Another great black accomplishment to put next to peanut butter and AIDs

Another great black accomplishment to put next to peanut butter and AIDs.

An online whinge campaign.

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I was wondering what a Wah Hingee was and then I remembered you losers misspell "whine"

Wtf her nostrils are bigger than her eyes

What is that thing?

We don't use whine because we don't like anything negative associated with something that sounds like alcohol.

f'ing disgusting.... what a joke

is that real?

Well, it's been good knowing you guys. Looks like the super mutant uprising is here to enslave us all.

> We wuz sexually harassed n shit

Just imagine user, the smells you could smell... from over 1km away!

>sex assault campaign
>started by a giga nigger
Anyone that takes the 2 seconds to look at this sheboon's face will know right away how dog-shit this anti-men "movement" is.

btw Did her gorilla of a mother smash her face in as a kid?

You're telling me that this woman suffered from... unwanted sexual attention...?

has science gone too far?

Why is it that horrendously ugly women start campaigns and cries for attention claiming they were "raped" or "sexually assaulted?" Is it their inferiority complex of getting no attention from the opposite sex so they project their inadequacy to the max? I wonder...

yea I think they're trying to let everyone know that at one point, a male tried to fuck them.

Fuck, I thought I was pretty decently versed in their vernacular but this one is new to me.

Jesus, her nose makes Jews noses look small

Would smash

Kikes and liberals will try to tell you that pic related and this are the same race.

This is what the average American looks like.

why do u people continually attack the looks of black people i just cant understand how so derives joy from attacking peoples appearance

she looks like one of your abbos mate

That girl isnt white though huwhite maybe

That's not a nose, it's a postal code.

Pretty sure the first time I heard it used was in this video.

even with makeup she looks like an uruk, holy shit

Lips too big hair too dark something chinky about the eyes

How does being cruel benefit u what if she gave u a million dollars would u stop mocking her then

SO thats how they decide where the newest KFC should go

>when your remark accidentally triggers the least aussie aussie in the world


more like

I'm fuckin dyin right now

Wow get a load of this queer

Is a bleaching a black blessing

She looks like a Jew that got hit in the face with a cartoon board.

Bet she still finds it easier to get laid than 99% of pol posters.

Not saying she aint beautiful just that shes not pure white

Blacks didnt even invent peanut butter

>Peanut butter is a black invention

False. Peanut paste has existed for centuries. The first person to put a patent on it and manufacture it for sale was an English, Canadian.

Nigger inventions are never real. They make them up so kids have something to write about for black history month.

>something chinky about the eyes
Chinky eyes aren't a flaw if they aren't monolids.


> tfw you'll never wake up next to her
> have kids with her
> introduce her to all your friends, see the jealousness in their faces

why live


Chicken nuggets for dinner again. Dont visit australia guys its all a meme

>> tfw you'll never take her out of her pen
>> breed her for larger offspring
>> ride her downtown, see the horror on your enemies faces

Fact is shes rich and u guys live in a basement

this face can't be real

thats fucking huge!!

She's literally the reason people
live in their basements.


aztecs were grinding peanuts into a paste 2000years ago

>black people are not beautif-
um fuck racists.

this right here is the supreme race


Evolution deniers BTFO !
Its real, niggers are mutating to find the best tendies

Ever see a gook drive?

>Ever see a gook drive?
They can't

Will that ugly mug be printed in time?

oblivion npc
and white americans live beside this?
no wonder they act so delusional and crazy

She looks like a creature you would find deep deep at the bottom of the ocean. Dumb bitch acting like she's the little murmaid and everyone wants a piece of her soggy pus pus. A hermit crab could live in those nostrils holy shit.

>le 0% face

clearly this image has been altered in some way

I hate to state the obvious here, but she is implying a black man sexually assualted her right? Due to the severe lack of white on black sexual crimes?

Does that make her somewhat racist due to black men holding so little power?

Remember that Rose McGowan took multiple settlements from Weinstein and still allowed other Women to be abused.

Kek, came here to post this.

>it's real

What the fuck.


We're all the same race goy it's just skin, breed with the monstrosity!


Little known fact, her grandfather invented air.

Gonna keep tweaking it. Open to collaboration

>Tyrannosaurus Burke


You guys are fucking retarded.


It's like you dumb faggots didn't consider that she's basically a unicorn. She is the only woman on the planet whose nose you can legitimately fuck.

Can literally blow your load while she blows her nose.

She is the ugliest bigger in the history of the world. She should be on the cover of Circus Time magazine.



Big habbenings going on here

she looks like krs one

untermensch facial structure jesus christ

Its the new ninja turtle

A gorilla raised outside the jungle

No, I'm pretty sure it's a gorilla.
Google told me so.

thought this shit was shopped at first

lmao this thing makes leslie jones look like grace kelly

People would make fun of a white person just a much if not more if they looked like that.

le -5% face


Well in this case its the absurdity of the situation but in general its a mechnasim to tell people to fuck off back to where they came from.

Complains about other making fun of looks, goes on to point out looks on others and makes fun of them. What did he mean by this

Any tripophobic here?


Tarana go shave ur nose down and get a peel.

I would rather fuck a horse then sit two feet away from that thing

So Stalin did create his half chimp/half human army?

What in god's name is that?

Looks like a slavshit and race doesn't exist you pea brained wh*teboy we're all the same species

You could fuck this nigger and create a baby and create a baby race doesn't exist ethnicity does though

Fucking hell, she can smuggle 300 grams of cocaine inside these nostrils, through airport security any fucking day