You'll never experince the magic of watching Aria or the first time again.
You'll never experince the magic of watching Aria or the first time again
I watched Aria in disorder, so I think I have a second chance.
>OP will never appreciate the magic of watching something for the second time and suddenly gaining an unexpected deeper insight into the characters or the setting
I was enamored as soon as the opening started playing.
I've watched the first two episodes half a year ago and they were absolutely magical. If season one stay like that, then I can't fathom how so many people can call it average or decent. Those episodes were so pleasant.
i'm watching now for the first time. it's going slowly because i don't want to done with it.
it was the same with reading and watching YKK.
I knew I was going to love that anime the first time I heard The animation's ed
It's so nostalgic.
Kin no nami sen no nami > Rainbow > Euphoria > Undine > Natsumachi > Spirale > Smile again
You will never watch tatami galaxy for the first time again.
Nor LoGH
Nor kaiji
Nor gurren lagann
Nor ghost in the shell SAC & 2nd gig
Nor kino no tabi
Nor shinsekai yori
You'll never experience those great rides again ;_;
Sure I will. When I watch it again with my children, and I point out to my daughter who she's named after.
Himeya (alpha) > Aria Company (gamma) >>> literal trash >>> Orange Planet (beta)
hime a shit
bad taste
Smile again > Spirale > Natsumachi > Euphoria > Undine > Kin no nami sen no nami > Rainbow
There's a lot of shows that I'd love to watch for the first time again.
>tastes this shit
Straight out of the woodwork.
I read the first few volumes and thought it sucked, is the anime that much better?
This, I can't say it was like that for me when I watched Aria a second time but when I read YKK a second, third and then fourth time over the years it just got better and better and I became more and more deeply emotionally attached to the world and characters each time.
The first time when I read it, I loved it, the second time when I read it very slowly and really took my time reading each chapter was where little details jumped out at me and certain pages would bring tears to my eyes due to the significance of seeing things again after having read it once. Seeing the Taipon and Misago again after completing it for the first time made me tear up.
Esspecially when it comes to series where the focus is on the passing of time and gradual change, it's often much nicer re-reading them knowing where the road leads.
I'm still reading YKK even now, don't think I'm ever going to stop, it's honestly perfection.
About to finish The Animation for the first time. It's really damn good. The fact that the first season is rated so much lower than the subsequent ones has me pretty excited
Good luck
Jokes on you, I didn't watched it yet.
>I will never get the time back that I wasted watching that garbage
>I will never get the time back that I wasted writing this post
>You will never watch Guilty Crown and Another with Sup Forums again.
Say what you will about the quality of the shows, but those threads where simply irreplaceable.
>ywn feel that feel again when she takes off the second glove
>ywn feel that feel again when listening Lumis Eterne for the first time
>i will never know who i am quoting
>you will one day be able to live on Neo Venezia and interact with all the Arias
>but in reality you'll be an old man nearly dead, hooked up to a VR/dream machine in a hospital
I still haven't watched it, despite being a huge SoL fag.
I think I really should do it now.
>ywn feel that feel again when Athena becomes an opera slut
I like their hats.
yes i will.
Because ive never seen it.
>not creating your own beautiful world
The moon will be mine.
Joke's on you, I still haven't finished Natural or Origination!
All i experienced was boredom
The frog ruined it all for me.
That pic was from a purer time.
Yutanpo come back
I was actually just thinking about this. I watched the first 7 episodes of Aria the Animation, but never finished it because I just got too busy. It has been like 9 months so I barely remember any of it. Should I rewatch the first 7 episodes or just start where I left off?
I never felt it the first time because some faggot like you ruined it for me in a thread before I saw it.
Literally my life in one pic
Haven't seen it yet so I will
I thought Amanchu will be the spiritual successor to Aria as I watched more than half of the episodes, it keeps disappointing me. It wasn't interesting, the characters are boring, Pikari is retarded, Teko is so generic with her shy persona, and their activities almost put me to sleep. You want scuba diving? There's none, fuck you. I understand that Amano's signature theme to "go outside and find new discoveries to make your life better", its execution just doesn't really get me at all.
The Glasslip and Mayoiga threads were pretty good too
I've never watched Aria.
If I ever do I will have this opportunity.
Rewatch it, those first 7 episodes were all great. Worldbuilding 101