Tell me where you stand on the current tradthot war. Are you on the side of women being a part of the alt-right for good optics even if they do partake in thottery? Or do you see the mere presence of these thots as a hindrance to these male dominated movements, as well as being hypocritical (ie. traditionalism for thee, but not for me)?

Examples of current (or possible) thots:

Tara McCarthy
Lauren Southern
Lauren Rose
Brittany Pettibone
Faith Goldy
and so on...

Other urls found in this thread:

found the (((roosh))) fag

We don't need women, we need smart people. If they happen to be women, so be it. If they're attention whores with nothing interesting to say who betray the ideals of the movement they're supposedly for, they can fuck off optics be damned. We only want the dedicated and capable.

Where thot means intelligence officer

n-no mommy?

Actual example of COINTELPRO tactics used to destroy a group from within in action.

remember to sage

Kill yourself, coal burner.

Gas all whiteknights

I don't care, I never watch any ecelebs and only hear about them when they're being shilled on Sup Forums. But I guess it's best to let them be since they're not doing anything bad(except varg who needs to be shut down)

I don't care

Nice try, sand niglet.

Keep cucking, fellow leaf.

You sound like a fucking woman.

Stop giving whores like LS, TM and OP the attention they crave (like blood to a vampire).

Sage, report, HIDE.

"Tradthot" is the most blatant shill campaign I've ever seen.
Is it any wonder it only cropped up recently as Soros put 18 billion into shilling on the internet? What a waste of money that was.

Only threads I see about female e-celebs are the most desperate shilling against them imaginable. If it wasn't for threads against these women, noone on Sup Forums would have even heard of them.

Tara is a jew indian mongrel. She is not white.

Lauren is a rent seeking roastie. She is also a coal burner.

Lauren Rose is just a dumb uninteresting thot

Brittany Pettibone is just Lauren Southern Clone

Faith Goldy needs to get married and have kids asap. She is not getting any younger

I don't see why we should HAVE to accept their thottery just because they agree with us politically.

I mean A, they don't bring enough to the table to compensate for the damage they would eventually do to the movement and B, we're morally opposed to thots on principle, which I think is correct. They're a symptom of a sick society which we want to fix. What we don't want are embedded time bombs set to blow thot shit everywhere as soon as we make any progress.

You are a fucking retard, if even after the recent example of female behavior you still believe they are important figureheads. They will DESRTOY this movement, not build it up you fuckwad, if this is Soros' doing somehow, and he somehow made these women expose themselves as the spineless sluts they are, which is the reason everyone is up in arms, then he's doing us a fucking favor

Let's look at a list of things that were originally run by males, but eventually taken over by females:
>The workplace
>The UK
>Western Civilization
I notice a slight pattern, do you?

After observing this pattern, I come to the conclusion that having any women in positions of power on the "conservative" side (which, now is simply anti-globalist more than anything else) is a bad thing and should be avoided.

These women are not on your side. The only reason some white women are declaring themselves "traditional" and denouncing Islam are because they (correctly) fear that Islam will stop them from running around doing whatever the fuck they want, free from consequences, and having white men clean up the messes they make (and then shitting on white men as they clean it up).

Fuck off, cunts.

I stand on the side of reporting all these threads because they're just an excuse for Moarpheus and his butt buddies to post the same autistic shit over and over

I know i said to hide these threads, and i've just been caught as a hypocrite, but these three anons have just just fucking nailed it.

Very well said, all of you.

Ok, hiding for real now.

None of these people matter. The anonymous hordes are what drive this movement. Take the weevpill.

Important for the cause. Might even donate to their patreon and start watching their vids just to piss off the commies who have been shilling the past month against them. Fuck /leftypol/ and those so easily persuaded by them.

Cunts like Tara McCarthy (mixed race) and
Lauren Southern (patreon whore) are two women who should never be associated with white nationalism or identity politics. They only shill it for shekels. Brittany seems neutral and is more of a West is best kind of person with racially political leanings. Lauren Rose and Faith Goldy benign and won't harm the movement.

The nose always knows!

The most valuable women to the alt right are the ones you never hear from because they have families to attend to. Rent seeking roasties and their orbiters are toxic to our movement

This e-celeb cancer followed in with the flux of Reddit queers.

who fucking cares i'm not getting divided and conquered over this bullshit faggot. neck yourself OP

wow, nice khazar milkers

i didn't pay attention to them before, and i certainly don't give a shit now. stop spamming Sup Forums, faggot.

I love them all. They're normie bait. Also they make interesting content. The content should be what we care about honestly.

this 100%.

Let them thot it up, they're going to whore themselves anyway so they might as well do it for the right. Some might actually start believing their own LARP.

>he thought he could bring his eslut infatuation on Sup Forums and not get btfo
>boo hoo its only the commies that don't want garbage on Sup Forums
Why should Sup Forums have to care about all of these whores? This isn't the only site on the internet, we don't need to back every slut with a twitter account who claims to be right wing. Any of these whores can do fine without Sup Forums having to suffer them. Next you'll be crying about cernokike not getting a fair go on Sup Forums.

"Tradthots" rarely say anything new and aren't even interesting to watch/listen to. sadly they become the "face" of the "alt-right """movement""" and like most figureheads get massive egos. the patreon thing isn't even that bad, if people want to support someone I don't really care, at least if they're not obviously fishing for orbiterbux. Anyway the alt-right is a reddit-normie abomination and doesn't have anything to do with Sup Forums and in that light it isn't really fair to "attack" ALL "tradthots", sure call them out but not everyone is guilty but its quite obvious, Lauren Southern, Tara, Goldy.

mommy truk arrive

sage all anti-white threads
do not reply to anti-white threads
do not respond to anti-white posters

Women have never fought in wars in history, let them talk all they want as long as they stay at home raising babies.

thanks for reminding me to find a random tweet agreeing with me whenever I see something I don't like
fuck off

thats not true

The closer we get to rope a dope day, the closer we come to revoking woman's rights, the eternal whore and nigger of nature.



my fellow white men. fucking eceleb are cancer.
fucking white sluts. yellow woman are submissive and love bwc

I don't listen to anyone that uses the word "thot" unironically.

There's nothing more pathetic and cringeworthy than a white person that uses nigger vernacular.

>Lauren Rose is dumb and uninteresting
To hell with you

Lauren Rose has done nothing wrong. Tara McCarthy handled the trolling in the wrong way but has spread ethnonationalism. Lauren Southern isn't alt right anyway.


(((mgtow))) or "muh traditional chinks" is retarded and a Jewish trick to separate us from white women, but a man idolizing an inferior woman is absolutely subhuman-tier. The fact that we actually have women in authority positions over white nationalism is appalling. Women shouldn't even have a right to vote, let alone such a huge say in politics.

I think that these women being a "part" if things is a lot less damaging than men harassing and trolling them, which looks awful and is always going to be easily spun negatively.

The biggest thing right now is to deal with the "basement dweller" image, and the easiest thing to do that is to remove all bitter MGTOW/MRA/misogynist faggots from the movement, and stop letting them shit up the board.

>aut-righters deplatforming their own most effective public figures

good work retards

I agree. But they should make propaganda. Unfortunately women can vote now and there's nothing we can do about it. If right wing women just stopped voting a republican would never win again.

Shes obviously part loo you sperg.

Roasties detected

The only one I can tolerate is Emily "Pistachio Girl" Youcis and that's because she went full 14/88 and ruined her life. She still comes across as crazy though and I think she might just be a troubled individual seeking a spotlight

It's kind of sad to see a generation of young right wingers go goo goo over these chicks. It reminds me of older conservatives and the big breasted bevy of blondes on Fox News..


Stopped reading there

also this, a lot of people say that these women have not redpilled anyone but if you look at their comment sections that is not true. Ideally a guy finds one of these girl's channels and finds out more and then moves on and this has happened.

Women lack the constitution to face down the browbeating from the politically correct machine. Their desire to be liked and seek attention will always lead to them equivocating on important values.

Outside of Milo, very few have the intellectual capacity and philosophical backbone to win arguments with the pc fashionista. But placing women in positions of influence is the most dangerous of ideas. They will eventually crumble in an effort to appease, as is their nature.

>muh mgtow
kys brainwashed goyshit. Realizing women are subhuman is fine. Completely avoiding them, despite them being absolutely necessary for the continuation of our race is subhuman-tier.

>she thinks people care

I support racist alt-right women, I do not support alt-light mudsharks like Lauren Southern who often get associated with them.

Why don't you start thinking practically instead of just being bitter than women don't like you? Fuck, if you left your house they probably would.

I think we can all agree that Tara and Southern have no place. Southern is actually so disgusting I can't even put it in words. I hope she commits suicide with all the abuse she had got lately.

Lauren Rose is no THOT
>She's 19, looking for a husband.
>Full Ethnonationalist, no fence-sitting.

She is definitely bonkers (her toons are proof), but I do believe her heart is in the right place and is definitely NOT a sheckel-sucking THOT. If she was, she could have kept draining the furries of their coin.

I unironically admit to getting a bit of happiness from this audio vidya.

>doing what a normal woman is supposed to do
Why does this mean we should listen to anything she says? What makes her especially intelligent that we should watch her videos, spam her on Sup Forums or get extremely butthurt-whiteknight when someone criticizes her (all the stuff you Rose-faggots do every day)?

holy shit you mgtow twats are never satisfied, are you?

Oh, I forgot one other thing. She has great taste in music.

I like her and she is 100% legitimate

Because the secret is that none of this has anything to do with ideology and everything to do with blind hatred of anybody with a vagina. It's so transparent, even for complete outsiders, and that's why it's so easy to use them against us.

pretty much everyone in our generation is damaged in some way by this poz'd society.

but yeah she has crazy eyes. gives me the vibe of someone who would dream of you cheating on them and would wake up and cut your dick off.

Apparently my previous points were lost on some of the dipshits posting recently, so let me re-iterate a little.
Sup Forums is normally pretty good at observing patterns and things that have happened, and drawing realistic conclusions from them - even if they are controversial (unlike the left).
For example, while conventional scientists refuse to study differences between races, Sup Forums looks around and sees that niggers still live in mudhuts, and fuck shit up wherever they go, and reach the conclusions that niggers are dumber than other races.

The pattern you idiots are failing to observe here, is that women destroy everything they infiltrate. If you want women to destroy this entire "movement," be nice to them and encourage them. Before you know it, just like politics and education, they will be running the show. And it will be shit. Then you'll kill yourself (I hope).

Because things with women in [current year] are that bad. What was once expected IS rare.

By all means ignore her, don't watch her vidyas. But lumping her into bad baskets is unearned.

Tara is melting down and Southern is flakey (although I never boarded a migrant-stopping pirate ship like her). But why shout down EVERY woman who hasn't done anything wrong?

You might like Wife with a Purpose. She has six kids, and mostly comments on culture and family, rather than politics.

>looking for a husband

shes look for my fat cock to split that little hole
n-joy your delusion tho. im busy

Don't care for most of them. I've yet to hear one original thought from them, so why wouldn't I watch a male? Lauren Rose seems 'OK' though.

I stand with the noble and virtuous women of the alt right. Indeed upon their sweet bosom lies path to victory for white society. Women should be in command of our movement since men are not intellectually nor spiritually capable of doing that which needs to be done... men are beasts whose instincts tend always towrds destruction. It is time for the ladies to steer the ship.

Does everyone know this is a shill thread?

ok good.

Seems so. Haven't heard much from her lately. Didn't she evacuate to Japland?

kek, agreed.

what did user mean by this?

Hello, mr. CIA.
> Tell me where you stand on the current tradthot war.
I would accept these parroting talking heads, if they would say
> I'm a failure, but I do not want others to be failures
Or just keep their life private.

Instead they can not stop to bitch about how they are traditional, while not following any traditions or any practical perspective on their own lives.

As I see it - it is mostly CIA plants, that have nothing to contribute, because CIA does not want to develop the narrative. And the moment they have any control over the narrative they try to start a scandal. Worse than molejew.

That's the funny part about all this. The /leftypol/ shills are the biggest retards imaginable, guess that's why they're into communism.
I still don't understand why I should care that some woman I've never heard of is making videos and I should care about her sex life, her genes etc. All these women could be straight up nigger kikes and I wouldn't give a single fuck.

does anyone have a link to the latest weekly sweat THOTWARS episode?

fucking beardson deleted it immediately

Is Alfred Adler her youtube channel?


Alfred Alfer, that is.

>pretty much everyone in our generation is damaged in some way by this poz'd society.
The question is, do we sweep such issues under the rug and pretend that people aren't fuck or do we ruthlessly ridicule those trends.

> gives me the vibe of someone who would dream of you cheating on them and would wake up and cut your dick off.
That's what asian women do that, and the more fob and "traditional" the more likely they are to. crazy white geek tomboys like youcis are unlikely to do that. I don't agree with your viewpoint. Youcis seems like she'd be quite nice.

Thots begone

I like this video. It sucks that she isn't pregnant but she is helping in her own way. I in no way classify her with any of these other women. Imagine them saying something like this.

Yes. The good ones would never be on YouTube shilling themselves.

Good point. Why are we talking about this shit.

It's not okay to be an ewhore.

I've never donated to them and I never expected one to Fuck me so I don't care. it is pretty funny that Lauren is technically a coal burner though. I thought that guy was a pajeet. he also is apparently an American that went to high school in BC and voted trump. seems like she's lying somewhere

These women need to shut the fuck up and be impregnated with white sperm.

Anyone that gives these cunts money or time is a traitor to the cause. We should not have to suffer their cunty ways. Women should be impregnated and never trusted...

Did you see her post that picture of her sub count going up?
>See guys, it's ok to burn coal
That's the message she's sending with that.

Seeing white women tanning is like watching a train wreck. Nah it's cool babe who cares if you'll look more leathery than your purse in 5 years and probably get melanoma in middle age - you get to look reddish brown right now, totes worth it!

absolutely hate the tanning meme.

Everyone except Lauren rose. The rest can be murdered.

The war started several months earlier with an attempted blitzkrieg on Worst Lauren by the vanguard of the Loomer forces. Tarahana Harikrishna took advantage of the chaos amidst the "thot of war" and launched a surprise false flag cyberbullying attack, followed by an overreaction in order to draw attention on her while imploding the scene. As always, Best Lauren emerges victorious because she isn't stupid enough to get triggered by a few trolls and sticks to the point.

We need to stop alienating people from our movement. We need to look at things tactfully and not let emotion cloud our judgements. Having women spout off right wing ideals in front of a camera helps us in the long by attracting fresh meat into our ranks. Not only do we have women recruiting we also have the gays (milo, love him or hate him is a powerful ally) with so much support we have tripled in numbers in such a short period of time. Civic nationalism has surged in popularity and it allowed us to meme DJT into office. We need to not drop the ball here and not allow globalists, and naziboos divide and conquer our movement.



OP is a shill orbiter following the orders of his own roastie
And this manlet in involved too