Found the genes yet, bigot?

Found the genes yet, bigot?

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>Implying Neanderthal is a gene
Nice try Nazi, Until you can find every single gene corresponding to genetics, you can kiss your 'whites smarter then blacks' hatespeak narrative goodbye.

he lost all credibility after that

>we didn't found the genes for down syndrome yet, therefore it is not heritable

What an uneducated, smug german pleb with a fake accent.

Yup, 'DUF1220' go google it

>no Gadsden license plate
Missed a trick.

>t. illiberal

What exactly am I looking at here?


>dumb nigger

>Heritability: Introduction
>No matter what the numbers are, heritability estimates tell us nothing about the specific genes that contribute to a trait. Similarly, a numerical estimate of environmentability provides no information about the important environmental variables that influence a behavior.

Kraut could have avoided this by taking 5 minutes to read up on heritability. The best part is that we will continue to discover which genes to what and how they interact. Each time a new gene that is linked to intelligence is discovered it will be shown that Whites and East Asian have these genes at much higher rates than sub-Saharan Africans.

Kraut is an idiot. His "experts" advising him are idiots. I just tried to listen to JF talk with one of Krauts experts. The guy is some retarded nog that seems to have no understanding of anything JF tried to discuss with him. It was so cringy I couldn't get through it.

like...uh...hold up...SHIEEEEET ......THATS ...... ADOPTION BABIES AINT LIKE DAT DOE

Keep getting locked up to prove us wrong.

i couldn't make it 5 minutes into that
>shiiiet mane iq an studies an shi mane iown ligh da shee mane fih me??
the iq gap is just too great for them to get information across to each other. no idea how jfg made it so long.

that nigger plainly dismissed the entirety of statistics, and not just in an off-hand remark, it seemed to be his main objection as he brought it up constantly between the mic cutting up, the faux laughter and general "HOL UP" niggery

Can I get some links to those genes? I know I've seen infographics floating around but I've forgot to save them

Reminder that nigger is considered "educated" and the lefts model for what the average American is/should be.

Chart mapping where and when base homo sapiens interbred with rival hominid species it encountered and retained beneficial genes through selective pressure.

For example:

> Tibetan altitude gene came from extinct human species

>“The study shows that one of the most spectacular cases of [genetic] adaptation in humans has its roots in Denisovans,” says Svante Pääbo of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany. “It is very satisfying to see that gene flow from Denisovans, an extinct group of archaic humans that we discovered only four years ago, is now found to have had important consequences for people living today

As homo sapiens spread out across Eurasia, it encountered non-sapiens species and the resulting hybrids had hundreds of thousands of years of effective genetic divergence affecting nearly every physical and mental aspect about ourselves. The categorization of these different types of hybrids are what we term "race".

>Reminder that nigger is considered "educated"
He's a HS dropout who used to clean toilets for a living.

he's talking about the nigger that debated JF. Kraut is most definitely a toilet cleaning HS dropout.

Oh my bad. JF has really become a central Sup Forums figure when it comes to Race Realism lately.

The nigger was inarticulate, made poor arguments and I'm pretty sure that he admitted to being a gang member in the past. He blocked me on Twitter for no goddamn reason, just because I said something to JF.

He's a dumb coon with an inferiority complex.

Not a gene.

So you illiberal alt-righters couldn't name the genes that relate to intelligence, looks like the skeptics win again.

Somebody should do a highlight reel with all of the kraut's most retarded mistakes. I'd do it myself but I got zero editing skills

If you wanna go through his videos and time stamp the parts you want put together I'll do it

Ever heard of James Watson? I'm sure the truth hurts, but at some point you have to stop living in denial and accept the fact that your race is intellectually inferior (on average) to others.

This is depressingly accurate. Especially considering he lives in Europe.

The racist scientifically illiterate tard that was kicked from the lab for his stupid opinions? yeah I've heard of him.

Hurl insults and regurgitate nonsense that deviates from his work and what he discovered to try and, in your mind, reduce his character and intellect to make his findings easier to dismiss. Peak denial. And peak Dunning-Kruger effect, I might add.

Fuck off Mutt,your entire argument is based on "Well if you cant show me the exact genes and how they work then you have no proof despite the fact i have provided no data to prove my point whatsoever"and its retarded,its like saying "Hey if you cant show me the gravitons,the atoms and exactly how gravity works then gravity is not real"

Yes we found them. Too bad you can't ever have them.

I am wonder if he is half British or just wants to be different to other Germans when speaking the language

It's the sort of lie you would tell early in your internet career then have to uphold forever after

Hes a mongrel,probably turkish,but he lived in england so he it shows off in his shitty fake accent

sceptic community so delusional they thought the black guy made a good point

>you need complex, biological, scientific data to back up basic observations.
It's like saying because we don't know exactly what causes gravity, then we can't say it exists. the differences between a nigger and a white person are as clear as the differences between day and night. If you look at crime statistics, history, and how each conducts themselves, there is a clear difference in American society alone. On average, niggers are more aggressive, less intelligent, and they just carry and conduct themselves in a disgusting manner. Try working a minimum wage job and having to deal with them. There will always be some that stand out as not so bad, but the vast majority of niggers are petty, rude, violent thugs. That along with looking at IQ tests, SAT scores, other differing genes, and the fact that IQ is very heritable, and it leaves little room for doubt that there is something there. There is a distinction between blacks and whites on a level far deeper than just skin.

This whole thing has been so hilarious to watch. He just doesn't fucking know when to stop, he just keeps digging himself deeper and deeper into a hole.

This whole thing is genuinely driving him fucking insane. It's all personal to him. He is sperging out hardcore on his Discord.

you have no fissyologikal evidence wivvin the science of biology

and thus

all your claims, can be dismissed. check. mate. *sips tea*

>His "experts" advising him are idiots.
I've chatted extensively with one of his "experts"; legit scientist, but I wouldn't put him in charge of policy.
IMO Kraut mis-applied what the guys know and told him, because he's obsessed with distancing himself from MUH RACIST alt-right.

The whole video should have started with "the science is not settled yet, what we've got so far are a bunch of statistics that show a degree of connection". For sake of completeness should have also said, "don't expect any significant progress anytime near soon, because universities afraid of funding MUH RACISM research".

the latest JF video with the nigger is pretty funny

Sperg & Tea. He signed on for way more than his fake persona can handle and now he's made it personal. Way too much pride to stop, crash and buuuuurn

it hasbeen a huge shitshow, kraut revealed the nigger in himself


kraut is really good at arguing

What an absolute shit flinging retard. The only thing these skeptics are really skeptical of is basic hygiene and rhetoric.

That graph is beyond retarded.

Discord is the Sup Forums of chat apps. You are sperging about the most mundane, common, and trivial shitposting.
There's plenty of funnier idiocy in the videos Kraut uploaded in all seriousness, if you cared to do the legwork.


> calls others shit flingers
> proceeds to fling shit at selfsame others
Sup Forums "argumentation" at its finest.
This is why the world laughs at you, faggots.

>defending a retard

Use google. Alternatively youtube JF

he isn't arguing though is he, moron

That boiling someone into a vat of shit, isn't that what the Jews want to do to Jesus? Kraut mentioned he has Jewish ancestry, just saying.

Got more of this stuff?

seems like he has an affinity for ovens, too :^)

typical german desu



typical german desu

we can be pretty fanatic, specially when we are wrong

just look at merkel for example

yeah i left about 100 million genes in your mothers pussy last night faggot

And that's all I have.

i know most of these people and they did nothing lmao
kraut thinks that "the alt right" attacked him, but it was some bulgarian and his personal discord

also funny how he didn't seem to care about this sort of thing when he got RAS fired

He reminds me of this dude

Merkel has no convictions and just does what she is told.

This is how I imagine all pol posters IRL.

I remember being on a european gaming community and whenever a German complained too much they used to post this video and it was always an instant K.O.

Vee tu esti cioara mea?! Gasesteti un loc de munca tigane.

Don't forget to ask Kraut what happened when Hannah came to visit

vee doesn't live in romania, right

is this the germanic autism i was hearing about?

>I am a capitalist
he's literally not

>buh dah chil boos mane dah shih bah outchea mane
>Well actually, every single transracial adoption study shows that genetics play a larger role than environment

His failure is complete. The better question though, is how can anyone listen to his master, the obese Sargoy of Mossad? The man is literally an uneducated landwhale pretending to be an intellectual. Listening to his forced laugh is painful enough, but his defense of the Skeptic™ community as well as his fence sitting leaves any credibility he may of once had in tatters.

Point and laugh at these losers.


He's now calling himself a political commentator when he's repeatedly wrong in his predictions.


No but you definitely found the soy.

what happened?

Anti-sjw lefitsts are just sjws in denial.
Never ever trust a leftist of any flavor. Only listen to people on the far-right.







>high penetrance genetic introgression...

In the long run nature WILL fuck you

You know what's funny, Kraut did a livestream with a bunch of Germans a while ago where he basically admitted that he was getting tons of his info from Sup Forums and talked about how much he loves Mr Metokur and how he really wants to do a livestream with him. Now Sup Forums is shitting all over him and Metokur did a stream with JF of all people. All while Kraut's channel is still bleeding subscribers.

I think this whole shitshow is seriously making him lose his mind, that's why he's starting to sound more and more unhinged in his videos.

German livestream in question: (Metokur + Sup Forums dicksucking around 1h 49m mark if the link doesn't work)

Kraut doesn't believe in jeans because his parents are white but he is black.

What is it then? What's the main difference between species, or rather, where does it stem from?
What is this thread about again?

Why does he like this place so much when he keeps vehemently defending Jews, negroes, racemixing and liberal democracy?

Who needs genes when you have crime data?

The main difference it's cultural.

You have another question, cause this one was good.

He probably thought Sup Forums is satire.

what a fag

German autism kicks in ,if channeled correclty usefull ,but in this case it only worth for making fun of


You have to go back, Francois.

iam eastern german, thats ivan for you

Then you should know at least that France never really recovered from WW1.

>falling for bait

or is it metabait?

i dont even know anymore

No :(

Because he actually agrees with pretty much everything we say. He just had his jimmies rustled and launched an ideological crusade to "take down the alt-right", and his ego won't allow him to back out of it now. In his mind, he's invested too much time and burned too many bridges. Just admit you're wrong, Kraut. I'll still shitpost about pregnant trouts, but at least you'd not be a complete fucking lolcow denying evolution, quantitative genetics, social science and the entire field of psychology only to arrive at a neutral, agnostic position on race.

it is just a meme and not an accurate historical reference

>but it was some bulgarian and his personal discord

Kek, who? Gotta buy that man a beer.