Dame angel and her girlfriend ~
Gabriel Dropout
I'm sure that if the angels had sex and lost virginity they would turn into devils
How about the devils then? What would happen to them if they had sex and no longer virgins?
what did she mean by this
Why are your subtitles so low resolution? It looks like someone upscaled just the text then threw it on there.
How is this show anons?
Fun + cute
Pretty good. It's one of the few shows I think is good enough to continue watching.
But how generic is it?
It's shit, you should leave and never come back.
Strong recommendations. Thanks anons!
I don't know, by what metric does one measure genericness
Would Satan-chan let me put my penis in her butthole?
Not too bad. Enough uniqueness to keep it consistently fun for two episodes.
the subtitles and video were separated so I couldnt use my video player to screenshot
I will trust you on this. Will report back on how it is!
Hilarious. But the subs really aren't doing it justice.
This, really. I think Hadena would've done a better job than the Capuchin monkeys that CR assigned to this show.
Seconded. The translation is unacceptable.
are you team Angel or team Demon?
Satanya is taller than Vigne?
Yeah. Didn't you notice earlier?
Nice animation on the zoom out.
Fuck, wrong image. Meant to post this.
People don't notice at first that Satania is the second tallest and has the second largest breasts because of how she acts.
Team cat-mouth
>has the second largest breasts
Probably pads, truly evil.
And even then it's not saying much when 2 out of the 4 are pancake flat.
>Raphiel-oneesama will never use you as her toy
why live
Poor Satania. I'd give her a permanent seat on my lap.
The demons don't have tails? That's kind of disappointing.
Vigne's bigger than Gab
Vigne's not that small
Her behavior really does make me think she's a shortstack.
Team Satanya.
If you can't understand the keitai joke by ear then wew lad.
There's a keitai joke? So they're putting Sup Forums memes into the translation? For shame.
Was she trying to protect her food? She must've been bullied a lot.
This honestly just makes me feel really bad. I hate the sadist bitch for actually setting the dog up to help ruin her lunch, too.
Her defensiveness over food makes me feel so bad for her.
>eating lunch at school by myself
>2 qts walk up
>they say hi to me
>I stand up too fast
>all the jelly donuts spill on the floor
>2 qts laugh at me
>dog steals my bread too
Being Satania really is suffering
I want the Telpia chapters to get animated to see someone else suffer for once
Easiest choice ever
>jelly donuts
Took me a second to understand the reference.
Is Satania the next Kuma Miko?
Is that the Pepe pose?
>Implying Satanya will become as mind broken as Machi
Why is she so furtive about going to eat her lunch?
Who hurt you, Satania?
Top Smug.
>Gabriel is a complete bum
>Raphael may as well be a demon (excessive lying and manipulation)
>Satan is bullied and needs love
>Vig may as well be an angel
As usual, Japan thinks it's funny to make the demons rule abiding and good while the angels are chaotic and evil.
Irony is funny user
Japan did not invent this concept
Why is this such a complicated concept for so many people
It's the same guy fishing for (you)
I like Gabriel's bum.
It's just horribly overused, much like the highschool setting (and Isekai as of late).
Gabu is too antisocial for boyfriends
Satania is too stupid and emotionally scarred
Raphiel is too bully
Vigne is the only eligible one
Well, there's Satania's little brother if he counts.
Too brutal
Rate Satania's room.
I want a Vigne to tell me I'm not living my life correctly.
Maybe I can just make a tulpa instead.
>He doesn't want to be cater to every one of Gabu's desires
>He doesn't want to be bullied by Raphi
>He doesn't want to heal Satanya's emotional wounds with your dick
Son, are you gay?
They're just using it as an excuse to complain because they're offended.
Get out
It's a cute room, I'd live there.
Wait, is this shopped or is she really pantsuless on this?
>boyfriends in CGDCT
It's like you want this to flop.
What's with that metal plate in the middle?
Things have gone horribly awry.
>poster that's nothing but a pentagram
>weird out-of-place candles that were probably manually dribbled
>cute cerberus plushie
>what the hell is that statue
>distinct lack of other decorations
I love it
fuck I want that cerberus plush now
Why is satania so cute I don't even like redheads
This is the best frame
Does the manga ever evolve past SoL shit? I want to know if I'd be wasting my time getting into it.
Would Vigne be into anal? I want to bend her over just like that and cum inside her butt.
That's official
Gab x Vigne is my OTP.
>melon pan is still sitting beside her when the dog grabs it out of her hands
Somebody should get fired for this. Triggers my autism bigly
Great show but Raphiel isn't even funny, she just pisses me off.
Holy shit time paradox
Her character is basically there to make things happen. She gets better as the series progresses, or maybe she just gets more tolerable.
more like satania dropout amirite
>every single day
>this faggot fish with its faggot face
I want to protect and cherish Satania.