Why Haven't You Donated to Lauren Southern Yet?

pls donate and stop bullying her, she is trying to halp and spread the Alt-Right MAGA Ethno-Nationalism Deus Vault message, you beta incel faggots.

(she also accepts bitcoin)

Other urls found in this thread:


>post autistically about youtube e-celeb for months on end
>you beta incel faggots

>aut-righters deplatforming their own most effective public figures


okay talking shit about lauren southern is the new annoying version of talking good about lauren southern
now if Sup Forums could just manage to not talk about her at all we'd be good.
we get it. she's a kike loving nigger fucker. let her have her faggy normie audience and move on. christ./

Lauren Southern is not in the alt right so I don't care what she does. I think she can be used to bring in normies however. You should have never shilled about her past. We all knew about it but now you have shown the normies because they actually don't care. You ruined a good opportunity.

hello ctr shareblue jidf shill faggot.

although i give zero ficks about any e-celebs, these threads are obvious kike attempts at fucking them over. im goimg to tend to my sage garden now. hopefully your .05 shekels has been deposited for being a good kike.


It's kind of embarrassing that she dated a mulatto years ago, but holy fuck the shills won't let it alone.


Ever hear of the saying: don't throw the baby out with the bath water? That is exactly what you shills are doing.

im embarrassed i ever donated to her from now on i will be donating to nazbol duganists and #medtwitter content creators

uhhh, disgusting. She actually dated an Irishman?

>if you don't support nigger lovers, your enemy wins


Satan is right, how do you guys expect to have support if you outcast every influential person who is on your side?

who gives a fuck what anybody says here about that coal burning whore. if you're trying to white knight the best thing you and she can do is stay away from Sup Forums.
for fucks sake this is a vile den of misogyny and racism. none of you new friends can change that. what will happen is you make such a big deal about it that shitposters will just fuck you for the lulz and the harder you try to claim Sup Forums for your own the more they're going to fuck you. you keep pushing and absolutle shitstorm will bring down the alt right. understand they don't care.

Ecelebs cancer

Yeah, how can we ever survive if we don't embrace race mixers?

Why the fuck would I give some man jaw cunt my money when she literally does nothing for me?

I'm a girl, if I doll myself up and start making political videos will you give me free money too?

>kind of embarassing
kys you fucking shitskin cuck


They just mindlessly parrot everything we do

She hardly brings anything new to the table, it's why we hate alt-lite e-celebs so much

>this dribble
Do fuck off you blatant shill.

But they're totally just like us.

Don't forget to donate ;)


with btc at an all time high I can only afford to send her very small amounts.not worth the transaction fee. I wish she would post her ltc address

desperate much moarpheus?

You're a fucking idiot. Take this shit to r_thedonald where it belongs.
Tell me more how the unapologetic coal burner is
>totes a crypto WN guise

>rely on a nigger loving e-celebrity to educate you on politics
>call everyone else desperate

The alt-right is a meme, shitting on these beta bux whores is just for fun. No one actually cares what they say and they aren't changing any minds with their revolutionary thoughts which are nothing but regurgitation of what they think will get clicks and patreon donations. They don't have a single unique thought of their own. If they are so fragile they can't handle internet hate that just further proves the sole reason they're doing it is for attention and money.

>take this ethnat to td where it belongs
You couldn't make yourself more blatant if you tried.
What a waste of 18 billion that was.

>implying designated women need to have unique thoughts of their own
Spokeswomen speak and draw in young men who draw in young women who draw in yet more young men.
Nobody expects them to write a wholly original manifesto.

Quit astroturfing people and content that doesn't deserve to be heard. There's actual people out there who you should be supporting and spreading, 20 year old women on youtube aren't some of them.


u faggots need to get a grip. i dont care who she fucks. she does good work you stupid motherfuckers.

>defend a nigger lover
>call yourself an ethnonationalist

>designated women
Designated shitposting women rather. What we don't need is trannies.

Her and Anne Coulter are charlatans.

Its not just their closeted coal-burning, honestly the fact they try to hide it is more damning to me.

Its that their arguments lack any nuance and are simplistic, its evidence of someone who doesnt have any deep understanding or care for something.

Luckily for the rest of Europe Romans were civic nationalists.


I'm not defending her shagging a nigger. That's degenerate and it's something for her future husband to deal with however her past degeneracy has no bearing on her present utility.

>draw in young men who draw in young women
yes, the champions of man that are drawn to e-celebs are truly going to attract swathes of women. Shut the fuck up and start reading.

>i dont care who she fucks

>promoting attention whoring nigger lovers actually helps us

Do you idiots actually believe this shit or are you trying to rationalize all the money she got out of you.

Based. Make threads. Advise minimizing any MGTOW rhetoric to the max

i happen to like Lauren
but wiminz have no fucking business in politics and they should not vote

>I'm not defending her race mixing, I'm just saying we shouldn't attack her for sucking nigger cock

OP is a roastie orbiter put up to this, or alternatively Shawn the butthurt manlet


Lauren "I won't suck your pecker unless you pray towards Mecca" Southern

You literally don't need women in politics to accomplish anything whatsoever. Never have and never will.

You're a naive faggot, quit shilling your trash here

I never said that literal ubermensch will be more likely to follow a movement because they're told to by someone they find attractive. I said that young women bring in bodies and bodies are extremely valuable to any movement.
Jared Taylor is great but you aren't going to build a movement off off men like him alone.

Here they are gloating about it.
All of the Lauren and Tara shill threads here are organized and made by them.

>tfw you're the only white person at a white nationalist rally

Because Lauren Rose is superior in every conceivable way. She is a traditional virgin wifey material qt unlike that bloated loudmouth Canadian man-voiced coalburner.

Lauren Rose is younger, prettier, actually white, light haired, blue eyed, wears little makeup, has better teeth, accepts ethno nationalism, isn't a coalburner, isn't a mutt, and doesn't want your shekels.

She admits that she is still exploring and understanding what white nationalism is and doesn't claim to be an authority or try to redefine the movement to fit feminist subversion.

The Canadian Coalburner doesn't even deserve to be called "Lauren". When I refer to Lauren I am always referring to Lauren Rose. Coalburners should not to be called anything other than what they are.

Lauren Rose > Canadian Coalburner

>mfw nu/pol/ thinks only shills would attack a nigger lover larping as a white nationalist

(((still exploring)))

top kek

The fact that she hid her hypocrisy reinforces the idea that its the just a sham.

Also because she a retard, she sounded like an idiot on the Daily Show.

Support people with something intelligent to say not because they are hot.

>being literally unable to read
I don't care about her past because I've no intention of marrying her. Her present utility is more valuable than her degenerate past.
As is when she speaks of the value of western civilisation and traditionalism she reaches an audience with thousands among them.
The value of a spokesperson isn't in their identity but in the potential to influence others. Yes if literally every single "tradthot" as you incel spergs call them were on the level of Lauren Rose then that'd be great but we are not in a position where such a thing is possible or even desirable.

do that normie shit elsewhere. the only reason people are making this an issue is because you alt kike shits keep bringing it up. you will never get Sup Forums to accept a coal burner. the rest of social media is yours but quit shilling that shit here.

Nice non-response jew boy.
You literally do in the modern era. The floodgates to women in politics have been opened and you're either malevolent or utterly stupid if you don't understand the value of women in marketing an idea.

>Jared Taylor is great but you aren't going to build a movement off off men like him alone.
Why not?


Quit trading one e-thot for another you stupid fucking leaf.

>post by this ID


>build the movement elsewhere the only reason people are making this an issue is because your efforts are bearing fruit
I'm sure it's no coincidence that all this "tradthots reeeeeeeeeeeee" shit started cropping up when Soros splurged 18 billion on internet shilling. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that so many people are attacking precisely the point that I'd be attacking if I wanted to harm the growth of a nascent movement.

Sup Forums
Bait thread
Bait thread
Bait thread
Bait thread
Bait thread
Bait thread
Let’s attack an e-celeb
Bait thread
Trump thread
Race hate thread
Woman hate threat
Bait thread
MGTOW thread
Bait thread
Syria thread
Bait thread
> not sure what happened to political discourse and discussion
> complete shit show and it’s fucked
> delusional belief Sup Forums means something

If you are going to pay money to a woman you damned well better be getting a blowjob out of it, minimum. Who the fuck donates $30 a month or whatever to this bitch when that is minimum one blowjob from a whore who is equally hot and equally trying to separate you from your money but more willing to actually put out?

>white nationalist
>a mixed race guy she dated 3 years ago
No thanks, shill. Your opinion: ignored.

She's a nigger loving whore who does nothing to further our movement. She contributes nothing original, mocks the idea of a Jewish conspiracy, and only cultivates fame for its own sake.

She's an attention whore using idiots like you to make money and validate herself after her nigger boyfriend dumped her.

Because Jared Taylor appeals to a much smaller more dedicated group.
The success of a movement isn't built off of its intellectuals rather it's built off of the connection between those intellectuals and its footsoldiers being capable of appealing to as wide a group as possible as readily as possible.
There is a reason you don't see CEO's and marketing executives appearing in advertisements to cell their products. Rather you see more often than not attractive young women.

>when Soros splurged 18 billion on internet shilling
You idiots are so fucking helpless and are the reason Sup Forums is dead. Historically, the worst thing possible to be in the eyes of Sup Forums has always been a coal-burner. It's an unforgivable sin and has been looong before you stumbled upon this board from plebbit. Why don't you actually look up what the DOTR is, you child. LS came out as a coal-burner, my her own admission. Whether or not a leftist hacked her, or probed her is irrelevant. This is "don't read wikileaks because the Russians want you to" tier, you're just too fucking dumb to realize it. They aren't growing anything other than their patreon accounts and brown people who are "right wing".

There's a reason why the networks are ok with LS and her ilk but not men like Jared.

>The floodgates to women in politics have been opened and you're either malevolent or utterly stupid if you don't understand the value of women in marketing an idea

If it's so obvious, give me examples of women in American politics making such a huge impact? Other than the first female candidate for president getting utterly destroyed of course.

>mulattos aren't black now

The mental gymnastics you'll go through to defend this empty suit of a whore is contemptible.

If she were against race mixing, she wouldn't have tried to justify it by saying he was a Based Nigger who voted for Trump (even though he's Canadian...). That she deleted the tweet immediately tells you everything you need to know.

Nationalism was around long before she came on the scene begging for shekels, and it'll be here long after she hits the wall. Making it clear that race mixers aren't welcome is far more important than the handful of neckbeards she "converts."

Except Anne Coulter has never hidden it. It also falls in line with her ideology that America is not multicultural but in fact bi-cultural. (Whites and blacks.)


do not reply to anti-white threads
do not respond to anti-white posters

She's shagged a nigger. That's degenerate. I've said as much and I shan't defend her having done so however as I've said repeatedly now her past degeneracy has no bearing on her present utility.
You can sperg out about how she's simply spouting other peoples observations and talking points all you want but that's precisely what makes her useful. I expect that if she sat down and drafted her own manifesto without any ideas which she's heard from other people it'd be absolutely fucking awful.
Developing and growing a movement is an iterative process.

I do not look for political advice or knowledge from women. There are many older, better, more educated men who are already doing that. I think it is weird that hordes of men in their 20's and 30's are looking for advice and education from 20 year old girls.

You wouldn't look to a student for knowledge in a subject. But you do admire when they share what they have learned in their studies. That is how I look at Lauren Rose. She is still learning and it is fun to watch her journey.

Canadian Coalburner on the other hand constantly acts like some figure of authority on subjects she knows nothing about. She ran for office. She hosted political shows. She wrote books. And everytime she exposed herself as someone who doesn't know anything.

It is a sin for women to teach over men. No woman trying to do so can call herself traditional. Lauren Rose isn't trying to do that.

She's still defending race mixing. Any marginal utility she provides is utterly destroyed by the fact that she's normalizing such behavior.

Women don't make the impact. Women aren't politicians, they aren't intellectuals, they aren't the footsoldiers. They're marketing and you're absolutely retarded if you genuinely don't understand the value of marketing in the growth and development of an ideology.

Of course nobody's that stupid however so all you actually are is a waste of 18 billion.

>oy vey goyim! E-celeb threads are cancer! Stop defaming our coal-burning rabbi-approved controlled opposition!
Turning on Lauren is the right thing to do. It will redpill lots of normalfaggots about the dangers of race-mixing. Also watching tears and rage stream down her busted manface will be funny and enjoyable masturbation material.

you haven't been here long.
>inb4 longer than you
this isn't Soros jewry because nobody made Lauren say this she did that one all on her. those pictures aren't new they've been floating around for awhile. awhile fucking a poo or sand nigger might be disgusting it pales in comparison with fucking a nigger. you'll never get Sup Forums to accept coal burning. just like you'd never get Sup Forums to accept Milo because he's a faggot jew. Sup Forums laughed when the pedo shit came out about him.

all I'm saying is you can think it's Soros and try really hard to make Sup Forums accept a coal burning e celeb but it's not going to happen. the more defensive you get about this the worse it's going to be. you people colonized Sup Forums and you were tolerated but accepting coal burning and jews is really crossing the line.

>laurens new website tradthot.com

Yes, and when one of those empty suit spokesmen get arrested for snorting coke, they simply find another spokesman to fill their spot. This is exactly what should be done with Lauren.

>ur just dumb lol

But you're wrong I said this in the other thread but I will repeat it since she is actually gaining subscribers : Everyone at Sup Forums knew about her past. She is not someone we watch or get ideas from but we knew that she was an overall positive attribute. Now you've ruined it except this will not ruin her so she will still have the amount of influence only now people will associate it with racemixing. Good job.

>she's still defending race mixing
When has she made a video defending miscegenation?
I don't watch her or indeed anyone elses videos much at all so perhaps she genuinely has and I've missed it but I reckon if she had you lot would be a lot more keen to spam a link to that video everywhere rather than posting a bunch of pictures with her and a nigger from years ago.

She dated him 3 years ago, and obviously they are still friends. Of course she would not go against him like that. But you are not interested in that. Now run along back to Kali for for new orders.
She was not race aware back then, don't you get that? Fuck you are dumb

>. Her present utility is more valuable than her degenerate past.
Her present "value" is that she is a walking piece of blacked.com propaganda.

Every time she says something she connects what she's saying to "hahah bitch got BLACKED whitebois MAD? how can they compete?"

She has no propaganda value anymore except if you're looking to promote BBC memes or something.


She rationalizes the race mixing as acceptable because he was a Based Christian Nigger who voted for Trump. It's pathetic, as are you for defending this vile shit.


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>It will redpill lots of normalfaggots about the dangers of race-mixing
How? They do not share our views., not in the slightest. They would be repulsed by them actually.

Sure Canadian Coalburner never claimed to be a white nationalist. She called herself an "identitarian" and lamented over the decline of European heritage, the fall in white populations all over the world, and the forced mixing and diversity.

Meanwhile she was fucking a nigger the entire time.


You're a good flaggot, one of the best. Divide and

slide is our bread and butter, keep it up my dude!

if you look like one of this korean comfort women then the answer is yes

She's a faggot degenerate. I don't care about waking up lots of mundanes. I care about fostering extremism and nurturing aggression anonymously. Stop using "we need to wake up normies so there can be more based pedes" as an argument.


>I want a red-pilled artificial girlfriend experience and I get this through X youtuber

Stop and look objectively at the situation please.

pretty accurate, is this oc?

>and obviously they are still friends

Women aren't friends with their exes unless they're still fucking.

>hurr durr, the only reason someone would attack a nigger lover is if they're working for another irrelevant e-celebrity


Errrr clb thrrrraaaaaddddddzzzzzz uuueaaaarrrrrrrr
DVeeeerd nn Cnkaaar ooooooaaaahhhhhuuuu

You are the only one making it to be about race here, not her or anyone else. Stop projecting your inadequacy on the rest of the world.
>fucking a nigger
>the entire time
She has been dating a white man the entire time of her being independent
The mixed guy was her highschool boyfriend many years ago.
You are spreading disinfomration here