How to bring rock music back

gentleman, how do we bring back rock music? as a disclaimer, we will get the 16 year old Sup Forums regulars in here to tell us music is better than ever. we know, faggot, but mainstream music went from guitar based rock to lil gucci or whatever. HOW DO WE BRING BACK ROCK? now it seems the music of the young male is shitty degenerate rap, rather than edgy rock. as a huWhite male, i prefer the latter.

so what do we do, lads? are you doing your part? personally, whenever i hear someone blasting american nigger beats from their car, i will up my volume on my stereo to drown it out with the sweet sounds of a guitar.

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There isn't any good rock being made these days. The most popular rock artists are like fucking 21 pilots and mac demarco and other pussy nonsense.

Simple! Just bang two rocks together in front of a microphone and post it on YouTube!

There is really amazing rock music, we need to work on making rock bands cool again, but it's damn near impossible because the market is saturated with *lil guccis*.

Try to listen to Graveyard, the good rock music is out there but I've heard people call it "boring". The kids now need a quick catchy hook and melody, and replacing that with a shitty riff that repeats the whole song and 5 words being sung 50 times wouldn't be much better than gucci gang.

i think there is good modern rock music, but the problem is, it's impossible to develop and put into the mainstream sphere where it plays on radio, accumulates millions of views on on line platforms, and takes people by swarms. even when rock and roll took off in western europe and the US, it infected U.S., it was like where nigger music is today back then.

then again, perhaps you're right. if i think of good modern "rock" i'd have to point towards more metal music which is acquired taste. i'm not sure if anything would rival not only the talent but accessibility of a band like blue oyster cult or rush.

listening to this group now, pretty good desu.
honestly thought they were gonna be an American southern band kek

wew lad
meant to say in this post infected the soviet union even, not the u.s.

Yeah, same, was surprised Swedes can do something right.

HEY, check out Greta Van Fleet:

They fucking ROCK!

Greta Van Fleet

You don't deserve a (you)

Rock isn't edgy anymore. Used to be rock and roll was the devil. Now it's the tame music your dad listens to.
It has been totally eclipsed in terms of degeneracy.

I don't care about rock, I just want god tier lyrical compositions back. Rock music throughout the 70s, despite being the gateway to all the degeneracy we see today still had done amazing artistry and lyrics. It seems like repetitive nigger beats is what sells music today. Music is no longer complex. It's like sugary chewy gum. It loses it's taste quite fast, whilst a lot of the best rock music, especially prog rock was like a full course meal. Everything' sounds overly manufactured. Today's Music has no soul. Everyone sings about the same degenerate things.

Check out Greta Van Fleet

Thats because people cant distinguish between art and entertainment. They expect art to entertain them to their liking and of course this means money

>Learn to play (Guitar, drums, bass, keyboard, vocals)
>Start band (Must be good enuff to jam)
>Jam on sweet tunes
>Frontman must be wacky artsy type that is also not a pussy (hardest find since normie white men are cucked so hard)
>Record tunes
>Perform tunes live
>get your fuck on with groupies
>groupies tell other sluts about music
>songs good? Popularity. songs bad? Obscurity.

That's rock n' roll.

The RAC/right wing punk/oi/metal scene is probably stronger than it has been in years. Tons of active bands and labels. Most are blacklisted from mainstream distribution channels but that hardly matters anymore. You can download pretty much any album from the late 70's onward.

any suggestions? i like Rahowa, and Better Dead than Red is pretty good. even like Skrewdriver. but if you have modern stuff especially, please do add some links to what you're listening to.

it never went away. Just because you don't hear it on the radio doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

i said that in the OP. i even based it on "dad rock" for that purpose. the point is it went from being a mainstream popular music, popular enough to even come into the soviet union when they sure as hell didn't want it, to now with youths and manbabies listening to shitty rap music.

i know it's still alive, but it's subculture now as opposed to common.

>Simple! Just bang two rocks together in front of a microphone and post it on YouTube
Day of the rake when?

>Better Dead than Red
Listening to Tattooed Mother Fuckers at the moment. Not overtly political but it has members from English Rose and Bulldog Breed.

I just bought this

Rock ain't dead

>he doesnt listen to nails or gojira

>are you doing your part?
yep, the rock scene in japan is comfy

kawaiicore is so segoii

Japan makes some of the best guitars in the world.

>guitarist wearing a madball t shirt
is there even any overlap between the east coast hardcore scene and skinhead kinda stuff?

Good guitar music will be back. It just has to sink lower into obscurity. Then it will become a niche thing again and reach a similar niche and it can become popular again.

>nails or gojira
t. Nu-male

Tons of good bands now a days, the jews just made them harder to find.

please share your amazing musical taste with us, Petrovich

The Fender/Gibson meme needs to die. They have some of the best guitarists too. Japan has always been innovative with their players.

There's a huge overlap. It was/is a skinhead scene

just gonna point out that the guys in Blue Oyster Cult were all New York jews.

This is the Download Festival France line-up
It is literally a 30+ yo. rooster
EDM and rap/trap garbage is truly killing the audience
today's teenagers like DJs and raves
or just don't give a fuck about music, and prefer TV series and social media gatherings, like vidcon or the comiccon

that was cool. does all the youth core, drug free thing stem from this? is the roots of minor threat and such literally in skinhead oi?

jews have always a presence in popular music. lieber and stoller

Vektor - Terminal Redux

i dunno bro sorry but to me thatsa shitty lineup. Im sure there'll be teeny bops there attending that festival though with their smartphones selfying it up and tweeting about how "old school" they are.

fag enablers

I like it. but not sure how you can like that and not enjoy this:

I believe the best move for proper white people would be to move back to music of the high arts. Why are we not taking our beautiful women to hear the beautiful sounds of the cello and violin? If we are to maintain our cultural identity we must break away from the mainstream degeneracy and hard. I do not think rock is a hard enough split for the younger generations, they will immediately think of their dads or hippies, but classical music add an edge of aristocratic superiority that teenagers crave.

>Tfw not sure if antifa or redpilled

well, my point is that Download Festival always included the latest and greatest stuff from the metal/rock/punk scene
judging by that line-up, the scene is basically on life-support
I am old as fuck, and I am surprised I know every band in that poster
It is like a 2002 festival rooster

i can't say i care for most of those bands (aside from the ones i never heard of), but i'd still kill to see Ozzy - i never have before, don't care how rotted his brain is by acid. and Converge is just pure nostalgia. You Fail Me was huge in 2004 for hardcore music.

it was blurred b/c the algorithm prob. thought the homemade sculpture was naked nigger standing on the porch

you ever into Crimson?

Heavy metal and rock music is completely fucking dead. Not the people playing in some of the bands, but the audience and the demand for decent music. 10 years ago when i was 18 or so, every second weekend was local metal bands that had insane talent, people actually got into the music and there was a strong community of people who loved that music. Now its just facebook/smartphones/bullshit. Haven't been to a live gig in over a year.
There are a million fantastic albums/artists for years gone by, not much help if no one is getting into that music because the culture is dying with this generation. Metal/rock has been here for 60+ years.

You would think that such a volatile political environment would birth a new punk movement, but there's nothing of the sort. I guess new wave really fucking put the genre down.

This. There are some good bands still but they're massively underrated or unsigned. Shit pussycore guys in skinny jeans with fringes are representing rock music. Even Kurt Cobain wasn't that much of a beta. You think anyone who doesn't listen to rock would want to listen to that again after trying it?

>Not the people playing in some of the bands, but the audience and the demand for decent music
punk nowadays just means liberal anarcho faggot.

It's still rock though. That's what I'm trying to say. Regardless of what the message is, nothing new is being created despite the material. It's like numales killed rock before numales were even really a cultural thing.

Fidget Fest 2018 coming soon

there's still some non pc punk out there.

desu this is an amazing Canadian indie-rock band

> It's like numales killed rock before numales were even really a cultural thing.
well in the case of punk music there was always the anarcho element lurking. the southern band eyehategod for example, they got blacklisted hard in the 90s for their song "white nigger". personally, i think the contrarian spirit of punk went down with GG Allin. not saying he was a great musician or anything, just the death knell of fucking shit up for its own sake.

Rock and metal used to be rebellious and dangerous, that's what drew people in. That and musicians with passion and talent. Its domesticated as hell now. Waking up with bruises and a hangover in someone else's house used to be a regular thing now its sober boring people flirting in a beer garden swapping social media details.

Just listen to metal instead, preferably with folk elements

Rockers don't sing about pussy and partying anymore, even the nerds here like "metal" shit for uggos that will never get popular

as far as indie rock goes, which could be the natural progression of "dad rock", pic related should have rightfully a huge album in america. i think it might even have been if the demos werent so fucked there. this album is just unbelievably youthful and american as fuck at the same time. same as their second album the Monitor.

Underrated tune

Branding old music as dad rock is whats holding down a lot of music. Kids aren't getting into music because they haven't heard anything decent in their lives.

Nothing will ever compare to Negro Observer
why even live

yeah no
i'm with what you're saying, but dadrock is dadrock
>make guitars dangerous again

Why you gotta make me want to listen to this again? I wanted to finish off the new Zappa Halloween shows.

Ya no it's not. You think back then every band mainstream or not got together to do the same thing album after album? No. They were trying to find something new. Not to mention timing and harmonies required to do so. People here wanting something new haven't listened to albums worth of groups passed. There's more 'dad rock' out there no one has bothered to here. I.e. progressive rock mentioned here like the Beetles and Rush...though great...Jethro Tull still has so much to hear.

Dismissing older music is just spastic. I grew up going to metal gigs in the early/mid 2000s. Still loved Black Sabbath, that was 70s. Some of the biggest names in metal like Slayer, they still name their favourite bands that inspired them as The Beatles, Zeppelin etc. Even the Beatles/Stones listened to Chuck Berry and those guys from the 50s. There's a band from your country that I'm going to see in a few months, Sabbat, that are fucking insane and old school give em a listen.

papadosio is pretty good

It's karmic justice the normies no longer have the good music

Find bands that you like and actually buy their albums you cheap fuck

Rock ain't dead yet.

>rock is dead omg!
Yawn, only youngfags believe this because they haven't seen the cycle yet. Soon Rolling Stone will proclaim another band as the "saviors of rock n roll". Past recipients include Tom Petty, Bruce Springsteen, Guns n Roses, Nirvana, Buckcherry, Silverchair, and Coldplay.

I just got back into The Offspring, great 90s rock.


I wasn't aware anyone outside Australia had ever heard of Silverchair.

>They have some of the best guitarists too.
This tranny's one of the craziest guitarists I've seen in recent memory.

Ya like LimpBizkit.

They were a one hit wonder when I was in high school. Cobain had just died and (((they))) pushed Silverchair as the next Nirvana because the guy had blond hair and wore chuck taylors just like Kurt!

Sabbat's fucking incredible lad. One of the coolest bands to come out of the 80s.

Just face it, straight white males can't make music. White males have no culture

White women are fine ass though, and they can sing and shake their butt like .

Look at Ariana Grande, Demi Lovato, Mariah, Selena Gomez, Miley. They're an example of white girls who can sing, put on a good song, and have a fine ass.

Literally what is the point of white male music? Like, fuck off already. The music industry doesn't want you, or your garbage """""music""""".

Name a current year white male singer got got deep respect? Basically none. They all suck. Best people in music are us black folk, and white women, and maybe a few white gay hipster bois with an acoustic guitar in the corner like a loser while black folk and white women are over there partying on, but that's it.

As for you metal '''music''' listeners, Go fuck off and headbang somewhere else. You died in 1991

Rock music is dead , friend.

My father is an actual rockstar that played in front of 100k stadiums , 3 world tours. He died this year, and went out as an actual rock and roll legend on stage. There are a number of factors why the musi.c is dead. No more gigs for working musicians, he used to play 7 sets 7 nights a week as a teenager. Practice practice. Also now the availability of music makes it less impactful. In the rock era, you could only listen to your favorite record after school in the family room, and if your favorite band came to town it was a monumentous event. Its a different era, and very sadly we will never see this era again. Some still have the spirit of rock and roll inside them though, I for one do. I will keep th3 music alive, just how I learned from my father and his rocker friends.

what sells is what the companies market. It's not a coincidence that little nickelodean and disney stars become some of the most famous pop stars. It's rigged. There's nothing organic about the music "industry" anymore. I think the 90's was the last time there was anything real about it. When someone could actually just get famous by writing a catchy tune even if it was only for one song. Plus before now you would have to be so good before anyone would even let you in a studio to record. Now a fool can do it on the computer upload to youtube and pretend they are good without even really taking any lumps or learning their craft. There are still talented acts coming out today but it's hard to find because it's saturated with so much garbage.

Men with taste just stuck with AiC.

>tfw pop music used to include masculine rock like Bob Seger
>now it’s all lip-synced and sluts and soyboys like Justin Bieber
>only masculine pop singers now are niggers

It’s over whitebois

Stop listening to whats popular maybe?

t. a dumb nigger



I don't care. I have become completely detached from mainstream society. I live in my own bubble and enjoy my own niche of amazing music. I know how to find it and there's plenty new stuff coming out in rock and metal.
I actually kind of prefer it this way, since now it won't be tainted by the filthy plebs that make up the bulk of society.
Society is lost and I'm just trying to make the best of it for myself until it all inevitably goes up in flames.

One of my favorite bands ever, still listen to them almost every day. Here, have a lesser-known treat

They had about 3 notable albums in Australia, then I never heard from them again.
All of those bands were great. Silverchair, AiC, Soundgarden, Nirvana, Audioslave, that whole era. When a whole generation of people were thinking about picking up instruments and they had songs they could actually play along to. Made me laugh when Chris Cornell died and everyone carried on about it, who was listening to it before he died?

Centuries of the finest european music beg to differ, cunt.

> the normies don't listen to my music!
> l-let's bring rock back!
can you pasty turbovirgins maybe NOT "claim" music and consider getting laid instead?

Rock could not be mainstream anymore, but still has millions of fans anywhere, I bet that there are some rock bars in your town so I don't feel that rock music has gone. In the other hand, EDM fans (at least in Spain) don't have special places in average towns since Latin American music (mainly reggaeton and Latin trap) is literally everywhere. Also EDM has bad reputation here but that's another topic.

So EDGY. Pretty impressive actually. What you're leaving out is all music sucks now. No one can 'sing' how they used to. Everything is post processed in a highly artificial and controlled environment (recording studio). Even live it's processed through electrical soundboards. It's all an illusion. Black or white, they ALL suck. Take away their microphone and you wouldn't be able to hear them. Back in the day, Whitney Houston, Modana, Cher, Streisand, 10ccs, George Michael, Michael Jackson, Queen, Elvis, list goes on, didn't even need a microphone. In acoustic settings specifically they wouldn't use them. In big stadium settings they would but they were not edited live like they are now. They had less 'filters' if you will. Now all of these people need them. Face it, pop music is dead and pathetic, regardless of race

I think in general itd be a good idea to eliminate race from music in general. I could post a lot of good white, black, Spanish, Indian, and Arab musicians from all periods in recorded music history who have something to offer.

You're probably baiting and I took a bite but stop being such an edgy faggot, you're not impressing anyone.

>not sharing safari song
You a faggot or something?