Brit/pol/ - Monarchist, Not Royalist edition

>UK has 48 hours to agree potential deal or Brexit talks cannot progress

>Jerusalem status: Saudis condemn Trump's announcement

>David Davis warns impact of Brexit on the UK economy could be as great as the 2008 CREDIT CRUNCH

>Arlene Foster too busy to meet May

>Survation poll puts Labour 7% ahead of Tories

>DUP will not accept divergence from UK over Brexit

>UK local councils fund terrorists in Syria

>CIA/MI6 release new Christmas advert

>Rail fares to increase 3.4% in January

>Bankers & EU predict collapse of Tory party

Other urls found in this thread:


Typical Brit/pol/ poster

Start emigrating.

>Jeremy Corbyn will unironically be our next prime minister

Working on something, was originally suppose to be Prince Phillip however it looks fuck all like him. I’m aiming towards David Cameron or someone who looks similar. Got any suggestions chaps?

Here's a video of a six year old girl getting ass raped by a Muslim. Still think "Diversity is our strength"?

I miss Karenposter. I hope he's doing ok.

Looks good.

Yeah, exercise your Second Amendment right and guy a gun, then shoot yourself.

Does he still have the tag on? Did he film this in a changing room?

That’s not very nice

>you will never seize power from the old dessicated noble class and erect a glorious imperialistic monarchy on the blood of millions in a glorious war
Why have none of you done this

What do you think America has done for the last 100 years?

>tfw you say Merry Christmas but it offends muslims so you say Happy Holidays but it offends poor people who can't afford to go on holiday so you say Happy Winter but it offends people from the southern hemisphere so...

America should’ve remained a part of Britain. It was better off that way

considering the faggotry that is Britain?
fuck no

Their monarchy is weak, shitty, ineffectual. They squandered their nation.
white people simply can't get worthy rulers

Meghan Markle worked as an escort:

powerful political argument

Christmas is for Christians


Sky is a weird colour this morning.

what the fuck

Christmas is for consumerism

Really it's for pagans but let's not go into too much detail.

BUY BUY BUY and worship a dead yid on a sticks birth.

Paganism is worthless

>i'm a monarchist, not a royalist.
What does that even mean

The ting goes skrrrahh, pap, pap, ka-ka-ka
Skidiki-pap-pap, and a pu-pu-pudrrrr-boom
Skya, du-du-ku-ku-dun-dun
Poom, poom, you don' know

He wants a monarchy to head the nation politically, he's not obsessed with the events and lives of the royal family itself

Idea for you guys
compare old photos to new photos with diversity

Admirable sentiment awkwardly expressed

Not really

Anyone else hate this NZ haka bullshit? It's so inelegant.

>Monarchist, Not Royalist edition
Explain to a simple minded fellow pls. Does it mean he shamelessly went to that world war one commemoration when princess Dianna died?


When will the Windsors be deported back to Germany?

He is more interested in having a strong monarchy than petty gossip about an illegitimate child who will never see the throne.


How long until the Pakis try to attack your leader again??

What about it?



>being a britaboo

wew lad

hopefully soon

Done and done, Morality Man
Incidentally this is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. The only reason people say Singapore is "low corruption" is because they legalised politicians draining the state treasury, so *technically* it's not corruption if it's legal :^)

Guys redpill me on the 1488XDDDDDDDDDD chess trump is doing


>Billionaire businessman sides with the Jews
Ponder upon my consternation

>I just don't understand this Tracy Emin art.

Fuck it lads going out tonight and getting white girl wasted


>>I just don't understand this Tracy Emin art.
I hate her.

I'm so sick of sitting in my room on a computer screen. I hope I die tonight.


If I dress like Peter Hitchens how much pussy will I get?

If you're handsome the exact same amount of pussy you're getting currently
If you're ugly the exact same amount of pussy you're getting currently

All of it.

Since she's one of the most protected people in the country they'll never get anywhere near actually killing her

Fucking hell what do they teach kids at school. I didn’t give a fuck about race relations at their age.

>disgusting commie corbyn laughing
My blood is boiling already, I hope every single one of the leftycucks in the UK gets gassed

I hope the right wingers are rounded up and sent off to the gulag

Not before left wing retards get mass raped and truck'o'peaced
Nothing like this would get made nowadays. That's sad.

A lot of their kids do get paki'd or nogged so its not all bad.

Lefties need to suffer in the fires of hell for what damage they have done to society

>One of the most
Of course a useless old hag who's rich for the sake of being rich is more important than an elected official who doesn't even want to do her job.

As if the tories were any better.

Odds on an attack in the next 30 days?

Kings cross had loads of police last time i was there

Kings Cross has shit loads of police all year round. It's just part and parcel of living in a vibrant multicultural utopia to have heavily armed police standing post around transport links in case some poor misunderstood mudslime takes his frustrations out on actual taxpayers moving to and from work.

The real policework, though, is being done behind closed doors, keeping the internet safe from mean words and valid criticisms of our country's darling new religion.

I wonder how many suspicious packages they're planting in christmas markets. They could even wrap them up like the festive concrete.

In a sense worse as they are usually not as stupid as lefties or shall I say less subjective in their views.

Leftism is literally a religion and they will burn the country to the ground,, destroy our race and heritage for the sake of it

Good morning Anonymongoloids.

I'm team Corbyn now can't wait for Brexit to fail and everything to go to shit when he comes in to "clean up"

Throwing bacon rolls at mosques is the new child rape desu

While Tories just doing it for the shekels is any better?
Daily reminder peak net migration happened under may not blair

I hope everyone is stockpiling food and water. 2018 is going to be hell on earth unless you leave.

are their muslim prison gangs in britain? I'm just not sure if they send muslims to prison.

Who would win in a Jeremey Corbyn Vs Jacob Rees mogg

Boxing match

Flood gates opened by Blair, tories for all their jewy money grubbing had tried to restrict immigration since the Thatcher era.

And as I said they are perhaps more guilty as they have generally a higher IQ that allows for objectivity, leftist are literally subjective subhumans

Can someone explain monarchism? Why support it?
I heard someone say once that having a family essentially own the country as their property it means that they would make sure that it is kept from the destruction from politicians and leaders that may not care about it.
But this idea goes out the window, since Britain is willingly being destroyed from the inside.
So what good does it do? If your royal family are cucks then you can't really do anything about it.

Mogg is a complete pansy, and Corbyn is a leftist i.e. inherently genocidal

You know, it really is only a matter of time before civil war erupts in this country.

>I'm just not sure if they send muslims to prison.
They go in for thug-tier crimes, then act like thugs in prison so that the non-Muslim inmates convert just to get along without getting beaten up
>The serial killer's conversion has also been attributed to him allegedly searching for protection from the fearsome Muslim Boys Gang who look after anyone they convert.
>A prison insider also said it was "generally accepted" that Halal food was better than other meals.

They stick together as a group in prisons, they don't have US style 'hollywood' type prison gangs although the paki drug dealing gangs are more orgaisned.

It feels nice that asshole politicians have to bow to an old lady.

Why does everyone keep saying leave this country? Where the fuck do you easily just up and go like that

>The Tories tried control immigration
So they increased it?
Both parties are fucking traitors but don't shit on northerners for voting labour when all the Tories did for them is fuck them up the ass with thatchers big cock of free trade

Some prisons are dominated by Muslims.



Do pikeys run prisons at all?

This country is literally doomed. Things are going to get much worse before they ever get better. I was skeptical of the blackpill meme for a while, but every passing day is just more of a confirmation that it's real.


I pray his family get some sort of revenge on those who put him inside to die for literally nothing.

Because all lions are put to death before they can truly grow their fangs.


It's several orders of magnitude more heinous than that. Child rape is en vogue at the moment, so long as you have the prerequisites on lock (muslim) you can rape with almost total impunity.
Dirtying a mosque with haram substances is rightfully treated as a disgraceful affront to British values (sharia) and swiftly dealt with.

Conversely, it seems that, as long as you keep the numbers down below around 1400 you can rape for years without so much as a word from the police. Which is fantastic given that pedophilia is such an integral part of our diverse British culture (islam).

Outside the semi rural areas in the London area isn't really many pikeys
But when they are in your area you fucking know

Likelihood of another attack has been increased thanks to Trump revealing his true colours and being the ultimate kike puppet

Anybody who votes Labour in the north is asking for their kids to be paki raped and that is the truth.

I have no love of tories but objectively speaking they are slightly less bad than laour

And anyone who voted Tory asked the same
Look at the net migration stats
Muh tax aside what even makes the Conservatives conservative?

>I heard someone say once that having a family essentially own the country as their property it means that they would make sure that it is kept from the destruction from politicians and leaders that may not care about it.
This is broadly the reason. Their being born and bred solely to rule, educated to rule from the minute they could talk, educated on the history of Britain and what it is that makes her what she is, is also a factor. It's a check on the power of the elected Parliament, which could very easily be filled by the sort of shallow, eternal-campaigner that dominate politics in Europe and NA today.
>But this idea goes out the window, since Britain is willingly being destroyed from the inside.
In large part that can be attributed to the constant expansion of Parliamentary purview into areas that were formerly Royal prerogative, really beginning in earnest with George I. Also the growing public sentiment (stoked by perfidious Parliamentary types and liberal academics) in favour of liberal Enlightenment values like universal suffrage democracy and class-egalitarianism, which makes people hostile to the idea of an unelected aristocracy on principle.