Anyone else watching this?
Anyone else watching this?
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Answer me this, OP
Do you know what Sup Forums's catalog is?
I CTRL-F'd "Youjo" and "Senki" to no avail.
No, just you.
Well fuck.
Surprisingly decent. I went in expecting an edgefest, I got reichsloli climbing the military ladder.
Episode 2 is my favorite this season.
I like it
Episode 2 was much needed after the sudden 'Salaryman' comment that was unexpectedly thrown at the viewer in episode 1.
>He fell for the God meme
Being X*
Give her 6-10 more years and she'll be perfect.
Being a salary man sure is hard.
Character designs are fucking shit, but other than that it's fucking excellent so far. Episode two was very well done. Nazi loli salaryman is a very intriguing character.
Does being coerced into it still count?
In Japan, yeah. If there is a hell, then it must be a Japanese office.
Way better than the light novel. The light novel reads as thickly as any of the Master and Commander books without any of the same romance or tact, mostly just whining about bureaucracy.
I just think some of the hair is silly.
The real criminal isn't poor business structures, it's trains.
Poor business structures > trains
And ambulances.
Has potential to be good. Although I do find the sounds of magic to get obnoxious at times.
Why is she so goddamn stupid?
Greedy, impatient, reckless asshole who think he is still a middle age salaryman that he used to be before meeting X. He keep forgetting that he is a little girl now and little girl of her caliber usually treated as monster and not respect like he actually think. If he is a bit patient and pretend to be fragile little girl instead of warmonger devil spawn, he might get a comfy deskjob like he always wanted. But no.... He keep fucking overachieving all operation he involved and keep pretending to be warmongering patriot in order to get promotion without realizing that all those hardwork will only backfired him sooner or later.
I want to punch that loli
Tanya please old men for promotions and medals
>oh fuck I've been put in charge of a wing on the front line
>better be the elite of the elite
I haven't watched it except for the short ONAs but I'm reading the LN. It seems nice to me, there're a lot of things about war, whether they're realistic or not that I don't know but for someone who's completely ignorant about strategies and related stuff, like me, it's still an enjoyable read.
there's just a shitposting thread of some butthurt faggot that's almost at bump limit too, forget it.
anyone here watch anime?
So what sort of clothes would she wear?
On the anime and manga board? Not likely.
The anime's okay but disappointing.
Stumbled on it, decided to give it a go. Surprisingly not the edgy cringefest I was expecting, in fact I kind of like it and want to see more. We'll see if it actually ends up being good though.
It reminds me of that greentext of Hitler as a little girl, where everything bad that happened was due to people misunderstanding her requests.
she owns many uniforms but sometimes can wear cute dresses too.
Still better than the Manga
cutest salaryman ever.
All of the uniforms have to be custom made because she's so small
She she's literally a loli Hitler?
Shes an officer, the uniforms were generally going to be bespoke to begin with.
More like a solder in the nazi army.
I honestly like the loli's design
she won't lose to anyone so no.
>nazi army
never seen a nazi before?
>keep pretending to be warmongering patriot in order to get promotion
that's his natural character though, he was not a very sensible person before becoming a loli.
>he was not a very sensible person before becoming a loli.
to be fair, that was true for all of us
Are you an Untermensch user?
While he was not a sensible person to begin with, he is not actually an emotional psychopath either. He is just a pure utilitarian who will do anything to archive his goal. He clearly said in his internal monologue that he despise populism and ideologist who blindly follow the idea or leaders.
are you?
True, but he gets in the role completely, that's the kind of characters he had, adapting to the environment completely and meet the expectations of others to his best. About the monologue I really liked that part a lot, the author is a pretty based guy.
>you of an inferior race
>said the fucking knife ear.
This loli Hitler would look much better with a mustache.
I thought it was going to be garbage in the same vein of shit as Kabanari, but I was proved wrong.
It's hard for that situation to not seem kind of contrived, but it actually all pretty much works.
I'm excited for more.
>This loli Hitler would look much better with a mustache.
Here you go.
I also tried some quick posterizing to unfuck the artifacting.
Elf is slave level race, equal with beast tribe. At least elf isn't demon race that should eliminated like insect.
Yes. It's already AOTS imo.
Why are both Sup Forums and their opposite incapable of telling apart the 2nd and 3rd Reich?
The worst show currently airing.
Both are memeshitters that don't give a fuck about history that relish in reactions like yours
>Anyone else watching this?
Tanya a cute
Frog-girl a cute
Paradox should be proud of carlo
So it's, uh
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, only instead of INDUSTRY, it's UTILITARIANISM?
I kinda dig it.
Yeah I'm watching it.
I think its really a guilty pleasure, but really only maybe 3-4 minutes of individual episodes are even worth watching.
>Grimdark strike witches
I can watch this.
Interesting art.
Characters all seem like bland shit.
Moe Is cancer.
If you think this how is moe you need to get your eyes and head checked
Why is a kid in the army ?
Why is she (?) part of a platoon and ruining its form ?
Why if she's got potential, isn't she studying as an officer and/or specialized force instead of being part of the grunts ?
Why am I overanalizing a japanese cartoon ?
Anyone else really enjoy the scene where Artillery is fucking up some poor dumb bastards.
Fuck yeah, big guns are great.
>there's a cute girl
>must be surely moeshit
that's not how it works.
How exposed is that shitposter right now?
Watch the 2nd episode
Add in a measure of Deus lo vult
>Still falling for bait
Magic exists in this world and useful mages on the battlefield are in incredibly short supply, she has incredible magic power due to reasons
That scene is from boot camp, she is actually alone or has very little backup as most help would get in her way or can't keep up with her or because of reasons
Her age, regardless of potential her superiors are hesitant to promote her to a senior officer without more actual combat experience and also due to reasons
You did not want to masturbate?
>strike witches
man, when tanya's wing becomes finally operational this is gonna blow strike witches up completely.
Does this look deformed to anyone else? That head:limb:body volume ratio is atrocious.
Unfortunately, the growth will be stoped by drugs. Fuck Japan.
I've shitposted enough I guess, time to actually give this a try.
I'm interested to see how the God angle comes in, seems like she gets a powerup when she invokes faith? I wonder if it's explained in the LN
It is
>our loli nonsense is ironic and therefore new and exicting!!
Magic and loli shit aside, the setting is interesting. But how is Tanya not the same garbage wish fullfillment as Kirito? MC with hax powers that shit on everyone around her. Enemies turn into Stormtroopers when they fight her. First ever combat she takes out a company of trained enemies on her own. It's complete nonsense.
What a fucking waste of a WWI anime.
The thing about ignoring "bait" is that people who are genuinely retarded will also be ignored and never learn that they're retarded.
>First ever combat she takes out a group of trained enemies on her own
By almost killing herself
That scene is done better in the LN to be honest.
because author is self-aware
Someone should link him to /gsg/ so he can shitpost about paradox game with us.
>What a fucking waste of a WWI anime
It's a matter of perspective, really.
Yeah, I don't see how the war between Bermany and the rest of Turope seems similar to anything in reality to be honest.
Accept Empire didn't attack first. And Kalmar Union is actually a thing and a Nazi instead of just Quisling's wet dream.
They better add the proper OP and ED in next episode.
Where is the promised logistical management and strategical planning?
After reading through the entire Web series, I realized that Tanya was betting her chances on an extremely flimsy tightrope.
Her patriotism towards the Reich did thinly veil her way of thought, but if it were recognized any earlier by her foes, including inside and out, she'd be dead before the war turned halfway.
Therefore I conclude that Tanya, although equipped with modern ideologies and vision of how the war was going to spread, and even end, only survived the entire ordeal to continue with her life with sheer luck.
Ask Paradox
There is no way anime can adapt that kind of shit. Unless they use Shaft or Occultit;9 kind of dialog.
It is getting harder and harder to keep a huge empire together with each patch and I hate it.
except for the japanese guy, anime was an improvment in comparison to manga
It is possible with visual representation.
How? Show bunch of supply crate in HQ and load and load of trucks and train carrying supply from factory to the front?