Monster Musume

New chapter coming soon, will we finally get the vampires endgame or are we gonna get this arc drug out another month?

Do we have an exact date or what?
Also quick newfag question does crab do everything (drawing and Wrighting) or does he have creb minions to help?

Your spooder daughters have just woken up and its Christmas, what is waiting under the tree for them?

What are the chances Lala comes to save darling?

A lifetime supply of Raid sprays

>Lala wanting to save him from death

>lala leaves darling to die so she can rail him in the after life

Well I'm thinking that she will sense he's dying from anemia and comes to kill him but ends up helping him. Does that make sense?

I would assume sometime this week

what did he mean by this?

boku no pico books

Japanese books about small component electronics?


Cool and fun stickers they can apply to themselves and each others spider parts.

He has one assistant, so if you see anything that looks weird, it's their fault.

Every little girl wants a pony for christmas. So I introduce them to their half sister.

Was your plan to turn them into fujoshits? Cause that might do it.


what's that from?


That's missing "a cat is fine too".

Some boatslut book.
May or may not be a trap book. I honestly don't remember.

add it then

or a spooder




Is this show actually any good? Or just the latest fad?

i wouldn't know, i don't really watch anime. i really read mangas, the manga itself is ok.

Why is Miia so great?
And why do I like this image of her so much?

she's lewd and passionate, that's why. oh and she has a nice mom too.

>Genetically lewd
>Comfortably cool
>Full-body cuddles
>Delicious stomach
>20cm tongue for your weird fetish

>tfw Crab hasn't drawn any new minos for a while now
I really hope this doesn't die, he had a good formula down

She is a sweetheart.

look at what happened when he made cathyl. don't want to experience that again.

>tfw Kyuuri is a boy
We're finally getting a monsterboy, TF.

>boner intensifies

As long as he draws maybe one or two pics of Ruto I'll be more than happy



shes a minor character though

>Miia getting so into the make out session she sticks it as far down the throat as possible
>Weird fetish...check!

Cowgirl, bouncing up and down, side to side, hora's everywhere, chunni descriptions of their bodies becoming one as she cums

That kinda thing

>have sensitive gag reflex
>throw up in her mouth
>she never called me back

3D prison will get you somehow, even if your waifu does become real

>Reminder that the manga will never be LEWD again since Okayado was forced to tone it down.
I was never this sad after dropping a manga, But they leave me no choice.

there goes my underwear, a hole in it now.

Marry Papi instead, she's used to that sort of thing.

Being forced to censor the milking scenes is one thing...But censoring lolis?!


hitomi a besto

>afterwards she tells you that your last meal was pretty tasty

Don't bully!!


>Had eggs with her favorite tasting garnish
>Salivation intensifies
>Things get messy

Which would taste worse, vomit or Purple Stuff?


I want to hug Papi.

Papi is the definition of hype
>wake up feeling tired and groggy?
>need to get hyped for gym sesh?
>at a party and its dieing?

Lilith a besto!!

The WN is good too.

I want to make Rachnera happy!



Dragged out.
Okaydo must realize he's running out of ideas so he needs to make the ones he has left count

Rate my updated tier list

Shit taste.

I wanna do innawoods things with that spooder

Lilith too high. Pretty damn good otherwise.

> zombina in C tier

>implying you wouldn't fuck a shota succubus/lesser devil until their minds broke

What are you, gay?

Really good!

Surprised someone actively hates Manako, instead of just forgetting she exists.

This censorship really annoys me.

She's the perfect mix of cute, beautiful, and sexy.

The earlier the manga chapter = more lewd and comedy.
The later the manga chapter = America friendly.

I just want more snek boobies.

Snake tits make life worth living
A bit uncanny valley, honestly

I like ho the anime actually showed them all having sex with darling through a thought bubble with it ending with him exploding in blood since he knew in that state they'd never be able to hold back their ridiculous strength

Not anymore, But on the bright side even Okayado hates the censorship.
He was even forced to censor this!

This is the censored version, The editor told Okayado the first one was ""too obscene"".


What is it that got censored here?

She's more inclined in the second, I guess the first one looks like a dick for the editor or something.

??? That's such a stretch.


Okayado was complaining about how he was being forced to censor the manga, and even posted these pictures so I guess maybe there's a good reason.

I wanna put cerea in a stable.stall and milk her fat cow tits while slamming her horsepussy

Papi wa cute butt.

I like how darling's so pure even under hypnosis he tells her to put some damn clothes on. That panel was hilarious. Through it wouldn't surprise me if that only happened because her hypnosis only works on people who have no reservations about fucking somebody with a child like body.

Can of raid



Post more pap butt

Darling gets hard with Papi so....

She wishes

His editor's Christian values are too strong

What a lovely monoeye you have there.

Also reminder the manga will never be Lewd again.

Or maybe he thinks the manga will sell even better in the U.S.A if he removes what made it popular on the first place.

>manga got popular because of lewd monster girls
>let's make the manga less lewd so it's more popular
Why are the editors so fucking stupid?