
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

>Joe is Joe Christmas Songs pastebin.com/0znNg4MM

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump declares Jewrusalem capital of the Jews 12/6/17
>Pres Trump holds a Cabinet meeting 12/6/17
>FLotUS Melania @Whataburger 12/6/17
>FLotUS Melania/2nd Lady Karen speaking in TX 12/6/17
>FLotUS Melania/2nd Lady Karen visit 1st responders in TX 12/6/17
>VP Pence @Kemp Leadership Award Dinner 12/6/17
>SoS T-Rex comments on Jewrusalem announcement 12/6/17
>SoS T-Rex presser @NATO 12/6/17
>UN Amb Haley talking about Jewrusalem 12/6/17
>Speaker Ryan lights up Capitol Christmas Tree 12/6/17
>WH VIdeo: Pres Trump statement on Jewrusalem 12/6/17
>Banjo/Bannon/Moore rally in AL 12/5/17
>Pres Trump talks w/American biz owners 12/5/17
>Pres Trump has lunch with Sen GOP 12/5/17
>AG Sessions @GOFAR 12/4/17
>SoS T-Rex meets w/NATO Sec Stoltenberg 12/5/17
>SoS T-Rex arrives @NATO 12/5/17
>SoS T-Rex @US/EU Presser 12/5/17


OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:



Lost really does turn to shit in season 3
what the fuck happened?

Thank you for baking, user. Nighty night!
For the rest of us, real awoo hours continues!


people here on 4pol and 8pol are so sensitive...

they claim to be "INTERNET BADASSES" but once you say something that contradicts their infrographics they lash out like toddlers

Little autstic manchildren, when will you clean your room?

When will you stop blaaming Jews for all your ills? Maybe because you are so shitty irl you have never accomplished anythign

no girls like you eh???


no girls like you

here my girl is sucking my dick as I type this, girls love progressive men, thats' what you INCELS will never understand...

you get it???

Do you understand how much superior I am then to you???

Fucking loser nazi trash!!!!


hahaha pathetic internet scum

no friends no life.

Gn user



Major happening this week. ScreenCap this


How would you rate the Trump presidency so far?

I'll bake for a few. This is non-negotiable.



9/11, preddy gud



Greatest leader of the modern era without a doubt

Also shumer...

Trump has brought the Ziocrats to his side.

Rangeban leafs when

JJ Abrams once gave an interview in which he discussed those mystery boxes you used to order out of novelty catalogs. You know the ones where they just have riddler question mark wrapping all over it. Never know what you’re going to get. Anyway. He talked about how he’d ordered one as a kid. And never opened it. Still to this day he has it. Unopened. He doesn’t know what’s in it. And that’s what appeals to him.

til;dr he’s good at conceptualizing a story, shit at ending it

I have a feeling that the campaign to get Al Franken to resign will be turned on Roy Moore, or even Trump. I mean for fuck's sake people are bringing up his accusers again.

Reminder: It's perfectly normal for pizzariea owners to be listed among the most popular people in Washington DC


wtf did faggots seriously bully august ames to death?

>friday trump rally
>the news is so fake they think i have fake teeth
>calls a woman on stage
>go ahead and take a look
>big shit eating grin, they're real
>audience applauds
>chants cnn sucks

I'd fuck u but i bet your ass is attached to your face you dumb idiot. Your asshoule is mouth you stupid.


Does it fucking matter? Even if they somehow get Moore to resign he will be replaced with a hard line Repub. It's fucking Alabama. As long as we get him into office they cant do shit.


watch this orks hahahahahaha

whores have a tendency to suicide anyway but yes, that was the tipping point

lmao they've bullied people for Obama's entire term into believing he was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Now they reap what they sow

>current year +2
>still not supporting legalizing marijuana
Explain yourself, Mr. Sessions.

Where there's a whip, there's a way.
Where there's a whip, there's a way.
Where there's a whip...[continues in second voice]

We don't wanna go to war today
But the Lord of the Lash says: "nay, nay, nay!"
We're gonna march all day, all day, all day!
Where there's a whip there's a way!

Where there's a whip, there's a way!
Where there's a whip, there's a way!
Where there's a whip, there's a way!
Left, right, left, right, left
Where there's a whip, there's a way!
Left, right

The crack on the back says we're gonna fight
We're gonna march all day and night and more
For we are the slaves of the Dark Lord's war.
Left, right, left, right, left, right

Where there's a whip, there's a way!
Where there's a whip, there's a way.
Where there's a whip...[continues in second voice]

We don't wanna go to war today!
But the Lord of the Lash says: "nay, nay, nay!"
We're gonna march all day, all day, all day!
Where there's a whip there's a way!
Left, right, left right!

[scene of Frodo and Sam]

Where there's a whip!
We don't wanna go to war today!
But the Lord of the Lash says: "nay, nay, nay!"
We're gonna march all day, all day, all day!
Where there's a whip there's a way!

>calling himself progressive, successful man
>comes on Sup Forums

you're the same like the rest of us, you fucking leaf lol

fuck me m8 she was a go to fap only a few weeks ago
tell some hollywood liberal "kill yourself" and every virtue signaling faggot is up your ass and you get banned from twitter for a week.
LGBT brigade cyberbullies a pornstar and there's dead fucking silence.


Well what if it turns on Trump? Summer Zervos from the Apprentice is suing Trump. What if (((they))) find more women? What if there are more tapes that come out (apparently there's one of him using the n-word)?


Canada considers you Chinese clay.

he posts shit like this for hours every night, just ignore it man

Jeff Sessions is busy...

>Hahahaha nigga how the fuck cyber bullying real hahaha like nigga just shut off your phone

>Your asshoule is mouth you stupid.
I can smell the egg rolls from here.

Guys, what's a computer?

>why won't you let a faggot fuck you
I really can't imagine how feminists side with this. On one hand omgz lgbtbbqabc she's sooooo homophobic, on the other . why can't a Womyn decide who she does or doesn't fuck. Kek. Retards.

Idiot i am not chinese u are dog and i fuck u

She’s suing him for defamation for calling her a liar. Not for anything related to her accusations.

I do hope he's actually doing shit behind the scenes.

goddamn that ad is so fucking annoying

She obviously had other underlying issues if she actually did kill herself over twitter

If there were more tapes they would have dropped them. I think you're confused because they already did try this against Trump and it didn't work. One of the accusers even tried to make a lawsuit but it got thrown out by courts multiple times for obvious bull shit.

Good riddance to bad trash.

She already JUSTed herself by getting BLACKED and having too much plastic surgery done, who gives a shit?

lol chink

>u are dog and i fuck u
No, you'd eat me instead. Is this what your house sounds like?

At the very least, they'll try. And don't forget, they've been trying to get Moore to drop the race, which is as good as resigning. Voluntarily stepping aside doesn't leave a precedent to force them out. And so far, Moore has refused, so why would he suddenly resign AFTER winning a hard fought Senate race?
Don't forget, there are other congressional member that have heavy allegations currently against them and so far. The spic that flipped the Nevada House seat and the R from Texas. Franken is so far not resigning, and Conyers is resigning. Notice how no one has been forced out, just pressured.

>u are dog and i fuck u
checks flag

Kek confirms

she was a porn star no shit
but don't act like you're not going to use this to attack liberals
in the same week Al Franken is forced to resign the homos kill a woman
feminists must be going insane right now

Lost was a restricted setting for a tv show from the start, which is why they hired JJ to begin with. It was originally pitched as just people surviving on an island, but they realized that was only a few episodes of material, so they turned to JJ who made it work by just adding random shit and tweests all the time. The first seasons hit that fine balance between grounded and intriguing, but as more and more characters were added coupled with ever-more ebin tweests built up over time, the show became a clusterfuck.

ok how u know u scared me

Charges: Sex traffickers took hundreds from Thailand to US archive.is/BhsEV

Sex Trafficking Arrests Soar Under Trump; MSM Completely Ignores archive.is/VQesR

Jeff Sessions Declares Fight Against Elite Pedophiles A Top Priority archive.is/NiDB9

238 arrested in sweep of suspected child sex predators archive.is/Gu0Sg

US Marshalls Seek Unregistered Sex Offenders, Arrest 12 archive.is/HmsMn

84 kids rescued, 120 human traffickers arrested in FBI sting archive.is/cS2VE

DOJ Arrests More than 1,000 Child Sex Predators archive.is/tF1bz

Justice Department announces takedown of AlphaBay, the largest dark web market archive.is/b4yvi

Jeff Sessions announces new crackdown on 'so-called' sanctuary cities archive.is/6WZGh

The Department of Justice Stands by Texas's Voter ID Law archive.is/pGLvQ

The U.S. attorney general is bringing back the harshest sentences for low-level drug offenses archive.is/bEu3F

Sessions reassures senators: No pot crackdown imminent archive.is/BHBC6

Jeff Sessions: 400 medical professionals charged in largest health care fraud takedown archive.is/Jc3Ge

DOJ indicts pharmaceutical CEO on opioid fraud and racketeering archive.is/LCXwm

Big increase in cocaine seizures archive.is/XaYos/869bea02b5c9d172084e1b37c108ba64cf8c11d4.jpg

Sessions's New Civil-Forfeiture Rules archive.is/5C5if

Four charged with leaks from Trump administration as attorney general vows crackdown archive.is/8AIzT

DOJ Halts Operation Chokepoint, Which Targeted Firearm Dealers archive.is/bDDcZ

Sessions says U.S. will intervene in campus free speech cases archive.is/UaxaE

DOJ files suit against company for not hiring Americans archive.is/tWFCS

3,800 Gang Members Charged in Operation Spanning United States and Central America archive.is/CQm9U



LOST began by plagiarising a very old Outer Limits episode called "Probe", as well as a couple of other sources. There was no plan whatsoever. And what little idea there was clearly hinged on the island being either a UFO or a coral atoll that had formed around a UFO.
David Furey spilled the beans when he left the writing team saying that things were just put in because they were cool, and they just kept piling on new mysteries.
Pathetic, really.

A large part of suicides are done in affect, actually.

what the fuck, man.


Why the fuck would someone stick their dick in a dog's mouth. That doesn't even look like it would feel good. Fucking teeth and gross dog slobber. Dry ass scratchy tongue.

Assneck leaf.

what if i told you that the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children is running the DC pedophile ring out of virginia? would you believe me?


Also, while looking up the NSA nonsense, came across this for anyone who wasn't aware.

>Israel's occupation of East Jerusalem effectively put the entire city under de-facto Israeli control. Israeli jurisdiction and ownership of Jerusalem, however, was not recognised by the international community, including the United States at the time...
>The 1995 Jerusalem Embassy Act required the US government to establish an embassy in Jerusalem, but allows the president to delay doing so by signing a waiver every six months. The waiver spared the state department financial penalties for failing to comply with the law. Presidents Bush and Obama signed the waiver twice per year with little fanfare. However, Trump had long hinted he would deviate from his predecessors.
>The US already has a 99-year lease on a plot of land in Jerusalem; it was granted by Israel in 1989 at the cost of $1 per year but remains undeveloped. No other country keeps an embassy in Jerusalem.

Trump was essentially handed a prime bargaining chip that everyone had been kicking down the road in typical politik fashion. The Embassy move was somehow advantageous to offer now, despite being both inevitable and stuck in a holding pattern for years. So the question is what he "encouraged" Israel to offer in exchange for having America follow through on our bullshit agreement.

>Making the kikes pay twice for an Embassy we already promised them

he literally did nothing wrong

Lost was good until season 5.
>we never find out if doggo dies at the end next to Jack as Jack dies

so nothing has changed since Boystown era?

I'd believe you...


Liberalism is a mental disorder

The yellow man is afraid when he's not in his home.


I had to check for some reason

>own tactic takes you down instead

Live in Canada

>Why the fuck would someone stick their dick in a dog's mouth.
ask a Leaf?

I used to be a cop. What if I told you Child Protective Services has more pedophiles running investigations than the Catholic Church has altar boy diddlers?

>gloria is prosecuting for her
god how does this failure still get work??


Literally who? Quick rundown pls.

>If there were more tapes they would have dropped them.

No they couldnt have because there was a written agreement that kept NBC from accessing it. People went for a hunt to find it after the Pussy Tape came out. Who's to say they wont drop it in 2019 or 2020 to hurt Trump?


>Alleged other tapes

>On October 9, former staffers of Trump's reality show The Apprentice and journalist Geraldo Rivera said that they both individually have more damaging tapes of Trump, but did not say if they would be released to the public.[117][118] Rivera later stated that he had searched his files and that he could not find anything relevant to the scandal.[119]

>Since the tape's release, Bill Pruitt, a producer of the first two seasons of the television series The Apprentice, claims there is recorded behind the scenes footage of Trump saying things that are "far worse". NBC's news division does not have access to the archives of the series. Another Apprentice producer, Chris Nee, claimed on Twitter that Trump said "the N-word" in the archived footage.[120][121] Nee later deleted the tweet.[122][123] A GoFundMe campaign was launched on October 9 with the goal of raising $5.1 million to release more tapes. The campaign is known as the "Trump Sunlight Campaign". Nee wrote on Twitter to Mark Cuban that there is a $5 million penalty fee if the footage is leaked.[121][124][125][126][127][128] A few days later, the campaign managed to raise just over $32,000.[129] David Brock said he would pay the penalty to release tapes from The Apprentice.[130][131]

>dry tongue

lol no dog's tongues are moist

the game plan for liberals seems to be "SEEEEE WE GOT RID OF OURS, NOW YOU HAVE TO GET RID OF TRUMP AND MOORE"
they're actually stupid enough to think this is a good idea

>Moore wins easily
>Dems try to use John and Fraken to force Moore to resign
>Moore and repubs tell them to fuck off
>Dems once again look like retards

Screencap this

>Literally who? Quick rundown pls.
>porn star
>tweets she's not gonna do porn with gay actors because she doesn't want aids
>lgbt community goes full retard down her throat
>ends up killing herself shortly after

>drug fiends btfo
Go be a degenerate someplace else

porn star
was p cute before the plastic surgery
bet money /gif/ has a RIP thread going on right now

*************BREAKING NEWS************








i wouldn't trust any men who work in cps. that organization is fucked from top to bottom

is it from increased cannabinoid levels or are there high thc levels too?

No choice. We gotta kill NBC