This is my friend, Anzu. Please say something nice about her

This is my friend, Anzu. Please say something nice about her.

She isn't real.

Enough of this shit meme. Why do people like running things into the ground?

She likes /ss/

I said nice things


she has nice legs

She doesn't fucks manlets.

She's a great DDR player/dancer.

Téa is my wife

I fapped to her a lot.
That's nice, right?

Perfect boobs

The amount of times she should have been raped in the original series but didn't is impressive.


You won a duel despite being shit at it.

Best win record. 3/3.

She has some amazing titties

her name is TEA


Welcome to Sup Forums.

Did anyone else instantly think about her retarded line from the parody which is much superior to the actual Yugioh series?


I actually kinda liked her early manga importance.

She had some nice torpedo tities that one episode.

How the fuck did this get shown on Saturday morning cartoons?

She looks best with a ponytail.