China is going to surpass Russia in GDP per capita.
What went wrong?
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well china does have like 10x more people than russia
Russia is being destoryed by renewable energy rising in use
Per capita.
fucking burger
>china has a growing economy
>russia's economy is maintaining at best
>chinese has a decreasing population size
>chinese has a increasing middle class several times larger than Russia's population
wow, who would have thought
per capita retard
Wait China was poorer than Russi?!Holly shit my sides i thought they were doing better than that.Trully the niggers of the asian world...kek.
>What went wrong?
they lost the cold war.
China is also going to take over a lot of Russian territory in the next 100 years.
I want to be a burger so I can shitpost like this. If you were European everyone would know you were trolling, but yanks are known to be so stupid people take this comment serious.
Jesus fucking christ I know our education system is fucking terrible but god damn.
Dream on
China will first take both Koreas, Japan and all of southern Asia.
Maybe they could just buy off land like USA did.
Russia - 26.490 $
China - 15.399$
They won't. Russia is still in a bad shape from 2014 when their economy went to shit. Once Russia recovers and goes back to growing China will be left behind. Right now there are still many Chinese that are Arbeiters in far-east Russia
There’s nothing to “recover back to” in Russia’s case. Nothing of worth gets produced in Russia, they’re basically a corrupt petroleum station.
China is increasingly integrated into the high-tech production chain.
China won't be able to have such GDP growth forever.
China is basically the russia of east asia. BUT the primary difference between the two is that China has a "open door" policy, meaning, they will do deal with Western companies to manufacture and shit in their country. that's why China surpassed Russia. if the Russkies did the same, they'd be at a similar level.
They don’t need to. They already reached the level of Eastern Europe. Few more years and a billion people will have a low-key Western standard of life.
And when that happens their GDP growth will reach Western levels at best because population will want rights too. More rights mean lesser productivity.
GDP per capita doesn't show the picture. What's the if people in countries like the Baltics get slightly higher salary if they pay more for heating, electricity, gas, services, certain food?
That's why there is GDP PPP per capita.
Russia: $27,900
China: $16,624
Latvia: $27,291
Poland: $29,250
A better question would be, WHAT WENT RIGHT?
Russia is a hellhole meme country with 20 million muslims and even more gooks and shitskins of all sorts. Ethnic Russians have no rights, no country to call their own. Everything belongs to a bunch of jewish and mongrel bandits who are raping the land and its people. And ordinary people themselves are 87% unbelievable retards.
Russia was doomed from the very beginning, soon enough you'll see it crash and burn.
>>russia's economy is maintaining at best
actually it's growing faster than the UK's
>China is going to surpass Russia in GDP per capita.
Ha stay classic
China is the future
China is strong
China will take it's rightful place in the world
While Russian total debt is not even above 100%.
And how exactly is China going to maintain its growth? It's at peak, bubbles everywhere. Only crash is waiting ahead. While Russia went through it's debt crisis in 90s and despite your biased butthurt, there's plenty of growth potential in Russia. And despite political tension there is interest in Russian market and investments are flowing in, although slowly. But when the crash in China happens and not only in China. Russia will be even more attractive for investors.
What are you smoking
It wasn't higher than Russia's? What happened to China numba wan, superior Asian iq and all that? Is China a shithole that's worse than East Euro niggers?
>China is basically the russia of east asia. BUT the primary difference between the two is that China has a "open door" policy, meaning, they will do deal with Western companies to manufacture and shit in their country. that's why China surpassed Russia. if the Russkies did the same, they'd be at a similar level.
are you mentally retarded? there are numerous Western firms in Russia making cars etc
Maybe at least try and look it up.
>Israel going from 24 to 9
Something big is gonna happen in the next 13 years, and its probably starting now
But Russia is based, anti homo and trans.
Hasn't Israel been declared the gay capital of the world?
orthodox jews against jewish fags civil war when?
Well, there's growth in some African countries as well, doesn't mean they are rich or will be in the near future.
I'm 100% convinced there's cucks with Russian VPN's on this site.
I've been to Russia and the place is great - the people are welcoming, too.
>maybe for your shitty country xd
I've been to almost every EU country and Russia compares well to them.
I've only been to Moscow, though, maybe other cities aren't as developed.
Idk, just walk through some cities with google maps.
There always will be self-hating retarded liberashkas from 2ch
>tfw the only post with actual stats is ignored, because everyone's too busy posting le 56% faces
>this is the state of /pol in 2017(+1)
That's because it's PPP per capita GDP and not nominal per capita GDP. The entire conversation is based around nominal per capita GDP.
Russia: $8929 (IMF - 2016)
China: $8133 (IMF - 2016)
PPP is for fags, economists, and Chicoms who wants to claim "China's the world's largest economy. (excuding the EU and accounting for PPP)". Nominal is just counting actual income in dollar terms, no economic jiggery pokery.
>only been to Moscow
That’s your problem. Moscow is an economic zone of its own and compares okay-ish to Eastern Europe.
Outside of it, however ...
Poverty is redpilled.
If you have an easy life you're get soft and start expressing sympathy for minority groups and women.
Also there's a bunch of Russian whores in Tokyo who will do all kinds of crazy shit to avoid being deported.
I wish Russia would take back their diaspora.
But just like niggers in america will never go back to Africa, so will the ethernal bydlo keep ruining my country.
burger education. PER CAPITA
Op meant that China's GDP per capita is GOING to surpass, it hasn't yet but it is growing
Moscow has Europe’s largest Muslim population after Istanbul.
56% intellectuals with probably 56 % IQ
tge PPP shit is useful for situations where you have currency changes.
Because after the ruble fell the russian economy didnt drop by 50 % so PPP fuckery is in order
Natual devolopment because China have better trade deals then Russia because of the Ukranian problem
jasny chuju..
56% strikes again