Is she the most refreshing character recently in anime?
>she is funny
>she is confident
>she is dominant
>she pretends to be a slut for keks but isn't
Is she the most refreshing character recently in anime?
>she is funny
>she is confident
>she is dominant
>she pretends to be a slut for keks but isn't
Other urls found in this thread:
When we had Chitose last season
I find her kind of bland, but that's to be expected from a character in a setting that attempts to mimick reality.
She is a worse-Iroha in every damn way. In normal case that would be fine. But being a worse copy in a bland series with a faggot generic MC, might as well not exist.
>she pretends to be a slut for keks but isn't
Some people actually believe this.
But Iroha is ugly, at least this whore is fappable.
The atmosphere of this anime feels much diffrent then Amagami.
The MC is kind of creepy in his delusions (for the norm) but its kind of interesting to see this play out.
>>she pretends to be a slut for keks but isn't
You're in for a huge surprise when each arc reaches their ending
>Mimic reality
What? You mean in every way except the girls? Because they are still anime as fuck, with mannerism that only 2D girls have. It is so that we can self-insert with more ease? It all horrible backfires since everything thing is so boring. OST, MC, backdrops, events and girl design.
Came here to post this.
Iroha is the ideal tease-girl. This one is just the two main CG slapped together. And whores are dime a dozen, we really don´t need more whores.
Fuck off tripfag.
Oh boy, is a slut reversal arc champ. Jesus, do we still get anime babies like you nowadays?
>she is funny
>she is confident
>she is dominant
>she pretends to be a slut for keks but isn't
Ok, except she is a slut
I completely disagree. Seiren feels very much like Amagami, and Juunichi had his own daydreams too.
Intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.
Iroha is more sneaky about her intentions and Oregairu has arguably been kinda shitty after the first season.
The author already confirmed on twitter that there will be no bad endings because "nobody wants to see a bad ending in a show like this".
At least Juunichi was better and more interesting than the turbo sperg that is Seiren MC.
What this user says.
Iroha looks like a mutt. At least this chick is attractive.
Juunichi was pretty dorky too. In some routes more, in some routes less. Overall, Shouichi seems fine to me. What's your specific issue with him?
She's literally perfect.
Juunichi felt like a normal guy to me, not too beta or too alpha.
Shouichi is too much of a generic nice guy MC.
Another bland MC
Can you name some examples to back up your argument? To me he seems quite similar to Juunichi.
Juunichi was pretty bland too. In the game he didn't even have a face.
desu i'd rather see a character who is like that but who is actually a slut.
i feel like manga authors deliberately go as far as possible and stop just short of the girl actually being a slut because of their retarded fanbase.
it's boring and regardless of the context it just looks like a copout to sell figurines or other stupid shit like that.
t. cuck
>make a character as slutty as possible
>she's actually a pristine virgin who is shy around boys
How do you present this without it looking like masturbatory wish fulfillment? It damages the believability of the story and it's pretty obvious that it's only done to please the otaku who spend thousands of dollars on Blu Rays and figures.
>How do you present this without it looking like masturbatory wish fulfillment?
Why would you want it not to look like masturbatory wish fulfilment?
>It damages the believability of the story
It damages the realism, but not the believability. That only happens when you're a normalfag who can't differentiate between real life and anime.
The virginity rate for all Japs between the age of 20 and 30 in Japan is something ridiculously high like 44%.
While there still is a touch of wish fulfilment, being a virgin is just more a cultural norm over there too for young people.
>Why would you want it not to look like masturbatory wish fulfilment?
Because I have no emotional attachment to the characters and I just want to watch a show. I don't buy anime. I don't buy figurines. I don't have a "waifu". For these reasons, this shit just looks like pathetic otaku pandering.
Why would you post Galko?
Galko doesn't act slutty, the point of the show is people just assume she's slutty simply for how she looks.
This is not your kind of show then because it's made for the very purpose of pathetic otaku pandering. Frankly, the majority of anime is otaku pandering or fujoshi pandering these days. Maybe it's time for you to stop watching anime and find a different hobby.
Galko dresses slutty.
No, she dresses fashionably.
She doesn't act slutty regardless
>cultural norm
the article says that it's due to economic reasons and obsession with anime/manga. that doesn't sound like cultural norms to me, especially since otaku are looked down on.
>not slutty
>>she pretends to be a slut for keks but isn't
You can't be serious
She's a gyaru
She's fashionable.
That's the whole point, she LOOKS like a slut but isn't one.
How can she be so perfect?
>but isn't
Sup Forumsnon, about that..
I'm convinced that people here are tsundere for her. It would make no sense for Seirens to be as popular as it is here on Sup Forums unless people enjoyed something about her arc.
>Seiren popular
Mate...Would you call the days Yahari girls were worshiped like crazy a religion?
Personally, I love her, but some people seem genuinely butthurt by her for some reason.
Oregairu specifically appealed to the type of person that regularly visits Sup Forums. It's an exceptional case.
Oregairu was popular during the first season, but the second season was significantly weaker. Seiren benefits from being a successor to Amagami and being fairly unique in what it offers. Ironically, the most bland and vanilla kind of romance isn't really that common as there is usually some drama or harem element added. The omnibus format isn't really that common either.
What you feel about the second season is subjective, but it was every fucking where. I didn´t even watch it, yet I got to see the whole Iroha or death legion, they even got some impressive GETS, it was just crazy popular on Sup Forums. Quality or not. Seiren is an infant in comparison.
user, you should be able to find out that it's called Seiren on your own. Also, you probably don't want to watch it. It's a show specifically designed to appeal to losers in their 20s and 30s who missed out on high school romance and would like to envision what it would have been like. Certainly you're not that kind of person so there's no point in watching. It's nothing but pandering garbage that shows exactly what these types of people like to see instead of providing a more inclusive experience that you could share with your friends, family, girlfriend, etc.
The popularity dropped during the second season. People were very hyped after the first one, which was pretty good, but it declined pretty soon. Iroha was arguably the only good thing about the second season.
Seiren is reasonably popular - it's not a "big" show that ends up getting spammed all over the front page, but it gathers enough attention to fill the threads even in-between episodes. Also, due to Amagami being still fairly popular, even if it turns out not as good it will still stick around way after it's done airing - unless they do something incredibly stupid like in Kimikiss of course and permanently piss of the fanbase (which is rather unlikely though - the author seems involved enough to prevent such stupid decisions).
Yahari S2 had atleast 3 or 4 threads every day back then.
Too bad the author killed it
It did. It was the "big" show, but it couldn't live up to the hype.
>Normal threads for airing shows = Reasonably popular
How about we decide that after the show ends? For if we really want to dwell on it, I would say this show is fucking dead on the water. No place else other than Sup Forums wants to discuss it, and even then, is mostly just shitposting. Personally, after 2 episodes, is really hard to not lose interest, but that is just me. Just don´t fucking try to make this show more than it is.
And ANOTHER was the nail in the coffin sadly.
Only big show that lived up to the hype was Code Geass. We have had good shows after, but none that were ever as big and ended on such an amazing note.
And the visual novel the thing that flat out killed it. Absolutely brilliant.
Atleast we got long haired Iroha and Yui.
How long have you been here, because you're seriously lacking perspective? There have been shows which have a hard time even getting a single thread up despite currently airing. For Seiren there is always a thread up and it gets a good number of replies. This shouldn't come as a surprise because it's the successor to Amagami, a show that's still being discussed on a weekly basis or so despite having aired years ago. If anything you shouldn't try to make this show smaller than it is because it started with a big reputation bonus.
Looked like shit and everything about it should be burned and forgotten by everyone.
Except for Iroha
>Biggest romance/harem/coming-of-age series during the time
>Both in west and nipland
>LN selling like hotcakes
>Fucking PR on trains and stadiums
>Stopped right at the retarded cliffhanger
>2 years of nothing other than fan-fic
>Drops the OVA
>Everyone wet their pants
>Nothing after
>Watari have worked on garbage QUALITY Code and trash Girlish Number and other dumb projects that earned him 1/100th in royalties compared to Yahari
What the fuck were Watari thinking?
>because of their retarded fanbase.
Why do you hate money?
He got a boyfriend
But that's not a good thing, long hair looks awful on Yui.
Since D.Gray man actually was counted as a staple shounen show. Then Hallow came last year and had around 40 posts each episode.
A self-insert harem show that airs, filling a daily thread, this is normal.
That was shit as well, but Irohafags have low standards. But you're probably an Irohafag, so I don't know why I'm even bothering.
>Since D.Gray man actually was counted as a staple shounen show. Then Hallow came last year and had around 40 posts each episode.
I have no idea what you're even trying to say here.
>A self-insert harem show that airs, filling a daily thread, this is normal.
First of all: Seiren is not a harem anime. Second, no, it's not. There have been plenty of harem anime that only filled their threads on the day of a new episode and the first two days after or so.
>Joke's on them, I was only pretending to be a slut!
Are people who don't like Tsuneki butthurt Yui/Yukinofags who project their butthurt onto this completely unrelated character just because she happens to be voiced by the same seiyuu?
>MC is popular with the girls
>Is not harem because he gets to fuck them one at a time
>Popular MC
Not him, but Seiren is harem.
>trash Girlish Number
Wow, fuck you.
I'd rather GN than harem garbage that is Yahari
Is that the girl in OP? If so, then no. I don't watch this show. I just saw someone mention Oregairu and how ANOTHER killed it. Then I chimed in about my dislike for the VN. I don't know about the rest.
I take the Zoku VN as the canon ending nowadays.
Honestly, fuck Watari.
You clearly have no idea what harem means. Amagami and Seiren don't follow a harem pattern but an omnibus pattern. The story resets after each route and at no point in the story does the MC accumulate a harem (i.e. multiple, competing love interests). The focus is always on romance between the MC and a singular girl.
Sup Forums hates her because she's realistic.
... What? So 8man is a harem master, that's the canon ending?
Canon as in pick your favorite girl and be happy.
Isn't it that she has the potential to be a slut but the point of her arc is her salvation?
This isn't true.
I am the official representative of Sup Forums and I like her.
A fun girls is wasted on no-fun MC, a shame really.
What's the point of escapism then?
The author has to choose. He makes either a normalfag- or a otaku- oriented work. The first one has a much bigger potential market, but it has to compete with all the other normalfag trash, including everything made by Hollywood, undisputed king of normalfag degeneracy.
Trying to do both is recipe for disaster.
Their dynamic only works like that. A more pro-active girl needs a passive MC.
Why does Shouichi have such a shitty haircut? That's my main turn off for this show.
Why wouldn't it work with the MC who could talk back or play along?
There are otaku with different tastes.
Some people didn't like Tsukasa either, and up to this day people don't know whether Asuka or Rei is better even though it's clearly Asuka.
Hikari hits all the right spots for me. I can see why some wouldn't like her, but I like her a lot.
Because that way you have something that appeals more to the shoujo/normalfag market.
To be fair, those statistics in the article are a little misleading when not analyzed a little more deeply. The proportion drops off considerably when you remove the 18-19 olds.
It's just a common cheap hairstyle for Japanese boys. He's just not a little faggot who cares about what hairstyle he has. Nothing wrong with that.
His mother probably chose that hairstyle for him.
When I said "why wouldn't it work", I meant why wouldn't it be more entertatining than what we have now.
Then it would be fucking Iroha and 8man. Then people might as well just rewatch Yahari.
>MC not beta bitch
That would require effort dumbass.
Why 8man?
They can just make fun MC that doesn't act like 8man.
Because it would deliver a different experience. The purpose of this show is wish-fulfilment. It is a story about the more timid and somewhat shy guy getting the popular, social, pro-active girl. If you made the guy suave and cool, then it wouldn't be wish-fulfilment any more but just a regular romance like you could find them aimed at the shoujo market.
Because I want to watch good writing and not someone milking the fetishes of socially retarded otaku.
Probably crumbled under the pressure. Fairly common when it gets bigger than the author ever expected