Also Sadiq Khan wants British to apologize for all the massacres thatvthey committee in India.
So when are you Brits going to start paying your Reparation bill?
It's part and parcel
It truly is. British must be made to pay for their crimes against humanity.
Happy Brexit..
bothers me how obvious it is that he has a small chode
part and parcel of empire
Why does that “bother” you, exactly?
>British must apologize REEEEEE
But Mohammedans don't have to apologize for nuttin hey?
Someone kill this fucking irritating shit skin mayor already.
Based paki we already killed the man responsible, they will replace the people responsible
How about we sterilize them to apologize?
Exactly my thoughts. why would it bother an Amerimutt? Unless of cource he's a cuck who likes to suck muslim dick?
Okay, Muslims must apologise for current day terrorist attacks.
I've been to Amritsar, the golden temple and the site of the massacre. The whole time I was being asked to take pictures with the locals because they'd never seen white people before
They don't give a fuck about the past and neither should we
Sooo...Muslims gonna apologise for the 200 million Hindus they slaughtered in India?
> colonials getting uppity
You don’t get to have a say in anything
Good job I'm Scottish
When the EU collects it with their army.
Osama Bin London can go fuck himself
I’m down
There is a lot of difference between Dreaming and doing. by the way dont forget that this is your defense minister.
and a somali refugee is your fucking immigration minister. he is inviting a million people into Canada every 3 yeras now. So.... dream on.
Brits should apologies for not finishing off the massacre
Kill me now. Can we wrap this fucker in an egg role and deep fry him till his eyes dissolve.
This guy is a petulant, white-hating child in all reality. He puts on an act in front of the media to make it seem like he's calm and progressive, but in action he's the complete opposite.
We hate seeing our dad abused. He can't defend himself anymore.
What's that Muslim doing loitering next to that Sikh shrine. I know some BASED Sikhs that would be frothing at that turn of events
Also Amritsar is nothing...
Based Shah of Britistan
Doesnt matter how much faggots you throw at us that's just more for the kill count
Poo thinking he’s Scottish.
I’m 6’3” Greek / Spaniard that must make me Aboriginal. I demand reparations for the taking of my peoples land and for creating god awful vegemite.
If you open up this sins of our fathers bullshit can of worms everyone should be apologizing all day.
For example Muslim invasions of the Indian sub-continent killed multiple million hindus
Not to mention the many vibrant cultures, religions and languages which were all but wiped out by the Arab conquests. Egypt and Syria were some of the wealthiest provinces in the Roman Empire and
they were pretty much medieval shitholes until the 20th century
They're still medieval shitholes
Next thing you know he'll ask for Britain to give back the land they stole from the Native Americans.
You Britcucks may not have guns, but I'm sure you have power drills.
Why the fudge was this paki muslim elected as mayor of London lol.
Someone NEEDS to give this rabbit faced shitskin mayor the jo cox treatment.
>Muslim hanging out at a Sikh holy site
Why hasn't his ass been reamed already?
Who else would be the mayor of a Muslim city like london ?
But the islamic invasions throughout india were totally fine, right. How many millions of poos did those sandniggers kill?
That defence minister has done more for his country than you or the majority of white people in Canada can claim. Tbh I don't care he's Sikh, the dude fought for his country like a soldier.
>Conveniently doesn't mention the millions of people killed by jew Anglos
Revisionist history is thriving I see in Bongistan
A lot less than the British, especially considering the time difference in their respective roles. Muslim rule left India as the second richest nation in the world. British rule left it as one of the poorest in history. Probably not the best argument to make if you're too retarded to know the facts :^)
Stfu Porki scum.
General Dyer who was responsible for the biggest massacre was killed in his own country by Indian Patriot Udham Singh.
And as for reparations, we ain't no niggers who want free stuff. If there is something to achieve, we'll achieve it on our own like our nukes and economy.
Were the people of India shitting in the streets when Britain ruled them?
Well he is the London Mayor, so shouldn't he be the one apologising?
Ahahaha, muslims doing the same shit to western people right now, don't think they will apologise
Anglos YES
Brits broke down the Muslim nawabs of India and then exploited their army to gain control over other territories ruled by Marathas.
When the Pakis apologize for the 3.5 million Bangladeshis they killed back in '71.
>god awful vegemite.
kill yourself. it is delicious.
No one needs to apologise for the past. History should be taken as a lesson not as a shill for getting paid. We learned from our mistakes that's why our government and countrymen are strict towards any Abrahamic/Western ideology. If they still try their old medieval they will be burnt alive like the mudslimes and western missionaries.
The last drop of thestosterone in canada