Is war a good or a bad thing?


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Only if you are fighting for Israel, goy

>is rain a good or a bad thing?

Its like you dont even want to break the mach 10 barrier

Depends on who it’s with.

That's a general question. Some wars are necessary, most are not. On it's own it's obviously bad, since it destroys human lives and property.

It's a horrible thing, but it's the way of men. It's neither good or bad, it's simply nature. Struggle, violence, death, competition. It is what it is.

Both and more

If I win, it's good.

To fight to protect your people is one of the most noble things a man can do. We have simply made arms so deadly we have forgotten how to fight in favor of how to kill. We have forgotten that war requires a winner and a loser, and the loser ceases to exist. Endless battles and warfare against the same enemy because no one has the conviction to destroy the enemy.

We have gone soft.

If it was the way of the men, in the sense you mean it, you wouldn't need particular training and indoctrination just to make a person shoot at another person. Most of humans don't want to kill another human.
Most of US soldiers in WW2 didn't fire at the enemy.

People didn't needa lotta training and indoctrination to walk out and whack each other to death with sticks and clubs back in ye olden days. Modern methods of training aren't solely to make men kill each other, they're to make men kill each other as efficiently as possible. Conflict is just nature, and war is an extension of conflict.

The idea that war is unequivocally bad only became widespread after it became a contest over who has the biggest guns and the most men to put through the meat grinder.

Also, idiots who think of some CoD deathmatch epic struggle are in for a rude awakening. Most of casualties in modern warfare are caused by artillery, or airpower.
So you wouldn't die a noble death, you would be blown apart by a shell.

You're a silly goose
You think the way people are in modern society is the natural way? You think no kind of social programming/indoctrination takes place?

I'm not talking about self-defense. I'm talking about organized conflict. In past, conflict was usually fought by outliers who don't suffer from the inhibition.
Modern industrial wars mean that large share of male population is recruited. So war is hell for most.
You can't presume every man is Jünger. He's not. Most of men and women don't want to kill another human being. This is natural.

Ww2 much?

If you think video games and films prepare you for killing, you're sadly wrong.

apes actually go to war.

>some day a real rain will come...

War is a bad thing but needs to happen every so often to remind people to appreciative and to focus on the big picture.

Must watch

That's not my point buddy, I'm not saying everyone experiences war the same. There are natural killers. Most of people are not, have to be conditioned into it, and it causes terrible psychological issues for them.

I would say it is horrible for the individuals who fight in war, but its necessary to bring about change.

Also, War = Chaos is the natural state of our world
It is upto us to bring about Peace = Order.

But we humans tend to be autistic megalomaniacs so we fuck around.

So unless we master avoiding war in any situation, there will be no world peace, but we can't do that(we are autistic megalomaniacs), hence there will be no world peace, small conflicts will always be there.

It depends if you are on the winning side and profit from it.Ecah war is the same yet different war as awhole is just part of the human nature not bad and not good.
But if you want to know if a particular war was good or bad look at what a country lost and what it gained long term.

good for nations, bad for persons

It's a necessary evil.

It doesn't matter whether it is good or bad. It just was, is, and always will be.

Few wars are necessary. Making such vague pseudo-philosophical statements can't hide that reality.

I find defensive war ethical because it happens in order to protect the nation and the majority of the population but offensive war is immoral because it happens for personal profit of the person/people who hold power. There wouldn't be a need for defensive war though if offensive war never existed

Just wars elevate men to the status of heroes and martyrs to a sacred cause. People flock en masse to claim they played a part in them.

Guess when was the last time we had one.


Its terrific for the Archons that run the simulation, imagine being able to look across multiple universes and see all the different military unit designs and battle results.

>rude awakening
>rude awakening
>rude awakening
THIS is what war is for in our time. You don't need war to grab resources, because everyone will happily sell them to you for shekels. You don't need people/slaves anymore because robots are much better at menial jobs. Due to democracy everywhere you can have ((your candidate)) via media brainwashing.
War will cause rude awakening to all the feel good normies. This is btw why it will never happen. ((Some people)) will only loose from it.

A bad thing however sometimes it's a necessary evil.

only if you're fully exterminating those who're inferior to you

Those people you talk of, they don't lose wars. They profit from them.
Perhaps some people here are mistaking me for a pacifist, I'm not. War is sometimes necessary, or profitable in absolute terms.
But glorification of war is just a hype, swallowed by unfortunate victims. War is a hellish experience for overwhelming majority.

wars against shitskins is good. wars between whites is a bad.

It gives countries unity and direction, lots of people have pent up anger that they release during everyday lives, humans are meant to be at war, it channels that rage towards a common cause. The reason we are starting to deteriorate as a society is lack of war and lack of unity.

>all these people on this board who want to defend their homelands
>tfw you are secretly a total jingo, and want to conquer

think about this. you have one chance to live on this planet. the fact that human life is a thing is something our minds cannot even comprehend. and yet all we do is hate and kill each other. there is no god and there never was one because humans are inherently evil beings.

I have never been in a fight before in my life and am too nervous to talk to cashiers but I am sure war is really cool and I would get a great kill streak

I asked God and got "yes and no and we get attacked sometimes by our military".

Heh...I'm more confused now.

Everything is good in moderation.

Again, that's absolute and ridiculous bullshit, as demonstrated by writings of people who actually fought wars. You need to condition a man hard to make him shoot another man. Most shot in order to miss, or didn't even shoot and had to be goaded into it.
For most of people, they aren't ''meant'' for war.
>lack of war
What lack of war? Your own country was involved in several conflicts in the last few decades.
Or you're some cunt who's upset your cities aren't turned into rubble? Yeah, I'm sure average 4channer would profit in such conditions. Amazing how stupid some people are.

I'm not war apologist either. We had plenty of occasions to witness how disgusting, harsh and horrible it is. And God knows I don't want it.
But I don't see any other way to have planet-wide 'oh! we are living in real world!' moment.

Depends on how fucked over the loser gets, but looking at it from a historical perspective, it sure seems like having the occasional war every other decade helps with not having your country go full degenerate.
Although USA has been fighting since basically forever and it didn't do them that much good in the long run, so who knows.

Who knows. Perhaps you're right. I'm just telling people what I read, and what I heard first-hand from people who actually fought in brutal conflicts.
It really makes you cringe when some pimpled Westerner who cries when he doesn't get new iPhone writes poetically about how glorious the struggle is.
You won't experience glory, you will be blown apart by some man you can't even see, and you'll choke on your own blood.

War and genocide are in our nature user

Also smelling our buttholes to find out what you eat.

By your logic being a billionaire or top-tier strongman is in our nature.
Yes, for a few. Same for killing. Only a small percentage of humans are natural killers. Majority aren't. That's the point. You can condition a man into killing, but it will leave a terrible psychological mark.

Nothing is that white or black except whites and niggers.
War defined as the struggle of natural forces then [...] fuck a nigga boi u feel me dog bruv peace
give me yo fucking wallet fjodor

>You won't experience glory, you will be blown apart by some man you can't even see, and you'll choke on your own blood.
If you even get to the front line without dying by accident discharge, dysentery, malnutrition, cold, and other not so glorious yet most common ways to perish without making even one shot.
So... yeah. I have no illusions about it.

wrong, its the other way around. Most Men have natural draw to violence, but a life of peace and stability makes them disconnected to their natural ways, so that when it does get forced out of them they love it and hate it. Fucks witht their brain because they realise how much damage they can really do.

The "natural killers" are just the guys who are more desensitised to it, who have less of a moral bound to their violence.

This is actually cool desu.

more like inevitable evil

Is a truthful world of self-governed, fully aware individuals without loyalty to a common entity or purpose inherently more peaceful than a world of common united citizens under rival banners and ideologies of false pretenses?

Global society runs on money so in other words it doesn't matter. Civs will rise and fall, society will continue change as clans from all walks of life die off or get lucky, the world keeps spinning. It's a world where you literally have to kill and consume the energy of other living things to survive. There is no equilibrium.

They keep nationalism high

With the weapons we have today, the act of killing is easier and more efficient than ever. So as fond as I am of the idea, personally, I doubt we could ever go back to something more "straight-forward" and cutthroat, without killing ourselves off. Fucking up in today's world usually means just suffering a slow, terribly delayed death, living in the interim, with time and opportunity for change, and the freedom to off yourself anyways, if that's your thing.