Apple kikery

Sup Forums always showed up first on my frequently visited website list in Safari because it is my go-to destination whenever I am bored.

Earlier today it disappeared from the list.

No matter how much I visit Sup Forums now, it will not show up on the frequently visited list anymore, while websites that I may check once a month are on there.

Is anyone else experiencing this?

dumb phoneposter



Apple SUCKS, they do shit like this all the time.
Wreck computers with their shitty updates, and knock out homepage settings to put their shit in place.
Never again will I buy a Mac.

Apple does suck but the iPhone was a gift from my girlfriend so I use to make her happy.

What if she'd given you a dildo?

That is a wildly unrealistic hypothetical. She knows me better than that.

Why do you rush to update as soon as is announced.
Wait few days, read some reviews on particular update, and decide.
Don't allow settings in your computer to update automatically. Be in control.

I hate Safari.It has terrible layout.
Fucking google got it right, tho I hate google for other reasons.

WOW hahahahaha

What a little BITCH

Its more funny how safari recommends Sup Forums if you have never visited it before.

He'd shove it up his dirty ass and she'd feed him the poo covered dong and he'd happily gag and taste on his own shit.


use vivaldi.

lol nigger. i cant even watch the trending page of youtube if im logged in to shitpost, just black screens. if i sign out, its all go normalfag time. after the election they disabled my reply function for 2 weeks. you havent begun to see kikery.

No, she likes me to be a traditionally manly man, so I would only end up using it on her, or maybe as a shift knob for my truck.

But she also said that she only wants me to penetrate her, nothing else feels right.

So no poo-covered dildo for me.

Is it good?
Why is good?
I'm going to check right now.
google you piece of shit help me to find your competition and possible replacement, you spying cunt. lol

Just replaced my iPad with a Samsung View. It's almost too much tablet.

>this much denial

When it comes to mobile junk, I hate Google just as much as I hate Apple. So it does not really matter to me which I use. Unless a viable alternative ever becomes available, which is unlikely.

It's a chromium based browser I think that lets you use chrome plugins.

How did you lads see through my larp so easily?

I am posting this from my boypussy using ny iPhone to dilate myself as we speak.

Either you with your fat fucking fingers yourself accidentally or your ugly "girl"friend intentionally deleted the page from the most frequently visited section. Once you delete it, it doesn't matter how many times you go back to it. Stop fucking thinking you're so relevant, you retarded fucking rednecked united statian. Oh my God, I'm getting fucking sick and fucking tired of you fucking retarded fatasses with no education other than the conspiracy theories you read on the fucking web. END YOUR LIFE!

Rare flag

>Being this familiar with iOS.

Thanks anons

Lies. Eat your shit.

Hey, piece of shit. Relax.Take it easy you dickhead.
Say your shit in a bit nicer way, or shut your fucking mouth.

>Wreck computers with their shitty updates

They purposely do this especially on older iphone models to brick old models and force you to buy their new ones with lower quality materials. Most of my friends have broken iphone screen while I with my crap nokia windows phone still living after countless drops.

> No throwing phone against the ground of snapping on a car steering wheel during said update

Heh...yeah, iPhones...Windows...