Why Trump move on Jerusalem is a good one

Jacques Attali (basically the french Soros) just said that it is a bad thing and it is contrary to Israel's long term interest .

Same guy who was saying in 2011 " We can dream of Jerusalem becoming the new capital of the planet. It would be a perfect place for an unified NWO."

And when you see that people like him and Merkel, Martin Schulz, Macron, Corbyn, Mélenchon (french communist freemason), etc are all against it and that Bush/Obama didn't do it previously, you can say that it's not what globalists want at all

Is there a conflict between nationalist jews and globalists jews/freemasons agenda ? it seems so

>le based donald !!
The number 1 enemy of the aryan male is first and foremost the kikes
This is entry level stuff guys

it's where you're wrong when you put all the jews in a same bracket. it's not the jews as an entity, it's the globalists jews/freemasons/jesuits/luciferian/whatever.
If it's not a good move tell me why guys like Attali/soros are against it and why Clinton/bush/Obama didn't do it a long time ago?

so could you explain why the people behind openborders, antiwhite journalism, antichristianism, progressive movements,erasing culture, financing terrorism, etc are all against it? I don't understand why it doesn't suit their agenda but it's clearly the case

Jews and irrelevant
Boogeyman that doesn't exist
Fuck off retard. If you seriously believe that le based Donald isn't a kike puppet like all the rest you're delusional.

Jews looooove christtards. Why the fuck would they actively work against their pet monkey soldiers? Christianity is the absolute last thing the west needs right now.

They probably don't want it to happen until all arabs are off of the continent. They are afraid of what Iran and Syria might do if Israel starts gloating about victory too soon.

Freemasonry irrelevant? lol

You still don't explain to the retard why globalists are against it and didn't make that move a long time ago?

Jews always play both sides.
Protocol no. 11
>11. In the third rank we shall set up our own, to all appearance, opposition, which, in at least one of its organs, will present what looks like the very antipodes to us. Our real opponents at heart will accept this simulated opposition as their own and will show us their cards.

May I have a link to a video where Attali says it's bad?

fuck off, kikes

Freemasonry is irrelevant dumbfuck. It's entry level. It's a good ol' boy club of kikes who watch out for each other. Shriners are where things go downhill.
Jews. Stop watching Alex Jones. They've been gradually expanding for years, look at their borders throughout their history. If they just made a sudden incursive land grab they'd get btfo by Iran and Syria.

That's why Poland is one of the last sane country in europe, and why they worked to destroy christianity in europe for decades.
Christianity =/= americans chirstians and evangelicals

Trump didn't accept this simulated opposition, though. Quite the opposite, in fact, he became the simulated ally. And as OP said, the most influential of the (((bunch))) know the drill.

His twitter

Jacques Attali
Compte certifié
17 h
il y a 17 heures

La reconnaissance unilatérale par les États-Unis d'une Jérusalem réunifiée comme capitale d'Israël et d'aucun autre Etat est contraire a l'intérêt a long terme d'Israël et de la Paix au Moyen-Orient

They aren't. Hellenism was the height of western civilization, not christianity. Christianity has been nothing but a murderous and divisive force since it showed up. Poles are bordering basketball american-tier in every other aspect and the only reason Sup Forums likes them is because they hate homos and shitskins.

Freemasons are going to be much more relevant later. For now, it is at most a kike-aligned lobby, but it's basically a group that was responsible for the war waged against christianity in Europe then, and whose structure will become the foundation for a Gentile-friendly global sect.

Cherry on top of the cake will be the rebuilding of the third temple by the freemasons.

Thanks man, much appreciated.

>responsible for the war waged against christianity in Europe then
Prove it. Do you even know the origins of freemasonry? How nearly all of the founding fathers and many other notable, "good" figures throughout history were masons? It was never intended as a secret jew club, only recently was it infiltrated and taken over by them. It's irrelevant. Anyone can go to a lodge and become a mason. It's not some evil scary illuminati satanic dark sided CERN portal cult shit that you retards think it is, tons of cops, lawyers etc are masons.

The masons are dying, along with the new roman empire warhawks, their world it's ending and none of their goals was declared absolute, the remnants of the old religions are growing stronger and the bavarians still believe they can't restore the aryan brotherhood.

>origins of freemasonry
faggot "british" who built their name to this very day on english blood sought to give themselves credibility based on the greek and egyptian architecture, philosophy and science due to their evangelical devine protestant nature to defiy great satan the vatican.

fuck off. freemasons = le 56% in making.

>Anyone can go to a lodge and become a mason

Yes in the first 3 level of masonry, that is basically a subtil nice philosophical facade and a door for recruiting. It's not my words it comes from an ex 13rd grade freemason. You have absolutly no idea what's going on in the 30 others, even the freemasons don't know at all what's going on, what you have to do, the rituals, the ideology, in each next level

ps: one of the early stage routine ritual is to spit on a jesus cross lol

I hope the Palestinians bomb Jerusalem.

I got into politics around when Trump was emerging and I don't see a problem with Jews everything bad about this is overblown by losers on this site (there are losers on every site not singling this one out) but I as an American will vote and want to help Isreal out as much as we can and there is nothing wrong with that.

>freemasons = le 56% in making.
>what is Hart-Celler Act
We were over 90% white before it was enacted in 1968. Instead of putting a stop to it boomers decided to capitalize off the brown flood for cheap labor, marry their beaner maid wives and shit out even more brown mongrels. Freemasonry had nothing to do with le 56%.

>an ex 13rd grade freemason
Who? Prove it.
>one of the early stage routine ritual is to spit on a jesus cross lol
No, it isn't. Once again the burden of proof is on you. "Some guy told me one time" isn't proof. The height of the average mason is attaining 33rd and performing the ritual of Hiram Abiff. Nowhere up to that point does anything involve Jesus and I sincerely doubt it happens after. Jews don't care about Jesus enough to do that because they don't even believe in his divinity. They believe he was just some batshit doomsday preacher which is exactly what he was, assuming he ever existed in the first place.

Too early

there is a freemasonry within the freemasonry. Like there is a Mossad within the Mossad and a cia within the cia, you shhould know it

Prove it. You've made a lot of claims so far and have absolutely nothing to back any of them up yet. The top "brass" of freemasonry is inherently jewish, the entire system has been warped into a type of pseudo-judaism at its core, yes. But there is no central power in freemasonry. All lodges are independent and have their own rules and regulations, though they have to go through a grand lodge to be officially recognized. It's not some collective entity. As I said, shriners are where things really begin falling off the deep end. But 99% of masons will never become part of the "elite" masons, so they're effectively irrelevant. It's a few old dying jews left at the top and the overwhelming majority of young masons are nothing like the older ones.

Seriously creepy pictures. DIA art happening. Fingers crossed we dont meet the death general guy soon.

Well I agree with what you're saying. But how can you say it's irrelevant? Don't you think that the top 1% surely are ones of the most powerful and influential group of men in the planet?

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Been Shapiro is going to be an incredible president.

Hello greatest ally