Why are americans so fat?

why are americans so fat?

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unhealthy food is cheap, and requires no prep or work comming ready to eat. whens the last time you used a slow cooker or 2 hour roast for the familiy, easier to sit on the couch and open a bag of chips and wallow in the comforting rays of the idiot box or pc and whinge about the world instead of any type of self improvement.

Not to mention it's rapidly becoming the only way to sustain an exponentially growing population. Fast foods were made for that, despite the health risks.

I know right ~ just LOOK at all the HUGE fat ass people in my city of Austin Texas and just generally everywhere WOW YOU ARE SOO SMART AND OBSERVANT FROM WAY OVER THERE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PLANET.

plus, no food discipline. Little to no physical education in school, sedentary lifestyle,
but the biggest contributor to the obesity epidemic: black women....seriously no wonder black guys go for any other race except their own, black women are the fattest and most horrid creatures on this Earth.

guessing soylent green aint that far off, refugee crisis solved

YOU are OBVIOUSLY a VERY intelligent person who definately does not use his head for anything idiotic WOW we are soo blessed to have such high intelligence in this world to know EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN. FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PLANET. wow you are really amazing !

>I know right ~ just LOOK at all the HUGE fat ass people in my city of Austin Texas and just generally everywhere WOW YOU ARE SOO SMART AND OBSERVANT FROM WAY OVER THERE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PLANET.

You must see everyone living from your tiny world over there !

1200lb hacker here