Winter 2017

What are the Sup Forums thoughts of this winter 2017 season?

Absolutely fucking nothing worth watching, once again.

People say it was a good start.

>OP here

I think that it's kinda dissapointing, there're a lot of rubbish and, although there're some shows that are actually nice to watch (see here KonoSuba 2 or The Maid Dragon) there is NOTHING good.

after summer and fall?

this season is a god send

Enjoying the fuck out of shows like, demi, gabriel, seiren, maid dragon, kono suba s2 and lwa

>not a single sports anime

Not even a single anime with potential of being a 10/10. Literally nothing interesting at all.

Yeah, I agree with you. Summer was fucking bullshit. And fall wanted be like summer, but there were some great works (I don't like calling them masterpieces) as Flip Flappers, 3-gatsu no lion and, of course, the s2 of Hibike.
And now seems like we're not having something like them anymore.

>having this much of a shit taste
>literally enjoying seiren

Can't stop laughing.

Maidragon alone saves this shitty and disappointing season.

Everything is crap. I'm using this season to work on my backlog.

too much old lady propaganda, as expected

>literally enjoying seiren
Okay faggot, what's the problem? What did it wrong?
You already have the answer, go kill yourself. It must be harmful to have a life which has such """""nice and patrician""""""" taste as yours.

>no sports show
>no echhi show
>no cute show
>no christmas cake show
>no edgy show
>no hipster show
>no intelligent show

Not a single good anime this season.

>being this angry, because someone doesn't like your terrible amagami clone


>no christmas cake show
Calm down, Xmas is something from the past. (You) just have to start thinking on summer and in your 2D waifus in bikinis.



>implying it's not

Much much better than the last 4 or 5 seasons, I feel revived.

Thankful for Eldlive, because the guy translating this had shit English for chapters 1-20 and somehow got gud at grammar at around ch 37

What are the shows you like the most? There's any hidden diamond like it was Planetarian in summer 2016?

Not really any hidden diamonds, just the shows pretty much anyone like, LWA, gabriel, Demi-chan, etc.

It just feels good after months if not years, to feel excited for more than one or two anime every season, especially since I'm usually watching at least 20 anime every season.

>>no edgy show
Excuse me?

>no edgy show
>no hipster show
>no intelligent show
>no cute show
Watch more anime

I'm glad that quite a few people think this great season is bad, it means we'll have to deal with less shit taste and crossboarding scum until the clusterfuck that will come in spring.
It seems that most of the undesirables have gathered in LWA threads, it's expected considering the nature of the show. Other than LWA itself, Gabriel Dropout, ACCA 13, Demi-chan, Konosuba, Maidragon, Rakugo, and Urara are the most enjoyable. Picked up Youjo Senki to get my fill of some action, it's alright.

Look at this retard

Thinking/a/ itself isn't cancer at this point and blaming boogeyman again for his troubles

Lots of cute

Seems alright.

Sorry, when every thread is full of people whining about "moeshit" or using facebook/normalfag terms like "thicc" to describe every girl they come across, I'm inclined to believe that Sup Forums regulars aren't to blame.
The board isn't perfect but unless you're one of the faggots I'm talking about you can surely tell the difference.

Too early to say. There are around three shows I find promising though.

is Chaos;Child anything like Chaos;Head ?

Konosuba and Dropout

already 1000x better than last season

I'm enjoying Rakugo the most.

just keep watching Dragon Ball Super

you know you are

I still have a few shows to try (I will probably watch as many as I can manage anyway), but for now it's a pretty weak season.

Youjo Senki is even worse than what I expected. I usually enjoy retarded anime but this one might just be too much.
Gintama is likely going to be action arc for dozens of episodes, and that sucks.
LWA is disappointing. The designs are great if a bit bland but the writing is shit and only Diana is likeable so far.
Maidragon is weird. I'm not sure what to think of it.
Gabriel and Demi-chan are ok, nothing special.
Baiku-on is fine, the problem is that we already had a Baiku-on last season.

On the bright side:
Acca 13 is promising.
Konosuba is still Konosuba. Only shitposters will tell you that it's not as good as S1.
Akiba'strip is pretty enjoyable. It's really similar to Konosuba in that it's completely stupid and it looks like shit.

But with only 1 or 2 episodes out for most shows this kind of discussion isn't a lot meaningful.

Best winter in recent memory.
>mfw all the cute girls doing cute things

I've been out of the loop for so long that I don't know where to start and what to pick up. Not just for a couple of seasons, but a couple of years. At least manga is easy to pick up randomly.



I still think Akko is her same old self. If you liked her before I don't see why you wouldn't now.

Diana seems a bit less cold than in the OVAs but it has been a little while since I've last watched them.

There are two kinds of f/a/gs.

is from Sup Forums
is from Sup Forums

Previous season was too good for me, it had:
Occultic;Nine, Natsume Yuujinchou Go, Gi(a)rlish Number, Drifters, Flip Flappers, YURI!!! on ICE, 3-gatsu no Lion, Izetta, Watashi ga Motete Dousunda, Hibike! Euphonium 2, WWW.Working!!, Udon no Kuni, Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku, Fune wo Amu, Nanbaka, Lostorage Incited WIXOSS, To Be Hero, All Out, HQ S3, Ping Pong girls, ViVid Strike!, Tiger Mask, Bernard-jou Iwaku,
Gakuen Handsome, Show By Rock!! #, Keijo!!, Bungou Stray Dogs 2 (that was better than S1).
Everything were enjoyable to watch and follow from week to week.

This season has:
Kono Suba 2, Rakugo 2, Acca, LWA, Kuzu no Honkai, cute shorts like Nyanko Days and Piace, Yami Shibai S4 and Fuuka (for shitposting about truck-kun).
Already dropped: Akiba's Trip, Seiren, One Room.
Hand Shakers is hilariously bad but it can get old fast. Gintama is going to be all serious and no fun. I'm tsundere for Youjo Senki.
I can't wait for VN translation so I'm spoiling myself Chaos;Child.

This season seems meh to me so far, but i haven't tried out Gabriel DropOut, Masamune-kun no Revenge, Demi-chan wa Kataritai and Dragon maid yet.

Little Witch Academia puts a smile on my face and Ai Mai Mii is as creative as ever. More than I can say for any season last year, so I'd say this season ain't bad.

Despite all the "anime is shit now!" retards, it's actually pretty great. With the except of Handshakers being the worst thing ever, Kuzu being melodrama slut bait for faggots, and Masamune-kun being the laziest kind of writing, everything else is fucking great.

Pic related.

It would be pretty comfy if it WEREN'T SO FUCKING HOT HERE.
Ausnigger here btw.

All Out is still airing.
Yowapeda is getting a new season.
Jitensha-bu kinda counts.

my nigga

As an /n/ poster this season is great because it has Yowapeda S3 and Jitensha-bu.

As an Sup Forums poster this season is just alright, in addition to the above we're getting Rakugo S2 which is great, Acca and maybe Onihei could be good, but besides that... there are few other things that are amusing, but nothing else really noteworthy.

4-5 shows I'm interested in is pretty typical for me, if 3 of them turn out to be actually good then I'd count this as a fairly solid season, lately most seasons have only had 1-2 shows that I really liked.

I miss Takkuyuu.
Watch it if you haven't. It had a great competitive sense, made me love ping pong.

>Main characters all bang bitches.

When will this meme end?

How has no one mentioned masamune-kun no revenge?

Because it's crap.

why is she so lewd?

Still have to watch Maid Dragon and Konosuba but at the moment the most interesting shows for me this season so far are Akiba's Trip, ACCA, and Demi-chan.
I'm enjoying Urara and Gabriel Dropout as well, but compared to the other shows it feels like an anime like it comes out every other season, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Not sure. I'll probably turn watching Maid Dragon and Demi-chan into a habit this season. And I'll probably drop Konosuba at some point. The rest isn't interesting at all.