Why are americans so fat?

why are americans so fat?

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unhealthy food is cheap, and requires no prep or work comming ready to eat. whens the last time you used a slow cooker or 2 hour roast for the familiy, easier to sit on the couch and open a bag of chips and wallow in the comforting rays of the idiot box or pc and whinge about the world instead of any type of self improvement.

Not to mention it's rapidly becoming the only way to sustain an exponentially growing population. Fast foods were made for that, despite the health risks.

I know right ~ just LOOK at all the HUGE fat ass people in my city of Austin Texas and just generally everywhere WOW YOU ARE SOO SMART AND OBSERVANT FROM WAY OVER THERE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PLANET.

plus, no food discipline. Little to no physical education in school, sedentary lifestyle,
but the biggest contributor to the obesity epidemic: black women....seriously no wonder black guys go for any other race except their own, black women are the fattest and most horrid creatures on this Earth.

guessing soylent green aint that far off, refugee crisis solved

YOU are OBVIOUSLY a VERY intelligent person who definately does not use his head for anything idiotic WOW we are soo blessed to have such high intelligence in this world to know EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN. FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PLANET. wow you are really amazing !

>I know right ~ just LOOK at all the HUGE fat ass people in my city of Austin Texas and just generally everywhere WOW YOU ARE SOO SMART AND OBSERVANT FROM WAY OVER THERE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PLANET.

You must see everyone living from your tiny world over there !

1200lb hacker here

You really should tell people about your super human powers of observation.

>f-fucking yuropoor

successful marketing.

I mean just LOOK at all these SUPER fat asses !!
No...you are not at all jellous of Americans ...no not at all.....

>implying fatties wouldn't be as adverse to stepping on grass and being outside as they are to eating lettuce

I think your sample is a bit corrupt

Because our food tastes better than your shitty food

>responding to real images with cartoons
nice europe. critical thinking


>Food is relevant compared to basic exercise

Literally like blaming (((pornhub))) for being a masturbation addict.

You guys wayyyy over there on the other side of the planet REALLY know us Americans and you are DEFINATELY not fooled by a biased mind !!

Happy 100th independence bro
We Muricans got fucking fat af only recently .
This overweight obese culture only came about when the fast food industry started booming in the 60-70's .
Before that you wouldn't see any fat fucks walking around.
Kids played outside all day and people were active.
They didn't use cars if they were going to the local market.
They walked there or used a bicycle.
But here's the thing, it was safe to walk around anywhere in the city be it at daytime or at night.
Now the inner cities are fucking warzones and walking outside as a white person is dangerous because you are about 50x to get assaulted or even killed by a fucking nigger.

I remember when I was small my parents used to take us at night to buy food for the next day.
me and my sisters would go with our parents and we would walk around stores.
We usually lasted about 3-4 hours outside before going back to the house.
Nowadays the parents go alone and the kids stay home playing video jew or on their cellphones.
It's hard to recall the last time I've seen a /fit/ person outside, it's been like a month atleast.

Well NO DOUBT you WAYYY OVER THERE IN FRANCE definitely know all about Americans !! WOW YOU ARE SOOO INTELLIGENT !!

it's called being logical you triggered hamplanet

To keep healthy brain-to-body mass ratio.


I mean ...just LOOK at this random pic from a Pizza restuarnt .....wow you really know us Americans ....wow !!

Ohh yeah. it's TOTALLY logical to think you know all about an ENTIRE nation that is literally on the other side of the planet ...WOW YOU ARE SOOOO SMART !!

They're not even human.

> posting rough terrain dwellers

It sucks buying clothes when you're not fat. Everything is a size 46 waist 30 length.

this passes as white in america

Regulatory capture.

No, seriously.

In the 70s, there were a number of researchers who came to the conclusion that fatty food is bad for you and leads to heart disease.

The food industry bought into it, and started producing low-fat foods. But in order to make it taste good, they had to add a bunch of sugar and salt.

Salt is now being made out to be a bad guy--it's not. It's only bad for you if you eat just a ton of it, or if you already have high blood pressure--even then, only about a third of people with high blood pressure are sensitive to it. But I digress.

The sugar that got added to American foods is the real killer. The sugar lobby buried any research showing that it was sugar, and not fat, that was leading to increased heart disease.

Enter the corn lobby. The corn lobby pushed Congress to increase tariffs on cane sugar. Manufacturers then moved from cane sugar to sweeten their food to high fructose corn syrup. Which is even worse for you.

Combine this with increased mechanization in the labor force putting more and more people behind desks. A slavish devotion to free markets meant little public oversight or limitation on advertising for terrible junk food.

People have to work long hours to keep up, since real wages have been flat since the 70s as well, so people are cooking for themselves less. It's a perfect storm in public health terms.

On an individual level, sure. It's possible to not get fat or even to lose weight if you decide to do it and try hard enough. But you're swimming upstream in a country with a food culture that couldn't have been more poorly designed.

Intersectional feminism.

> promo photo from 2008

I think sugar mostly, and our cities aren't typically designed for cycling/walking but more for driving. Also the FDA employs former executives from food and drug companies, so its essentially a business- lots of money to be made from unhealthy people and the drugs that mask symptoms rather than causes.

I also suspect the reason Finns are typically fit is because your government doesn't want to go bankrupt, if your medicine wasn't provided by the man then you'd have a hessburger on ever corner and fat Finns being socially inept looking down at their bellies since they wouldn't be able to see their feet.

Too many nignogs and spics. But the food "culture" and leftist influence ("don't try to strive for an ideal, that's oppressive") sure don't help.



Zilker is comfy af desu~

are you seriously in denial that amerifats aren't as far as we make them out to be lmao

Americans eat ALL the time. it's not even the content of what they're eating, it's the regularity of their eating. they CONSTANTLY snack. they don't just have three meals a day. they have breakfast, then snack and drink sodas and shit like that until lunch, then after lunch, they snack and drink soda and shit, then dinner, and on and on. they're constantly shoving food down their throats, and that's why they're fat.

even if all they ever ate was mcdonalds, if they only ate reasonably portion three meals a day there, they would no way get obese. it takes genuine effort to get that fat, and it's their culture which makes it convenient to just eat, eat, eat.

Our food is smothered in fat, salt and sugar. Those three items can cause difficult cravings to overcome.


Same can be said of the people that post fat pics from Wal-Mart of all places.

i never argued that
but there's this thing called statistics which looks at obesity objectively

Notice all the fat inside the abdomen cavity. The heart is usually covered in a thick layer of fat too. If you get a chance watch an autopsy.

This. Refined sugar is actually toxic
and it's in fucking everything. Sugar
awareness can't be overstated. A service
economy where the majority of jobs aren't
actual physical labor in any way doesn't


I did, a couple days ago. Filthy stuff.

Austin? Faggot liberal. 70% obesity. Kys.

thanks for the link frenchbro

why are Finnish people so fat

>tfw intolerant to anything considered processed
I'm feeling good, I tried mac n cheese for the first in years 2 weeks ago.. spent a good half day shitting my insides out so hard, it could have cracked the toilet.
My diet is mostly rice, some veg, and either a portion of chicken/fish. Sometimes I'm thankful I can't eat shitty food, other times I wish I could woof down a good pizza pie and feel good afterwards.

Slow cooker meals are the shit. They will make nutritious meals for super cheap. The extended cooking time makes even shitty cuts of meat tender and tasty since it sits and simmers in whatever you add to it.

I'll probably upgrade to a newer one post-Christmas when people inevitably "donate" (i.e. dump) them into the thrift store inventory. They actually come in new-in-box for about $10 there. Not a bad deal considering some cost $100+ new.

You should get a pressure cooker. I can make soup in 35 minutes and the meat is alot more tender.

Noted. Any good recommendations?

unhealthy food is cheap, and requires no prep or work in europoe too you know.
I'have never seen a motorized fatty :(

Maybe it's the native and black admixture in Americans + more drive through fast food

I've got a 6qt Instant Pot. I've had it for two years and it's held up great. I use it mostly for beans and rice. I can cook raw, unsoaked beans in 30 minutes with it. Chicken breast that is frozen solid cooks in 25 minutes. It's big enough to cook large quantities too. There is an 8qt model, but it's $30 more. 6qt should be plenty for 4 good sized meals though.

Thanks for the tip faggot. You've probably saved me 4 hours a week with that tip. Anything that make cooking more efficient for similar results is a winner in my book, especially considering we're all short on time nowadays.

because the welfare state lets people sit around all day and do fucking absolutely nothing.

>Be mildly allergic to almost all fruit, and some vegetables, unless they are effectively nuked
>mouth throat and stomach all become inflamed and irritated
>bananas & peas are the worst offender

>1 meal a day
and that's how i basically eat shit and am only 185 at 5'11" with no activity

I seriously do not understand how (mostly) women can become fucking flesh balloons
The mere existence of fat people ruin the experience of a good meal

No problem.

This is my favorite chili recipe to cook in it. Add five minutes to the cooking time if the chicken breast is still frozen.


>I seriously do not understand how (mostly) women can become flesh balloons
So one of the more deceptive things about consuming calories is that the human body is really shit at gauging liquid calories. For much of our ancestral evolution, it was mostly water. Juices and brews are a very tiny part of our history oddly enough.

Guess where all that weight gain comes from? You don't get that fat with just solid foods, stews, and soups. It's all the soda, milkshakes, and coffee-flavored syrup drink that does them in. Combine this with the general cantankerous, weak-willed, and lazy attitude a lot of women have gotten used to and that makes them balloon in weight really quick. These beverages are also very sugary and get addicting quick for someone that goes out of their way not to suffer.

Also take into account that fat is particularly important factor in a woman, because that's for the prospective baby that they're probably not going to have. Adipose tissue is also an estrogenic endocrine tissue as well, so that imbalance just sends them straight to hell with weight. Also applies to men and why you'll see mantits on fat fucks.

There's a lot more to say. Fatfuckery has many causes and consequences that can be studied to the heat death of the universe, but that's a good primer to start on.

>35 minute chili

is that real


No precooking or prep either.

The pressure cooker takes maybe 10 minutes to get up to pressure, so it's maybe 40 minutes all together. The chicken falls apart when it's done.

>leftist influence ("don't try to strive for an ideal, that's oppressive")
as an american in the literal fattest part of america
>this this this this this ding ding
how to fix tho?? :(

House looks comfy as fuck.

Just bought one. This can't ship fast enough even if it were done yesterday.

>fat doctor cutting open fat whale talking about how stupid she is for being fat

Fagget Austin lib ignoring a quarter million obese dirty spics in his shit fuck hipster city.

muhhh sugaaarrr
> you fucking tards
they don't use sugar any more
>high fructose corn syrup

Why do these small European countries think about us so much? Why does it have to be negative? Because we are at the top? If Finland had any distinguishing qualities as a country at all, I doubt I would be shit-posting about the negatives on Sup Forums.

somebody superimpose the american flag waving proudly over this