I-its j-just a b-bubble


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I bought for 300$ at 4k.
Imagine buying for 3000$.
And now, 30000$.


well I'll be god damned

good time to buy gold LOL

better invest in my 401k next

Idiots don't realize they are saving dollar banks by giving them money and they raising the price to make idiots buy more. Enjoy your Mexicans migrants and Chinese lords, because logic should tell you that if you don't work, then money you want to have and buy something with it must be build by somebody and that somebody will be illegals, who will work for free to compensate for your imaginary money.

20k by christmas

I hope that the soaring price of Bitcoin is due to smart people buying because they believe Bitcoin will replace fiat currency in the near future.


u guys dont really think u're rich, do you??

>i-its j-just a b-bubble

it is literally that, given the enormous rise in "value"


Exponential growth is a hallmark of a bubble.

I would sell now faggots.


It's mainstream news so a lot of people are jumping on the bandwagon. As soon as the growth slows and the big investors decide to cash out, it'll collapse as everyone else sells off in a panic.

Guys tell me what to do. I have ~$2m in BTC.

Should I just hodl or what. I haven't bothered diversifying into trashcoins

This. Especially exponential growth when nothing changes about the security.
>inb4 naysayers BTFO for years
The tech bubble lasted years before it popped.

This. The moment economic blogs are writing about shit is when you sell. A bunch of idiot single.moms from minnesota are starting to buy bitcoins with their welfare checks (its the start of a new month after all). You really want to get off the ride when that start happening.

>store of value, goy
>doesn't store its value for even an hour


I would suggest selling at least some of them, except who the fuck is going to buy $1,000,000 in bitcoins?

At this point I'd sell off half of it and get ready to dump the other half. You walk away with a minimum of $1M and potentially >$2M.

That is literally what a bubble is. Good luck ever cashing out any large amount because no one is going to do that with a currency so unstable.


$0000 - $1000: 1789 days
$1000 - $2000: 1271 days
$2000 - $3000: 23 days
$3000 - $4000: 62 days
$4000 - $5000: 61 days
$5000- $6000: 8 days
$6000- $7000: 13 days
$7000- $8000: 14 days
$8000- $9000: 9 days
$9000-$10000: 2 days
$10000-$11000: 1 day
$11000-$12000: 6 days
$12,000-$13,000: 17 hours
$13,000-$14,000: 3 hours
$14,000-$15,000: 10 hours
$20,000-$00,000: 1.2 seconds

>except who the fuck is going to buy $1,000,000 in bitcoins?

He'll find plenty of idiots thinking they can turn their inheritance into a multi-million dollar fortune.

That's from all those Saudi princes who got kidnapped by MBS and forced to pay a ransom to get free.

You're right, it increases in value.

That's a fucking bubble, man.

REEEEEE stop going up after i cashed out
making me feel like a cuck

Not a good trait in a currency. Currency values are supposed to change gradually if at all.


i have my popcorn ready when it plummets to 100 bucks again.

Why haven't mods moved these to /trash/ yet?

This belongs on /biz/

I bought 400 at 1300. I had 12k to waste, yet i only put in 400 cause it felt like a giant bubble over 1000. That hindsight will kill you.


A famous investor who sold off all his stocks just before the great crash in 1929 said he did it because his elevator boy talked incessantly about his stock portfolio, so he realized the gig was up.

We're at that point with bitcoin now. Every idiot and his brother are going all in. The supply of greater fools is about to run out.

Always remember:
When the sheep get into the pen, it's shearing time!

What can you buy with bitcoin?


That's clearly a bubble though

Almost anything.

Yea I'm very worried because I'm seeing Bitcoin mentioned on normie sites all over the place. I knew this day would come but it's happening too abruptly. It will definitely dip in the new year the question is how hard.

>Whales hype up bitcoin
>Retard normies buy in

It's like you fucking retards have never heard of a pump and dump

call me when you can cash out that "value".

nice wolf of wall street meme

1929 2.0

I thought it was supposed to be a currency

currencies don't do this

Buy gold bars, gold has been quite stable lately and its a great asset when times are bad.

keep putting money into it! i'm sure you're one of the few that will know exactly when it will collapse

The US dollar isn't collapsing in the near future. Even if it did no one would care about bitcoin because it'd be survival mode.

When fucking total normies who don't know what an index fund in are throwing money here, it's a bubble. It's not going to keep growing exponentially and all the retards saying "lol naysayers" forget bitcoin has crashed plenty of times before.

And futures trading is coming out shortly. The whales are pumping and dumping and when they dump they will short bitcoin to double profit. Believe me there's some big money involved and you're all falling for a scheme by big money.

has anyone been able to actually trade any of this stuff in for real money?

Who is paying it out?

wait till the goy realize btc is the slowest oldest and most outdated of all the cryptos, when the chicago futures exchange goes live it will finally be shorted to death.

im sitting comfy in fast anonymous and new age tech, have fun riding in that horse drawn buggy im in my lambo limo.

I'll wait for the next dip and then buy in. Surely it will climb again like it did before.

your mum with blowies

dump it all and start the crash. if you like butts that much buy again at a much lower price.

reminder you are in a far worse bubble than you ever pin on crypto(the correction to that)

hence the scared kikes

The thing is bitcoin can be worth 1 cent and still be used as a currency in the exact same way. And it's outdated tech. Using bitcoin as a speculative investment is just absurd since it literally has no real value. You can send $100 of btc the same way no matter the price of btc. And any other coin can be used as a currency in a similar manner on top of that.

Also the kykes aren't scared. Guess who are the people pumping and dumping bitcoin to rip off all these retards who think the us dollar is collapsing and somehow bitcoin will take over? They will make tons of money and ruin all confidence in bitcoin at the same time.

If you are not at all concerned that as millions of dollars of crypto are stolen by hackers, exchanges shut down due to volatility and early adopters (steam) move away from the currency the price to dollars keeps rising, you are not doing a great job of convincing me this isn't a bubble.

Prices will likely move up in decent moves until etfs, other liquid trading vehicles are created. People are moving dollars in to get in ahead of this event. That said, an ETF should reduce volatility, and allow people to hedge any log positions they take now by going short/ writing options.

Bitcoin does have a technical problem as large block chains take too much energy and time to process, but this fundimental fact hasn't stopped people from pilling in.

Ultimately, currencies shouldn't be treated as investments. You might be right to expect a current to outperform another, but there are many more variables than liquidity, tech supporting security of wallets to consider. What countries will put arms behind the currency, what countries are accumulating (buying debt was how this was traditionally done) and selling?

As crypto can create its own economic spaces (see something as simple as crypto kitten thing) the real demand for these types of currency should rise. Crypto cats are like a real export of the ETH nation, currently purchasable directly only in ETH. All good fun to watch, but I'll take more modest returns; Seeking alpha and a much clearer understanding of tax implications.

>american education
You do understand how trading works, right?
You understand that every transaction goes both ways?
Every time one person buys BTC with fiat, someone else has just sold BTC and got fiat for it. The other person just "cashed out".
I know people are stupid but the sheer number of people asking this same stupid question is just depressing.

bitcoin= all crypto

oh cringe when will you goy fucking learn

Fuck coiners were right, I got btfo

As far as the public is concerned btc is the only crypto. You can buy your drugs with dogecoin if you want. But anyone who thinks bitcoin will take down the banking system are full retards. Keep dreaming.

I got 0.5. Bought it a long while back for $500. I know I should cash out, but every time I do the asset goes stratospheric.

Are you even trying?

Ignore the value change, focus on percent.

the thing is, you cant cash out. thats why it is growing and wont stop growing. It wont lose its value until you can actually use it for something. if you can only pile up money on it, but only 1% of people actually use it, it is going to keep growing.

>tfw /biz/ used to be about cultivating marketable skills to get yourself a good job, starting your business, and general investment strategies to become well off
>tfw it's now completely overrun by NEETs and retail workers trying to get rich off internet Monopoly money and all people who actually knew what they were talking about have long since vanished

There are in fact ways to cash out Bitcoins. But many people don't do this and rather sse Bitcoins as an investment.

I myself started mining bitcoins in 2009, wneh it still was experimental and a friend from California asked me to do this.
So i mined for over a year with my Laptop and later also with my stationary PC. Got about 230000 bitcoins mined and bought an additional 20000 for about 100 euros at some later time.

I totally forgot i had these Bitcoins splitted up in hundreds of wallets and was about to give away my laptop that was lying on my attic to my niece when i realized i still had all the wallets on this laptop.
Thank God i didn't format the HDD in it without taking a look on what is still on it.'
Otherwise about 250.000 Bitcoins would have been lost and gone forever.

what exchange did it break 15k on? top is 14852 on bitfinex

I was just thinking that before

can i haz 2? :3

>the thing is, you cant cash out.

LOL this is a big maymay on biz guys

try not to get worked into a shoot you naive boomer cucks

>We're at that point with bitcoin now.
honey chile we just getting started


gib moni plox

>EVERY time that the price dips below 5% the exchange sites shut down all trading
>All trading except for site owner wallets
>they always sell at this point
>always buy back on the dip
>n-n-n-not a scam you goys!

GDAX, Bittrex both are over 15k


you don't even have to look at other investments to see the pattern
bitcoin does this frequently
it spikes in value, then spikes again when media covers the spike
then the media coverage dies down and it crashes again


if you want to get in on crypto, that's fine, but now is a terrible time to buy
wait a month or two (or maybe less) for it to crash and buy it up then

NASDAQ and a few other established trading firms are going to be handling bitcoin trades by Q2 in 2018. I feel like people should hold until then.

I'm with you that this feels like a tulip tier bubble but it's nearly impossible to tell when it will crash and my magic 8 ball keeps telling me to check back later...

ITT: Truly the dumbest fucks on Earth right now (since Madoff).

You can't get your 'money' out of bitcoin exchanges, and you cant buy anything with this 'money' (because it'll be worth more tomorrow right!).

What's the point of your 10 million monolpoly money if you can only withdraw $1000 a day? hang around the ATM for withdrawal every day for the rest of your life?

Why do I want Bitcoin? Why does anybody want it? Other than it's valuable and keeps going up. I know that should itself be a reason but what came first the value or the demand?

I have no clue what I am doing. It seems like a sure thing to invest in but that fact is concerning. How do you actually cash out a large amount quickly?

>you can only withdraw $1000 a day?
So, 365000$ a year?

You should dump them all at once and saturate the market in an attempt to trigger a massive selloff, do it for the lulz.

There are 2 types of people who use btc.
Ones are the ambitious fucks who want to see it become as popular as IRL currency. Ideally they will use BTC to buy anything and never use anything else again.

Others are the petty people who want to dump some $$$, earn profits, then cash out (sadly I'm one of them).
If the former group is much smaller than the latter, then a crash is possible.

I'd take some of it out. Buy a modest house you can afford with cash or pay off your mortgage. Maybe take half of what's left and diversify into gold and half of what's left after rat and diversify into some other coins. Just don't cash out entirely and then blow it all on dumb shit like cars and hookers. A house is a value that will keep on giving you value, the lack of a mortgage alone would be enough.
Here's the thing, if you're not larping. Btc WILL crash. By how much we can't say, when we can't say, but it will crash guarantee fucking t.
By spreading that wealth across a a variety of different methods you will give it resistances to market activity. Yes you risk losing money if bitcoin keeps running up, but you also hedge yourself against a catastrophic crash.
Point is, do something smart with it, don't just sit on it imagining it will keep rising. Protect your wealth in some way.

give some to me fren :)

You could literally change course of our nation. Become the conservative Soros.

Market cap 250 billion
everybody is getting in on it

pick 1 idiot

When market cap over 10 trillion, maybe your opinion will matter ( big maybe still )

I would just plunge the market without getting all Bitcoins sold at time.
Makes no sense to me.
I have hold them since i started mining them in february 2009.
I occasionally bought breakfasts and other food at restaurants and cafes, did also cash out some thousand euros to partly fund my business and that was it.
I will hold my Bitcoins as long as it makes sense. and in case the market plunging for good and Bitcoin going 100% nirvana, i have had a good deal on them anyways.

I'm not desperate to cash out actually. Even if they go for about 14.000 usd per Bitcoin.

Coinbase limit is $50000 and they increase on request. What the fuck you talking about?

Exactly, I will never understand this shit.
>why is this nonexistent thing suddenly worth 10 grand
>because people assign value to it
>but why
>no fucking answer

Silver is 16 dollars an ounce. That's all you need to know. This is a capital flight feint and hyperinflation has never made the jews this much money. Wanna know a secret? They're going to false flag an NK strike in order to crash this economy with no survivors all the while profiting from the plebs who have all their money tied up in bitcoin and fiat while PMs go to the moon.


And that is exactly what i am planning also.
I wait for a development, where Bitcoin becomes a somewhat established currency with a not extremely volatile curse.
I have no use of 5000 gorillions of euros in theory, when i can't cash them out in time when needed.

For some reason I don't like you. Maybe it's envy, maybe the fact that you have millions of dollars and don't care.


precious metals... gold, silver, platinum, palladium, etc

he didn't think that through very well did he, not to mention it's completely autistic to think you need to "stand around and withdraw money everyday"

>tfw didn't bought memecoin when it was just a meme