Can Sup Forums be a Muslim board?

Can Sup Forums be a Muslim board?

kys shitskin

Not in this life.

I fucking love Islam!


some of you are ok, dont go to the middle east tomorrow. i feel some democracy coming on. you should probably take it up with israel.

There is a possibility that I killed one of your relatives. Please go blow yourself up.

kys shitskin all shitskins will be hanged when the final happening is here


Can you kindly fuck yourself?

Do you muds take over everything and impose Sharia on it.

Sadly leaf it appears they only do it to countries that have a cucky crying PM

Yes PM Trudeau is a trader and cuck have you heard of deerborne Michigan before??

Sup Forums always has been and always will be a Muslim board.

This is a Muslim board now

That's pretty fucking funny. Sadly, the only good hajj is a dead hajj.


[recording device enabled]

kys shitskin

>H-ha, y-yeah that's pretty silly

>Can Sup Forums be a Muslim board?
Sure, right after breakfast.

As long as you larp as nazis

>The racial and ethnic composition was 89.1% Whites
Pure as the driven snow.
>41.7% were of Arab ancestry (categorized as "White" in Census collection data).
But they didn't take over Dearborn, yet, they took over Hamtramck.

I always tell a story for Iraqis. This was back in late 04 in the run up to elections. We were moving t-wall around a lot at the time and I came up for gunner duty on the lead.

We were outside of Tikrit when some guy in like a white Volvo was ahead of us swerving between lanes. We honked and tried to get him to move out of the way, but he didn't seem to care.

So the driver pulled up alongside him and I cranked the crewserve over to point at him. He had his windows up and he was singing and dancing to some sort of haji music blaring in his car.

I'll never forget the look on his face when he turned slightly and saw me screaming down at him. His eyes went wide and white with pure terror. He jerked the wheel and flew off the road, hit the ditch and flipped ass over three times. Just before the car came to rest in a cloud of dust I could see his mangled corpse come flying through his windshield. He must have bashed it two or three times as he flipped, to weak it enough to finally catapult through.

Funniest shit I ever saw.


Constantinople will be liberated in our lifetime


Sharia compliant shitposters are operating in this area

Why do they hate us?

we believe in God, not a pig fucking pedophile like Mohammad

No cut dicks on this board

Only white sharia allowed
No shitskins sorry

Don't get too bent out of shape. It was some yokel who was probably a mahdi. You were probably young at that time, just another little beggar asking for a dollar or water. You stayed out of the road. You were one of the smart ones.

I never concerned myself with that. It's like trying to rationalize the world view of a jellyfish. It's too much effort for too little reward.

It's Sup Forums. Go for it.

Post more ISIS-Chan
