So redpill me on the entire Israel v Palestine deal without just resorting to kike this kike that.
After the British rule Jerusalem went to the Arabs? Then the Jews, the Arabs have been more violent the entire time while the jews were just jews??
So redpill me on the entire Israel v Palestine deal without just resorting to kike this kike that.
After the British rule Jerusalem went to the Arabs? Then the Jews, the Arabs have been more violent the entire time while the jews were just jews??
kekistani fags should be gassed
I love our Jewish overlords
The final redpill on this issue is that they both should be nuked
Kys atheist shill
>without just resorting to kike this kike that
That's literally it though. It was given to kikes by the (((Allies))) and every conflict has been a result of that.
It's pretty simple - both need to be gone.
No, I just want jews and muslims to stop causing problems once and for all
None of my business, and if you are not from that region that it is none of yours too.
>final redpill
C'mon, a 5 year old could figure that out
basically this. memes are real kekstani
Pretty much. It doesn't belong to the jews. They have no right to be there.
So what ultimately solves the conflict?
Gas chambers, unironically. You'd either have to kill all Jews or kill all Arabs.
There's plenty of retards that still take sides, even ITT. We need to get rid of whole MENA imho
Israel is the only decent country in the middle east.
Peace to the Jordanians (later known as 'palestinians') has been offered many times, yet rejected by them every single time.
Israel left Gaza so they could govern themselves: just look what that turned out to be (the very definition of a sharia terrorist state)
Also, Israel won the whole country in the war. They took back the land (with western backing i might add) that they were forced out of.
There is honestly no proper reason not to support sovereignity of Israel over its land other then "kike this and kike that" (which is the muslim and nationalsocialist argument that is sadly still popular with many on this board).
This is why Trump and right-wing americans is so clear on this issue. Those SJW liberal jews actually hate his stance on this topic and would rather see Israel being shrinked down (and as liberal) as much as it can.
Even during the british rule, kikes were basically as deeply rooted in positions of power as they are now in various countries in the west. They still were dissatisfied because the Rothschilds tried to cut a deal with the anglos to buy Israel, to no avail. So WW2 happened because of that, england got BTFO, global kikery moved to the US and the jews got israel in return for guaranteeing US victory. In the meanwhile, every nearby country got either asked to pledge alliegance to the jews or get invaded/toppled by the US. Fast forward to now, the invading/toppling is now made by proxy armies such as ISIS and the like.
On the other hand, palestinians didn't ask for shit, nor have the power to do so in such a scale anyway.
palestinian has more jew blood than jew therself ,at least ashkenazi ones.
hahahahhahahahahahahahahaahhahaa go back to israel fucking scum
I'm not a jew. Where is your argument?
jedi outcast/warhammer bernd is this you
the Kikes are in the wrong, but the people they're wronging are just as bad. the redpill is who gives a shit and let the shitskins figure it out for themselves.
If anyone on the planet had the answer to that the conflict would have been resolved long ago. Bottom line is the Jews aren't going to give it up, the Muslims aren't going to stop fighting for it. A major military conflict over it will pretty much 100% trigger WWIII, which no one wants, so it's anyone's guess what the final outcome will be.
Kkike this kike that.
zechariah 12:3-4
It is if your cuck government ships tax money that funds Palestinian terrorist schools
After the 6day war Israel had one its there land. It was an act of god they one. Also on the history doco i watched the Palestinians put up white flags on their houses and surrendered. The Fuck you surrender you dont cry my land a few years later.
Jerusalem was supposed to be a international city befitting it's role in the religions that follow it
>who cold be behind this post?
You know it's funny because if palestinians were literal africa niggers and jews were the british you just know everyone and his friend would be saying they have no right to be there as invaders.
In the end it comes down to Sand nigger vs Jew and the jews win
When Egypt, Jordan, Syria, And all Arabs in the region tried to Smash the new state of Isreal and lost. Syria lost the golan heights. Egypt lost all the Sinnai. They Literally tried it on and got dicked by a single smaller practically new State in the area. But tell me where the Jews belong.
Look Safa all i heard about is how Fucked your country is. Doesnt matter if whites there or not.
Exactly, that's why the answer is simply "it's the kikes"
Clearly this is a pollitically charged dilemma. Can we agree that if politics are brought into the picture that morality thusly, leaves said picture? In which case, who would we rather have in the Middle East that can benefit the US? Israel can fuck up any sand niggers for us if they start raping goats and blowing shit up again. If we tell the jewskis to leave then it’s just gonna be inhabited by sand niggers who I guarantee you will just kill each other and still rape goats and blow shit up. Can’t trust those sand niggers. At least having Jews there gives the US a military advantage in the Middle East.
For the greater glory of Bha'al. Assyria shall return.
The UN had no statutory authority to bust up an existing nation--Palestine--and hand over 55% of it to Europeans pretending to be Jews.
Now the Khazar land thieves have stolen their way to over 80% of Palestine.
>Something something irrelevant to your post
>something something your country sucks
Epic bro. My point still stands.
>After the British rule Jerusalem went to the Arabs? Then the Jews, the Arabs have been more violent the entire time while the jews were just jews??
Brief History lesson:
>WW2/holocaust happens
>international community feels bad for jews
>Newly established UN draws up plan for jewish ethnostate and arab ethnostate in the region that is modern day israel
>the plan is for jerusalem to be an international neutral zone
>pre-existing arab states don't want a new arab state (or a jewish state for that matter but we get to this later) so Jordan annexes (most of) the land that was going to go to the new arab state (i.e. palestine).
>they also go ahead and annex jerusalem as well since it was in the area and has some holy temples in it they like
>later on the "six day war" happens and Israel kicks the shit out of the surrounding arab states in a (((preemptive))) attack
>during this war they annex Jerusalem and loads of the land that was meant for the new arab state (that never actually got established)
>move all their shit to jerusalem
>Jerusalem is ours now goy
>constant fighting ever since between israel and palestine about who owns it
tl;dr neither of them are meant to have it because neither of them can be trusted with it.
>holocaust happens
I respectfully disagree with your account
of events. Shit started in 1933 with Haavara.
being self-hating =/= not being a jew anymore.
Well you need to pick a starting point somewhere lad, you could also argue that it started in 1917 with the Balfour Declaration where Britain conceded the establishment of a Jewish state.
All for the man in the sky. Its funny how 3 different religions praise one same city. It is as if its one and the same god.
It is one and the same god you fucking retard.
Your country is so shit i dont think id ever travel there.
>Mean while White Safa's moving to NZ in droves telling everyone how shit SA is.
Frankly the issue is that the Jews have been pussy footing around the issue of securing Israel.
They build illegal settlements and become 'occupiers' instead of outright seizing the territory and being conquerors.
They are so shit scared of losing international support, but can't resist claiming territory which draws the ire of the international community.
I don't like mudslimes or kikes.
I fucking hate dithering cunts.
Israel and Palestine are fucking dithering cunts, none willing to do what is needed and put an end to the dispute by conquering the other.
Both sides are now supremely riled up because they have a chance to kvetch and ackbar over symbolic control of Jerusalem.
Yet another resultless stress reliever to ease the pressure. The pressure is naturally occurring, they should be at war.
It makes sense. They hate each other.
But Israel, despite it's bluster, is a bitch of a country. It gets it's benefactor to do it's fighting for it while it plays at occupation.
Hiding behind a US missile defense system and it's nuclear arsenal, constantly whining about how Iran shouldn't be allowed to have them when it broke international law to obtain it's own.
They are the SJW of countries, full of righteous indignation and an unearned sense of moral superiority.
TL;DR Israel are fucking pussies who need to harden the fuck up, fight their own battles and conquer Palestine.
You didnt notice my sarcasm?
That wasn't the issue. Uncontrolled jewish immigration as a result of Havaara caused the arabs to get pissy then that led to the Arab revolt of '36. Basically all by design. Which then leads to the argument that Hitler was a globalist plant.
Palestine couldn't fight the allies to secure their borders, all the support they could have was denied, nobody would sell guns to them and all the arab countries that tried to help them are now in "the terror list", ven with they instead of roll over and play death they still cling to their homes and attack the tanks with sticks and stones.
They aren't pussies they are brave people attacked by crazy fundamentalists.
A country with full backing of the US and multiple nations in Europe makes territorial gains, then proceeds to let the conquered territories be reclaimed even symbolically?
That's on Israel for being weak conquerors, not the Arabs for being predictably duplicitous.
Rothschild started world war 1 and 2 to create the Holocaust as a myth so they could
>obtain the land that would later become Israel
>obtain the public support for Israel
>create massive amounts of debt to them to hold governments hostage and install pro-Jew laws
>dismiss all criticism as "anti-semitism" and "jew hating nazis"
Palestinians are just victims, they are the people who have been maintaining and cultivating that region for millennia. Their displacement from Israel destabilized the whole region, resulting in all the wars surrounding Israel, which they incite so they can expand their territory while their enemies fight each other.
Basically Rothschild, the owner of Israel as stated in the Balfour Declaration, engineered both world wars to kill all the strong men, enslave everyone who survived and is now trying to kill us all through racial replacement also caused by Israel, while most of Europe is too busy to pay off all their national debt to the Rothschilds to properly defend their own countries.
Don't worry reddit, I got you. Now go back.
Oh that's the best part... It is and they acknowledge it. Group one thinks the son is still going to come, group two thinks the son came and is going to come back and group three thinks he sent another guy after his son. The only solution is to shoot each other over some stone buildings. It's all really fucking stupid.
I didn't say Palestinians were pussies...
I'm saying Israel are pussies for not finishing off the Palestinian state and you just provided several reasons why the Palestinians are an easily crushed foe.
All the zeal of fighting with any weapon you can grab to hand is nothing to an advanced enemy that can steamroller you.
Israel doesn't do this, because Israel are weak.
Far too weak to survive in the middle east.
Yeah, no. Christianity says let others live, focus on self-improvement. Judaism says non-Jews are not people, do as you like. Islam says conquer the world until it is entirely Muslim by conversion or the sword.
That's nowhere near the same. The crusades were a response to centuries of Islamic invasions and slave raids. Read a Qu'ran or the Talmud, nigger.
No u
kikes took palestinian land
palestinians defend their land and heritage
oy vey antisemitic muslims
stop defending your country from invaders
cucked usa defends israel
israel wins
the end
All territorial gains were made before US backing in 1973, so i don't get what's your point
I don't want to get involved, I just want to watch. Whoever lives at the end keeps the land, just like when Muslim's moved in. Don't like playing your own game anymore, Khan?
Every time I see the argument plainly laid out like this, the only replies are always people spewing JIDF and WHO IS BEHIND THIS?!
Pretty strong backing of its legitimacy honestly
Perhaps it would have been more accurate to state foreign backing, seeing as at no point in Israel's 70 year history has it been standing on it's own feet without foreign aid.
But each side had foreign aid
the us is the biggest supporter of israel
if only you would just nuke the entire country
Israel it's weak as they are still afraid of anti semitism.
By calling attention into their issues Trump ignited global anti semitism again (with a little help), now they have a larger issue in their hands as the Palestinians expelled are gaining global influence, this Trump move means that the Palestinians in Chile moves away from the right wing for example.
Stop calling everyone who opposes Israel a Muslim, newfag
>side with Muslims
>call non-interventionists Jews(because you know Muslims will lose)
>expect not to be called a Muslim
Thanks Ahmed for laying it out so clear to me.
Intifada 3: Electric Boogaloo incoming. Get comfy, this time we have Liveleak to see the death and destruction in all of its glory.
>far too weak to survive in the middle east
Yet they keep surviving while every other country around them is falling apart.
Also, you can't just "finishing off the palestinians", becaue they would get sanctioned to death.
Both sides are playing the long game.
What are you, 12? I didn’t called non-interventionists jews. Take a deep breath
oy vey rabbi i can hear your penny filled pockets from here
It's rightful phoenician/canaanite clay.
Might is right.
We don't believe he's his son at all, and we also believe he's coming back baby.
>if you don't want to fight for muslims you are a jew
I wonder who could be behind this post
>if you hate kike rats you must be muslim
jidf pls go away
>first post in thread is about how both Jews and Muslims are terrible
>and how them killing each other is great
Nice try Khan you fucking Paki piece of shit.
nice try rabbi
Half of their shit is based in false propaganda, anyways.
Literally boomer tier “democracy is a good thing, also Israel completely defames Christians but they are the only good place in the Middle East because the rest of them have sand niggers !!!”
The other countries had foreign backed insurrections and US air strikes to crush them.
Israel lobbys the US Senate and Congress to continues bank rolling their state.
The Israelis are the masters of underhanded palm greasing.
Israel engineers those failed states.
They are already sanctioned, they have already committed blatant war crimes and got away with it.
I'm saying that despite their incredibly advantageous and bullet proof position, they don't secure their territory.
They continue to milk the 'threat' of Palestinian terrorists.
It's dishonorable and weak to continue parading this encapsulated and beaten people as some great threat and issue to be negotiated.
It's the duplicity that bugs me. They want to be seen as this poor victim of these Arab bullies but also as this crusade like vanguard against the same Arabs.
The pussy footing between the two facets is pathetic. It's not political genius, it's indecisiveness.
Literally implying that balfore declaration had no jeeews behind it.... lol
After WW2 the Arab land of Palestine was in one fell swoop declared the nation of Israel and Jews given the birth right to move there without any agreement from the Palestinian people. They basically just invaded their land but under backing from Britain and the US it was allowed. America was the undisputed superpower after WW2, it's not like they could be challenged. Israel is still officially viewed as a rogue state by most countries.
Ever since then, claim to the the Holy Land of Jerusalem has been contested between Muslims and Jews. The original partition plan drawn up by the UN allocated East Jerusalem to Muslims and the west to the Jews. But since the Six Day War Israel has claimed all of Jerusalem, however this sentiment is not shared by anyone else in the international community because they basically just annexed land. By moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem Trump is recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, which would be seen as cementing Israeli sovereignty over the city.
It's important to note that Israel was founded solely from Jewish terrorism.
Israel lied and continues to lie about the Holohoax, USS Liberty, The Six Days War and even the assassination of peace process bringers like PM Yitzhak Rabin, Folke Bernadotte etc.