
What is Gamergate? Knowyourmeme is obviously lying to me and I don't know who else to ask.

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Sup Forums psyops

Ethics in gaming journalism was obviously jeopardized it was when a text based game called depression quest got 10/10 reviews from multiple sources that people started to question. That was when the developers angry ex came into the picture and released the fact she slept with 5 guys to get good publicity, after this became known everyone freaked out calling advertisers not to sponsor affiliated review sites, and even succeeded in a few cases.

Autism. Autism on all sides.

A bunch of gaming sites released a slew of articles about how much they hated "gamers" all on the same day.

This came months after the damage had been done and they tried to rebrand gamergate.

Is it true that a thread about Depression Quest on wizardchan started it all off?


The thing that redpilled hundreds if not thousands of gamers, myself included.

And at the time I wasn't even on Sup Forums, I got redpilled on fucking tumblr of all places.

People created the movement as a response to the low quality games journalism filled with PC bullshit, anti gamer articles and bribery. The movement soon filled with idiots who decided that spamming threats on twitter was a good idea. It was a PR disaster. Soon this led to the media and the general public to dismiss gamergate as a harassment movement. Even Sup Forums banned discussion about gamergate and people migrated to infinite for some time.

Some slut slept with 5guys burgers and fries. People found that all gaming sites were owned and operated by the same fucking people and we're already pissed off that God hand got a 3/10 while assassin's Creed 2013 got a 9/10 for being groundbreaking despite being the same fucking game for the 5th year in a row. These same gaming sites being a fucking cabal of numale faggots spun the story that it was just a directed attempt to fight feminism and make Anita and Zoe Quinn kill themselves, both claimed they received many details threats yet were unable to present one. Then the gaming sites basically said all gamers are faggots and while I'm prone to agree, it's not for the same reasons

I also don't really get it. I've been on Sup Forums at the time, somehow missed the whole thing and I don't really understand it all properly. Apparently some shemale fucked a bunch of videogame journalists for reviews or something? All I know some gamergate threads started popping out and I had no idea what happened. Apparently it redpilled generations

Here you go:

depending on how deep you wanted to go down the rabbit hole, gamergate was either the exposure of corrupt videogame journalism or sophisticated social engineering on a massive scale unlike the world has ever seen,

maybe, probably, but this shit had been building for a very long time on Sup Forums.

you had these "games" made by no-talent weirdo's getting the Steam Greenlight treatment along with suspicious articles that were similarly worded popping up at the same time.

If you see these bizarre things happen enough times, you start to recognize the pattern. Behind the scenes a group of people were pushing their 'scene' of indie games onto the mainstream in a coordinated manner.

that disgusting whore was just the last straw, even if it wasn't true she was sucking dick for good reviews. the autists had had enough. antagonizing them was a seriously bad idea.

Everyone in the Sup Forums threads were outraged that wizardchan was thrown under the bus. I can't say for certain that they did it but from what I saw everyone was repeated dey good bois, there was even a post by sarkisian smashing her own identity on steam that she quickly deleted, that was a fun day.

Mods banned discussion of gamergate on Sup Forums. Most people who wanted to talk about it went to our "free speech promoting" cousin infinitechan

>pic related is all you need to know
one sjw le gamer nerd roastie woke up the sleeping basement dweller. this got donald trump elected and started the new rightwing movement.

>replying to this thread

Who is this whore?

Exposure of a leftist group acting as gatekeepers in the gaming industry, coordinating media pieces as social engineering, and ensuring that only politically and ideologically left games were exposed, reviewed well, and generally fostered into cash cows

portrayed by mainstream media as a movement to reject women in gaming due to some false flags / trolling because its the same entity - the fall of leftist gaming journalism would have then lead to mainstream media also getting purged


Zoe Quinn, the amateur porn star who started the whole thing. It's been awhile, but i'm pretty sure she was sucking off one journalist but he never reviewed her game, the other 4 dudes she fucked behind her boyfriend's (a soyboy) back where all in the Indie Game scene. So it's not like the insinuation that she was whoring herself out wasn't true, it just wasn't quid pro quo.

>t. vidya """""""journalist"""""""

I will green text to save time
>some unheard of woman makes a choose your own adventure text game
>game reviewers said it was great
>gamers dissagree
>she cheats on her bf
>he exposes she cheated on him with some game reviewers
>the same ones who said her game is good
>gamers call her and the reviewers out for their bs
>gamers have long known of the corruption and lies of the games journalism crowd
>this was proof that their suspicions were correct
>she cried sexism
>play the gender card
>they came after me because I am a wahmen
>the entire game journalism crowd sticks up for her and takes her side and call all gamers are scum
>le gamers are
>all out war
>gamers vs game journalism establishment
>new youtube channels pop up like Mundanematt and Sargon of Akkad, informing gamers on what is going on
>the war is no longer just about corruption in game journalism, but now how 3rd wave feminism and cultural marxists have infiltrated the gaming crowd, trying to rot it within
>they want to turn games into basically propaganda to preach their ideals
>gamers just want games to be about fun and good gameplay

Where you belong:

Then "GamesJournoList" came out where it was revealed that the "Gaming journalist community" across most/all known mainstream gaming sites had all been on a secret mailing list for the purposes of networking/socializing/sharing links/building hivemine groupthink/collective narrative shaping on the public.

It was like the two decades of faith in news media erosion happening within a span of two weeks.

Read the book SJW's Always Lie by Vox Day.

Gamer gate was a long time in the making, it just finally came to an epic climax with that event. Drivergate was the sneak preview.

Rewind the clock to the year 2000.
>PS2 launches
>Driver 3 was going to be the hot must have game
>because Driver 1 and 2 was actual 3D, GTA 1 and 2 was still just a 2D top down shooter at this point
>game journalists said the game was great
>the game comes out
>it is a glitchy crappy mess
>gamers realize they were lied to by the games media
>a few insiders leak that they had to give the game a good reviews because the publisher bought up lots of ad space in the magazines and websites
>gamers are pissed and start discussing this on various forums
>publisher hires a company to go around the internet and threaten the forums owners with law suits if they do not delete all posts relating to Drivergate
>the forums all give in to pressure out of fear and start mass deleting and banning all posts relating to Drivergate
>GTA3 comes out and no cares anymore
>gamers move on
>14 years later, gamergate

I feel old. That was a huge embarassment for the gaming media. Bullshit like this continued during the 2000's like with the infamous kane and lynch review or with ign as a whole (remember the cod reviews and the god hand review)

>mainstream media also getting purged

Isn't that what's happening now?

Ryuko a cute!

>>>Encyclopedia Dramatica

the Kane and Lynch drama, lol that was another good one. I forgot about that.

Quick rundown: Sup Forums and Sup Forums vs authoritarian left.

Gamergate discussion was actually banned from Sup Forums. Moot the cuck was still the site owner at the time. All Gamergate shit took place on cripplechan which is why it is the real hive of weaponized autism. And every other kind of autism.

I'm not autistic enough for that shit but watching it from a far was beautiful. Gawker got it's shit pushed in. A bunch of SJWs got fired. Several (((media outlets))) lost sponsorship. And it redpilled a LOT of people. We all know the media is lying but I imagine for many a maladjusted young man, having the media say horrible lies about YOU is quite a rude awakening.

Though it inevitably lead to the shittiness of nu-pol, it's changed the landscape of normieland.

Im old, so I missed Gamergate, but I remember going wtf when, looking for random reviews, rockpapershotgun announced a ban on PAX because some guy gender was genetic, which happened around the same time.

Never mention cripplechan on here idiot.

The worship of Adolf Hitler, our god and saviour.

Yep, this is literally all it was. Of course the media turned it into some insane culture war "battle of the sexes".

This sums it up well.

It redpilled the fuck out of me. I went from watching Space Dandy and playing mind numbing vidya to virtual activist overnight

>Gamergate discussion was actually banned from Sup Forums
I didn't know that, I know it was being mentioned here and there. why was it banned? why was everyone so upset?

Who knows? moot was propably triggered or something

Now talk about the ancient vampire family, the fake names and the DiG rA rabbit hole fuckery and we're set.