belong in camps

You faggot hiv riddled pervs cost 100k/year just to continue living your filthy pathological degenerate lives.
I know what I'm talking about my father was an early hiv infectiologist. Started out as a well meaning do gooder by the end of his life he hated your fucking guts.
Because he knew what kind of egotistic pervs you are.
Fuck off and die faggot.

Trannies cost more:

BOSTON—Reducing avoidable emergency room visits and hospitalizations has been an ongoing challenge for health care providers and payers, especially in vulnerable and at-risk communities. Now Fenway Health is launching a new pilot program to decrease avoidable Emergency Room visits and hospitalizations for treatment of behavioral health and substance use disorder by patients who are transgender or insured by MassHealth, the Medicaid program for Massachusetts.

The program is made possible with a $125,000 grant from the RCHN Community Health Foundation.

The pilot will introduce walk-in access to behavioral health services, launch low-barrier Medication Assisted Treatment for those struggling with substance use disorder, provide tailored patient education and case management services, and create improved systems with community partners. Care management is modeled on Fenway Health’s successful program for treating people living with HIV. If the pilot succeeds in improving outcomes, Fenway plans to expand it across the organization.

“The interventions that are being piloted have the potential to transform not just service utilization, but health outcomes for participating patients,” said Feygele Jacobs, president and CEO of the RCHN Community Health Foundation. “Our foundation is pleased to support Fenway Health’s innovative approach to improving systems of care and share lessons learned that can improve care for other high-risk, high-acuity communities.”


You totally destroyed them lmao. Notice how no one can come up with counter arguments to facts

Sage faggots kys . saged faggots kys


Grow some balls, get a wife and have some kids!

Stop running away from responsibility faggot!

That's the thing they'll go from claiming it's curable and nobody needs to do anything about it all children need to be vaccinated to eliminate aids from the earth, that's how the left do science, from pseudo angles to pseudo facts based on extrapolation of data and limited sample sets. Vaccines are a threat to life. People should be quarantined for many diseases from travel and or entry into the US. P_Laying loose with the science facts has been extremely costly to the Healthcare system and a burden to society. Viral shedders are a menace straight or otherwise as they can go undetected. Vaccines are viral shedding promoters, vaccinations should be quarantined until shedding period expires. CDC need to be honest or lose more funding.