>ITT We are Boomers
Let's shoot darts at this map of the middle east to decide our next war!
No we aren't
Anyone heard from Q?
you want to know what a millennial is? It's anyone who walks into a job interview acting entitled.
follow the white rabbit
wasnt here for some weeks what happened to those cbts fags?
Wtf i'm sexually emancipated now
Mods fucked em all up. They had to move somewhere else. Voat or leftypol not sure
Wish they'd fix this turkish shitdick spam though
Hey senpai, would you like some of my apple strudel? :3 Uguu~!
It doesn't matter what color you are! As you as you assimilate, you can all be Americans!
Follow the breadcrumbs, fellow pedes!
I've heard so much shit about them from you guys, starting to recoil a little, which is hilarious. the evil boomers. lol
We must stand with our Israeli allies against the aggressive muslims, who are violent purely because of their outdated religion. Secular western culture is superior. Like if you agree.
>We are Boomers
So just act like normal Sup Forums these days then?
The left are the real racists!
your gonna have me hating old people which is idk interesting.
>Grow up in 95% white country
>Import hordes of immigrants
>Grandkids grow up in 50% white country
>"Things aren't like they used to be"
>"Maybe it has something to do with the extreme demographic changes grandpa"
>"Stop being so racist! We are all Americans!"
I get along with boomers much more than I do Shitlennials, that's for sure.
>Just walk in, ask for a manager and make a firm handshake. You will get a job that instant.
>Retire on Social Security and Medicare
>vote in politicans who will cut it for the next generation so they won't get the same chance to retire
Thanks boomers.
Oh and let's not forget
>get a reverse home mortgage on your home
>leave your children with nothing but your final hospital expenses
Boomers are of the mindset that if the world would just end the day after they died, that'd be perfect.
>Inherit company from parents
>Inherit house from parents
>Sell the company to foreigners
>Reverse mortgage the house
>Spend as much as you can before you die
>Give the rest whichever charities and churches promise to import the most shitskins
I'm old and I have a lot of money, but younger people have to transfer their wealth to me via social security and Medicare! I'm going to get a reverse mortgage on my house abd travel the world so all that wealth is wasted and uninheritable once the most expensive modern medical science can no longer keep my lumbering pseudo-cyborg corpse going.
You millenials are so lazy. I worked my way through college! You take that $9/hr Wal-Mart job after college. Having literally nothing beyond the cheapest housing and food is completely normal. Don't forget that Israel is our greatest ally and diversity is our strength. I love paying Paco $10 to mow my yard and clean my pool. I don't care that I've wrecked the racial homogenaiety of the country and destroyed social cohesion, because I'll be dead before the consequences of my choices really fuck the country.
>Hates people from the third world
> Want to ape how their countries are run
>Calls third world countries shitholes
>Wants their lack of human rights and their economic systems.
Let's not forget, they really want to repeal the "death tax" even though most of them aren't leaving their children shit. But they think it's a crime that billionares don't get to leave their children estates worth billions.
>construct a society so terrible that their descendants think communism looks good by comparison
But the death tax will benefit Millennials who do have parents who leave them money.
not 99.8% of them no.
Your policy is punishing the Millennials with good parents. Also punishing Millennials who need to be left money because they are unable to work.
>Be boomer
>Walk into job
>Look manager in the eye, firm handshake
>Receive job, Good pay, benefits
>become boss through seniority.
>Force your children to have a college degree for entry level position
>Hire managers from India
>Outsource as much as possible
>Cash out before the plunge
>You kids these days have it so easy.
>Now pay for my retirement!
Not really, as even of those estates that are worth enough to be subject to the estate tax they all have enough liquid cash to pay off the taxes without having to sell off anything.
if you have a farm that's worth more than $11 million dollars chances are it's making good money and you can afford the taxes on it fine.
*owns 10 rental properties*
why are millennials too lazy to buy houses?
You fags need to learn how to boomerpost. You can't just use proper grammar and punctuation, scroll through the fox news comments on normiebook sometime.