Who Deserves $15/Hr?

Military soldiers earn $8.60/hr when enlisting in the forces as an E1.
Burger flippers are making $10.50/hr to start.
Again, who deserves to get a raise to $15/hr?


Not including free rent on base free meals 24 hours a day at most bases.

Rent and food allowance so it's free off base when you rank up a little bit.

You don't have shit to pay for.

it goes like this, you calculate the minimum living standards attainable in a region able to provide accommodation, food and clothes with few luxuries like cable and internet, then you make the minimum wage accordingly, a minimum wage across the board will get you much better life standard in Alabama than in New York

as for who deserve it, I'd say everyone dose - you do not build up an economy so the unfortunates will starve and create problems for the rest

>bicycle couriers

Stop obfuscating the facts.
>Burger flippers live at home 24 hours a day in most situations. Rent and food is paid for by their parents. If not by parents, then they are on welfare where all the applicable still applies. They don't have to pay for shit.

Rent 1000 bucks, food 300 a month, utilities 300 a month...medical 400 a month...
10.00$ x 40 400.00x4 1600
I see negative 600 bucks and that's before paying taxes.
Fuck you, papa John nigger.

Giving states the power to decide is common sense, but that is not the big brother approach of liberals. Liberals want to punish the heartland of America.

the facts are they are making much more than you claim when you add in the benefits at 10 years in your housing allowance e is almost as much as you salary

Now you are a fortune teller and know for a fact that every soldier lasts 10 years.

That's really what it boils down to, isn't it? Democratic policies all are for the benefit of big cities, liberal states, and minorities, whereas Republican policies are all for the benefit of Middle America and white people.

You're not factoring in other paid benefits and bonuses. Now go eat another crayon.

How about the modern slavery mentality of neocons. They fix labor prices and import cheap labor but shun unions. Modern day businesses are defacto unions for employers.
Silicon valley labor price fixing is a perfect example.

military are fed and housed, burger flippers arent.

>confirmed crayon eater

>All burger flippers live at home 24 hours a day in most situations. Rent and food is paid for by their parents. If not by parents, then they are on welfare where all the applicable still applies.

So your assumption is that people who work flipping burgers are either kept by parents or on welfare. What? How is it acceptable to be in a job and require welfare? How is it possible that ALL flippers are either entitled stay at home kids or on welfare. Surely there are some people who live normal lives. Also soldiers earn that much but have room and board for as long as they serve, most of the time completely free. As long as they live in the barracks they will be provided for, a flipper is not.

They have families you faggot bases don't feed their kids .

>using deserve when it comes to pay
Fuck off. You deserve exactly what you agree to accept for your compensation.

ntm gym membership, gun range + training, free medical for life plus other memberships, college tuition, uniform and bags, haircuts.. all totally comped

personal trainer

While working for the military you get housing food etc

GI Bill to get you into a house


Neocon shill observed.

Look those fast food retards don't deserve $15 an hour but you can't compare that to the military which offers tax payer-subsidized school, housing and retirement benefits. Apples to oranges.

You mean the oversized bureacratic nightmare of government unions whereby terminating incompetent individuals is nearly nonexistent. Government unions guaranteeing a COLA (raises) for all employees every six months no matter the performance level. Laziness and rampant cronyism and nepotism. It is pretty easy for government when they give themselves raises consistently on the taxpayers' dime.
>former public sector leech
>business owner creating jobs

>Get paid 15 an hour for the comfiest first job ever

haircuts arn't. you also buy your uniforms and some of the bags

If you have a wife and children you qualify for huge rent and food allowances that doubles your income

>Someone who has never worked in an industrial kitchen
Come back when you've worked in a shitty kitchen.

If you work a full time job, you shouldn't qualify for food stamps. It's not my job as a taxpayer to pay for some rich Jews McDonald's franchise labor. There will be ignorant republifucks that defend this.

I thought soldiers are given uniform stipends, and only officers had to buy uniforms out-of-pocket?

>Cost of living allowance is a raise
Do you have brain problems?

Neither cunt deserves anything above minimum wage to start. Let the free market sort them

>Fuck off. You deserve exactly what you agree to accept for your compensation.
What happens when you get less than agreed ?

Like the postal service, you ignorant Jew?

Keep in mind my countryman that the US doesn't seem to believe in workers rights. Or unions.

Call a lawyer. It's a breach of contract.

taxpayer is not a job
government decides where the money goes
you pay the government to do this

working in a kitchen isn't that comfy.

You must have an extra chromosome. Point me to one private sector job where they increase your pay every six months no matter your performance level. Economy crashes, government employees still get raises.

He's a brainwashed neocon retard.

>Call a lawyer
What if you can't afford a lawyer because you were paid less than agreed ?

You do know what cost of living means, right papa John?

You mean every government bureau is a leech off taxpayers, just like kikes are leeches living off of others.

i dont envy burger flippers
if they want to work 40 hours
and get paid more than me
even though i have an education
thats just fine with me
money doesnt make the man

I didn't say you were wrong, I just said you have brain problems for calling COLA a raise. COLA is a pay adjustment for changes to inflation or cost of living in a area. I'm getting COLA for living in Italy due to the us dollar being less than the euro.

No it isnt you fucking cocksmoke. Military plebs get jewed just as hard as others. Each ribbon is 5 fucking dollars.

>tfw you make less as a manager than burger flippers do

Um, are you fucking retarded?

Yes, but during my time in the government. The U.S. never decrease a COLA which never made sense. Everyone in the department knew it was a guaranteed raised disguised by language. The majority of the people do not even understand the acronym.

Ah, a neocon "government is bad, capitalism is good" zombie.

Yep, you are an idiot. I'm sure you'd like to pay your employees 1967 wages. Sure would be nice if everyone worked for free, eh?

(he thinks he's the government)

>Again, who deserves to get a raise to $15/hr?
Any job that's worth doing right should be paying $13/hr right now. This is what UPS pays its grunts to throw boxes up to 50 lbs. The only people who are going to do that in something like retail are going to be
>desperate souls
>people who are there to pilfer time
They've pretty much given up the ghost, whereas UPS, Amazon, and all that other good stuff is acting like it'll have a business tomorrow. Even target's promise of 15 by 2020 is probably going to be behind the times by then.
Outside of food service, most jobs that could pay minimum probably shouldn't. I've been over to my store's meat wall. I've found things in the back of the shelf that I really, really didn't need to find. Trust me, you don't want the people working retail now anywhere near your store. I actually work. Most of the other grunts don't. Guess which one of us is going to be moving on because he wants more money?

$8.60 is a stretch

I was an 0311 Marine and I dont know how you got this amount.

yeah food and rent is free but we rarely were able to go to the chow hall cause we were doing bullshit in the field and had hot trays or mre's. if we were released it was never during time for chow so we had to go to the 7 day to buy our own food. our barracks had black mold and was 4 to 6 in a room that was supposed to have 2.

70 hour work weeks of bullshit. likely having to stand duty on the weekend.

e3 with combat experience and a spotless record I was getting around $900 ever two weeks after deductions.

>1800 month
>70/hr work week, 280hr/ month

theres a reason we always stole shit from supply. we couldnt afford to pay to replace all the fucked up shit we were issued.

The military is bloated as fuck.

Most if the work they do is completely useless. May as well be in the desert digging in the sand looking for genies.

Besides the odd airstrike and fly by they aren't doing anything right now other than jerking themselves off with taxdollars

and no base I was on had 24/hr chow halls

they operated from certain hours to certain hours cause they outsourced to sodexo retards while Marines who were trained to be cooks just supervised.

> flip burgers
> build bigger israel

You get like 400 a year. 120 for boots. marpat blouse and trouser together is over a hundred. You're only allowed to use the authorized stuff, so they have you by the balls. if you need a new service or blues uniform you're easily going over the clothing allowance for the year. The blues hat is like 50 bucks for a bad one and the jacket is absurdly expensive. everything needs to be tailored and if you get one scratch on your corframs they're unserviceable. all the little egas and buckles and buttons add up quick, plus the cost of ribbons or medals and getting them mounted.

Obviously doesn't understand cost of living and Fiat currency. Hey, hes a "job creator".

wtf, are people not paying their taxes or something???

the annual uniform allowance is barely enough to cover a pair of boots.

all the uniforms and haircuts during boot you pay for. same as in the fleet. you lose gear you either pay to replace it out of pocket or you get torn a new asshole, possibly njp'd, by some staff nco.

you dont know what youre talking about.

military don't pay for housing, utilities, food, etc

yup my friend's retard cousin got a job for 12/hr because of their dad, dumbest motherfucker got a good wagie job and got fired after 1 month of laziness lmao.

ahhh so that's why my dad has like 30 uniforms in the closet and like 20 hats


military fags from lower ranks/grunts are usually retarded people who can't contribute anything to society mentally. So if they're physically capable they get reeled in with the military meme.
Fodder basically
Dumb ass drama queen fodder, that's for every country out there

Only officers and those above them deserve high payment for controlling these wretches and making sure they die for a country

your right military a shit
i bet they dont even have gender neutral bathrooms

honest to god i pity the motherfuckers who had to buy purple hearts cause those things are like $40 at the uniform store and then you still had to mount the shit professionally with all your other bling.

easily costing you $150 with a ph, gc, natdef,gwot, oif/oef, etc

the only times we had females in our barracks bathrooms is if we were fucking them

Sorry I misspoke, I do not work in a kitchen, I work in an easy customer service job.

>pity who got purple heart
>because $150
>not because lost arm/leg/balls
if you have any pity to spare on lost moneys hop on over to /biz/ they're always looking for some


How big are their clits?

Wow so the clitoris really is a miniature penis
Everyone was fucking traps all along
Damn nature you scary

nah not those guys. the ones who got sent to wounded warrior battalion tended to have their stuff mounted by the organizations who were in the hospitals.

i meant the ones who got the ph for injuries that didnt require amputation. it didnt come out clearly in my post.

bigger than an emus

Shit man, I hate that comparison too but I always lost more sleep on the enlisted getting shafted while workers get blamed. Any job they may have, I'm glad they're working instead of being another life-drain begging for change and relying on excuses for their lack of success. I'm not a entitled pussy but I feel mislead looking at military wage compared to middle class when Brad Pitt makes bank pretending to be a General or drive a tank.

>Military soldiers earn $8.60/hr when enlisting in the forces as an E1.
So what?
>Burger flippers are making $10.50/hr to start.
>Again, who deserves to get a raise to $15/hr?
Any where these companies expect cheap labor to be nearby and the cost of living is too expensive to even travel or live nearby. This argument is like beating a dead horse.

Should a burger flipper earn $15 an hour in the middle of no where in Oklahoma where rent is cheap? Probably not.

Should a burger flipper in downtown LA earn at least $15 an hour? Probably, because other wise your employees are going to sleep in front of your damn store or worse, not able to afford the gas to reach your place work.

This is simple supply and demand. There are kikes that are trying to go against supply and demand posting up this nonsense. These kikes want you to work less than minimum wage in like downtown NYC, because muh labor is too expensive, there's not enough labor, waaa waa. Fuck you economy 101! I'll find a way to make you live in a box behind the store!

I'm not a communist or a proponent for minimum wage, in fact, I'm against minimum wage. But when some dumb kikes are trying their best to undermine our economy, going against supply and demand, and demand government to do something about it, I find a problem with it.

The fact is, free room/board is easily worth something like 5 an hour. Maybe more, if you consider the fact that military food is better quality than the hot garbage a minimum wage worker can afford.

Not the army-men, military is a useless jewish trick that's grown way to big and is paid by our tax dollars. Fuck if I care if a bunch of fat asses will have to pay more for their daily fatty sugar fix at McKingdys, increasing the military pay rates gonna either drive us further into an imbalanced current account or raise our taxes.

What makes you think some wagecuck is guaranteed to not die in a horrible car crash on the way to work? Or worse, a crash that leaves them disabled.

A soldier that dies has set their life up with a pretty huge payout. If they're disabled, their medical costs are covered for life.

Stop pretending that your pay is defined solely by your raw pay. Benefits make up a HUGE part of what makes being a soldier such a sweet job. Stay in for 20 years? Guaranteed income the rest of your life, period. good luck finding that in the private sector.

I have a feeling I know who you are.
But yeah this guy doesn't even know not every location gers cola

[Spoiler]Which base?[/spoiler]

Not sure how I'd feel if the fight for $15 was won. I'd feel rather cheated as I've put in over a decade here and I don't even make $15.

>Again, who deserves to get a raise to $15/hr?


Soldiers should pay for their education until they start working, like everyone else.