Guten Tag, ich bin Alpen Italiener

Guten Tag, ich bin Alpen Italiener.

What do you think about us? Are we redpilled? Are we white? Are we doomed?

Give back Südtirol, faggot.

>Are we white?

Northitaly is pretty bueno
South italy, not so much.

Anschluss, NOW. CLAY, ALL OF IT.

gib clay to Meister.

>Are we doomed?
Si. Siamo tutti fottuti

Give back Tirol, faggot.

Tirol ist unabhängiger Staat >:(

Slovenia should be part of shitaly desu

The amount of german in an italian thread is astounding to me
>inb4 austrian is not german wah~


German is the official language of Alpenrepublik

wait, wait, wait.
It's not italian up there?!
You're not fucking with me, are you?

Damn, germany might become one of these world languages that survive ww3 next to chinese and american english


>Damn, germany might become one of these world languages that survive ww3 next to chinese and american english

I hope not

>stuck with the most arabized and negrofied part of France
No thanks, leave Northern Italy alone.

Stfu, Anschluss when

>Poebene & France
Pls stop

You are the cradle of western civilization


>Are we doomed?
yes,we are.

The kind of meme only distributed by foreigners who only heard hitler speeches to determine their understanding of german...


Just you meme our language, i dare you Fagét