Has anime gotten worse or have I grown jaded?
Has anime gotten worse or have I grown jaded?
It's just that dark action doesn't sell anymore unless you manage to get fujos interested like with Psychopass.
what appealed to fujos in psychopass?
nah. it's still good, but you just gotta wade through more shit. And Akira sucked balls.
It's a combination of legitimate change in the industry and what is popular now vs then, nostalgia goggles, survival filter and taste
The character designer. Akira Amano is great at making pretty boys, just look at Katekyo Hitman Reborn and its fanbase.
The guys, fujo love characters like Kougami and Makishima and adult, handsome guys with a past in general. It's similar with Tiger and Bunny.
Kanon was 11 years ago.
>Has anime gotten worse or have I grown jaded?
Top-tier animes of their year differs from anime of past years.
If you've not liked anything for a while now then perhaps you are looking for a particular something that isn't explored in anime these days, or you now lack the ability to appreciate things.
Direction of anime and audiences have shifted outside your tastes.
I miss the campy 80s-90s sci-fi cyberpunk shows that became the inspiration for blade and the matrix and kill bill. The shows were in turn an inspiration from 80s action movies like blade runner and total recall.
Nowadays the west takes no inspiration from anime and the anime industry is just thinly veiled pedophilia
Anime took a massive dive in overall quality in 2008-9 and hasn't recovered yet
also akira was never good
Actually it still does, it's just now we get sucker punch and pacific rim
>Nowadays the west takes no inspiration from anime
>11 years ago
15 if you want to go by the original.
Only in movies sometimes we see good plot.
I wouldn't wonder if there were a shit ton of stolen manga plots in Hollywood movies. Anime and manga are way too much of a subtype of media to make normalfags realise that something was stolen and Hollywood will always win against some random mangaka.
Sucker Punch was good though.
nolan was really open about his inspiration and I'm sure 99% of people that watched don't know about it so someone that actually tries to hide that they're stealing is almost assured of getting away with it
Anime has just become to incestuous.
Instead of taking inspiration from literature, film, real life, etc, anime just takes inspiration from other anime.
Most shows simply feel flatter because characters are distilled down to the bare archetypes since that's what the Otaku guzzle down.
Some of the "fujo" anime seem to be way more diverse in that regard, they also have more often settings or themes other anime from nowadays never touch. Not saying that fujos have a better taste, but many of the better anime happen to contain guys or plot points that alure fujos for whatever reason.
I would want to know how many of those who watch non-otaku anime are actually fujos. Sup Forums always attributes everything to them but I'd be surprised if stuff like TaB, Rakugo, Psychopass, Ristorante Paradiso or 91 Days or whatever wasn't watched by males as well. It's just that fujos are the loudest fans and those who create fanart, which make it seem like they're the only one watching "non-otaku" anime.
Anime was never good, according to Miyazaki.
Not even his own?