A perfect anime doesn't exis-

A perfect anime doesn't exis-

>perfect anime
>that dialogue

>/r9k/ the show

depression: the anime

It lacked the DUDE DRUGS LMAO from the LN

because drugs are heavily frowned upon in nipland

>no ntr

Except Sato has a close friend and multiple love interests throughout

>multiple love interests
senpai cucked him and misaki zoned him

Sato could've fucked either at any point. He cucked himself.

>His best friend marries happily and takes over a farm
>His senpai is getting her broken relationship fixed
>MC get his shit together at the end
>Ends up helping the girl that is suppose to help him
>Everyone becomes better people
How about you just tell us you haven´t watched it? Pretending will earn you nothing.
Disagree, is one of my favourite shows, but the pyramid scheme arc was pure trash.

actually wait, didn't senpai fuck him in the clubroom as thanks to him before she left?


>he's not a virgin
how can any of the viewers self-insert now

most of them just imagine inserting into misaki

eat a bag of dicks

I loved that arc. Not only is it funny, It's also the first time the three main characters come together and as friends, despite the deep mistrust each one has about other peopke. And it highlights the huge issues Japan had at the time with pyramid schemes, just like the rest of the show.

But even if you still completely hated it, it's only two episodes.

Not with those production values

he's just another redditor trying really hard to fit in by shitting on stuff regardless of what it is. did you dislike the entire concept or just the execution of the pyramid scheme arc, I thought it was a weak point but I wouldn't say trash

You can like fucking fuck a whore for 50 bucks if you are so hung up on it. Or any random 4/10. The guy is relatable to the bone.


The emotional payoff was lacking compared to the rest. Sure, it linked to the NEET brother later, but the buildup and payoff was weak.

The dialogue is pretty good in the dub. I think this is the only anime I would consider to be actually funny, barring a couple Gintama episodes. Most Japanese humor is awful.

>The guy is relatable to the bone.
50% of the people I talk to feel the same, I don't know what's wrong with the other half.

You learned nothing from the series did you? You are the only one that can help yourself, Misaki was as broken as Satou.

It's just a shittier less relatable version of Tatami Gakaxy

My fingers dont work properly ffs

Truthfully, the ones that can relate to him, they are the abnormal ones.

While I do like TG a whole lot. They are nothing alike, they are about different things entirely. Don´t be fucking retarded.

>The emotional payoff was lacking
I kind of think it's because while it does happen it's not really that common, that arc might be way more meaningful for someone who's had a relative get sucked into one of those

Overrated, only those who can identify with the retarded MC actually like it. Most of them line up with /r9k/ types.

The end of Tatami Galaxy literally said "Its better to do something and colour your life than do nothing at all"
Not to mention they both feature a pyramid scheme arc.
You can't deny their thematical similarities.
If you need two shows to be exactly alike to notice a similarity, you need to stop looking without seeing.

Nah. It was a sudden detour, and didn´t really connect all that well with any of the main cast. Of course, I can see it being better handled. But it wasn´t.

Why does this fucking meme always come up. The show is about things other than NEEThood. Suicide, depression, domestic abuse, pyramid schemes, otakus, eroge, Internet porn, mental illness, romance, game addiction, agoraphobia. It's almost like you haven't seen the show or something.

>Being a retard
The end of Tatami Galaxy had one simple message:
There is no goddamn rose coloured college life. Instead of having this ideal college life in your head, look around you, reality isn´t all that bad.

While NHK main point was:
The only one that can help you is yourself.

Don´t blend these two together.

trolls going for the easy troll

I only made it six episodes in before I realized I didn't care for a single character. I stopped when he had that freak out during that VN class or whatever.

Fuck off frogposter.

Uncontroversial Opinio-


Dumb frogposter

Yamazaki and Misaki become much more likeable, the MC less so.

I think Yamazaki went from being my least favorite to favorite character actually.

So basically stuff you'd find in a poorly written emo fanfic?
Yeah the show was definitely overly melodramatic
>OMGOMGOMG the cute MMO girl wasn't actually a girl
>gonna kill myself right now


i wish

When his senpai showed up in the early episodes, I was interested but then I realized the type of show this is where nothing right will go for the MC. The main guy just seemed like a real fucking idiot.

>perfect x cut-off sentence
Fuck off with this cancerous meme.

Fuck off with the "cancer ruining x" meme

Except it is cancerous shit, you moron.

Not really an idiot, I think it was pretty obvious he had a range of mental disorders.

>mental disorders

That's an excuse for being a loser. If I remember right his disorders were because he was taking hard drugs.

Emo doesn't exist anymore grandpa, it's time to update your bait

There are no drugs in the anime. He takes the paranoia instilled in him from his depressed senpai and it just gets magnified from his schizophrenia, agoraphobia, autism etf.

The drug abuse is there but it's downplayed to blink-and-you'll-miss-it levels

Is that Sato's? I only remembered his senpai having drug problems.

Yep they're under his hat as he picks it up before going out
Only senpai is actually ever shown taking drugs though

You really, REALLY don't want to date anyone with borderline personality disorder.
They won't fix you.
They are more broken than you and cannot be fixed, poisoning lives of anyone nearby.

The dialog was great, what's your problem?

i dropped acid for the first time around thanksgiving, i was in a cabin in the woods with a bunch of friends and i started having legit paranoid delusions , it got got bad i thought it was really in hell.
should i watch this show?

Why does Sup Forums love this anime so much? Teenage cringe tier at best. Was boring as fug.

What if I had bpd myself? Would we just cancel eachother out?

In the manga, he smokes crack

>Teenage cringe tier at best
What anime can't be inserted into this category? Anime, manga and LN are not exactly high brow entertainment, but the original NHK novel was certainly aimed to older people

The show is rather depressing at times and the MC is certainly drug-addled and delusional, but don't listen to all the people calling it "emo" or "teen cringe" etc. The show is at its heart a Black comedy. Even when suicide and mental illness is brought up, it's always looked at from a comedic standpoint. Your meant to laugh at the MC predicaments, not cry.

But you do you, man, there's no guarantee you won't still have flashbacks.

that's good to know it isn't that bleak, i'll check it out

I actually didn't like NHK that much. I thought it was okay but it didn't really resonate with me because I've never been a depressed NEET and if you didn't have that the show was much less engaging
The whole suicide island stuff was pretty strange too

Meeting people online to commit mass suicide was (maybe still is) a big issue in Japan. The whole show is based around various Japanese social issues such as that.

What drugs were mentioned? Drugs are rare enough in japanese pop culture


My interpretation was that they just kissed, because well, when Misaki asks if he's still a virgin he thinks a lot before talking about senpai.

Try the big bang theory. I hear it does the whole "im such a nerd XDDD" thing too.


Sumimasen! I will watch in grorious nihongo next time sempai!


I actually just finished watching it. For the most part I liked the show though it was frustrating at times seeing Satou do the shit that he does.

I've never been a NEET either, but the show still resonated with me in the sense that seeing Satou fuck everything up made me think about my own personal regrets, failed relationships, and missed opportunities. While I found his specific dilemmas funny (the pyramid scheme and the suicide cult shit was hilarious), I think the show's real charm is that it makes you think about yourself a lot. Obviously if that doesn't happen there really isn't a whole lot to the show.

it was a wild ride