Can someone in the "cool group" give me a quick rundown on these guys? Seems they are the ones responsbile for spamming Lauren/Tara and other troll threads on pol for last few months.
Twitter group responsible for shitting up Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>pol ecelebs are actual tradthots
muh organized shilling!!!
Hubris is the worst one. The others are not as toxic.
>great job guys, we made Sup Forums hate people they hate
Only thing they seem to have in common is that they are nihilists. I know Egg was big on r9k and incel culture so would make sense he is involved in this woman obsession shit
Those are not even the main ones. These are
This is one of the shills, the leaf is in all thot threads sperging about coalburning no matter the topic or person.
they look like duginist hapas. Not surprised they are involved.
Noticed this commy dickhead in the mentions too
I wouldn't be surprised if all of them were commies at this point
kali used to cuck post about bbc, she/he deleted old tweets
These are the same people lecturing us about whiteness here.
egg white is the only one that is a good person
She is probably the one spamming 50 fucking cuck threads a day on Sup Forums.
These fucking retards need to fuck off
Not surprising, she is a basic bitch who changes ideologies all the time, just slapping "esoteric" in front of them.
She is, see this thread. It takes this very subject apart there
This one man, Arnon Milchan was a secret Israeli spy in the 60s. He was part of the plot to steal nuclear triggers from the United States in order to further their ILLEGAL nuclear program. JFK found out about this and wanted to shut it down. He got assassinated by Mossad because of that. This man also made movies with predictive programming before 9/11 happened. On the right side of my image you can see the movie poster for The Medusa Touch. This is a movie about a remote controlled airplane flying into a building. He also produced Fight Club which has the famous final scene of all the buildings exploding. With the 2 buildings in the middle falling last and together. His other movies include High Crimes, The Devil's Advocate, Gone Girl, The Big Short and a Time to Kill. Arnon was also producing the upcoming Bryan Singer biopic before Bryan had to quit because he's a fucking pedophile. He's made movies with Ben Affleck, De Niro, and Kevin Spacey among others. They've all had sexual misconduct allegations thrown against them.
Basically this guy is one of the kingpins. He makes the predictive programming in Hollywood. From trying to make pedophilia more acceptable to laying the groundwork in our subconscious for impending planned (((Events))) like 9/11.
I have a theory that Uranium One has more to do with Israel than it does to do with Russia.
Laura Loomer works for him
Jason Goodman is on the payroll of a man named Arnan Milchan. Arnan has Jason doing work partly out of blackmail. Jason was at parties with a producer named Brian Singer and there were underaged boys and girls. Jason was being paid $2.788 a week and its now up to $3500 a week. Laura Loomer is making $7000 a week from Milchan. Black Cube feed them info. Jason found out that Milchan is paying Loomer twice as much as him and thats why they had this fight. Please do not tell anyone how you got this info. Goodman's job is to deflect attention from Rahm Emanuel , Chuck Schumer and DWS. Rahm secretly paid Pakistani prosecutors 3 million in hush money in March 2009 to make a ton of fraud charges go away. The money came from Israel. The Awan's have been spying for Israel since 2007-2008 with Schumer as the king pin. Now Milchan works with a guy named Avi Hersh. I know you and T and others know some of this stuff, but now you know the full story. Also, Alan Dershowitz has over 7 hours of Orgy Island vid hidden and his vid file is called Insurance, the same name as Schumer's boy Anthony Wiener. Avi is deeply involved in pedophilia in hollywood and the purpose of these parties was to bring in kids for "fun and games". You will want to explore the below video. At 7 53, there is Jason Goodman's "13th" birthday party and "Avi" procuring a 13 year old china girl.
FBI user was right. This information, if they leaked it all at once, would have cause a world war. You have no idea how lucky we are for Donald Trump (the Jerusalem embassy move will make a lot more sense very soon)
>TOM asked: The news is exploding that Trump shared intel with Russians from an “ally” in the middle east and the ally is very upset. This is in regards to an Isis plot regarding airplanes and laptops.
A: The “ally” not being named is Israel, and they are mad as hell at Trump. Israel is furious because they got caught with their pants down. Lets get to the point. Isis was created by Israel and the US to weaken Iran and topple Assad. Billions in profits at stake. Israel has developed the technology to remote control airlines via laptops. A false flag was being prepared. Trump discussed it with Russian officials,exposing the “plot” McMaster pitched, and now all hell has broken loose. Trump did a wonderful thing in my opinion. We do not need anymore Isis false flags.
If Isis is eradicated, it will decrease CIA and DOD budgets, limit the amount of “support” Israel receives, and cause disruptions in the grand scheme to build a massive pipeline through Syria and ultimately cause the downfall of Iran and Russia. This is why “Isis” is being kept alive by the NWO. This is why such “bold” and “frightening” plots must be continually fed to the people. To justify larger budgets, and bigger hegemony.
The technology to remotely control and crash commercial airliners was developed by Unit 8200, the Israeli cyber command. Does any thinking person actually believe rag tag militants would have the know how and resources to develop this technology? Give me a break. While we are at it, you may want to see how close the Russian MetroJet 9268 was to Unit 8200 when it went down. Tensions between Israel and Russia continue to grow by the day. Putin knows every trick in the Israeli arsenal and he just happens to be a much better chess player than Netanyahu.
The Goods on Goodman
>GILLIAN asked: Which of the dominoes involved in the Clinton Foundation – pay-to-play, pedophile, drug-running, gun running, human trafficking, organ harvesting, money laundering (etc.) network is most likely to be the first to fall, if any at all?
A: All of the above, plus, the Israeli lobby, when fully exposed, with show how the alphabets have been compromised by a foreign nation. I believe Steele indicated that our “truest ally” is actually our national extortionist, and it’s true. Imagine the public’s reaction when they find 80% of our senators and congressmen are on the take, allowing espionage, extortion and pedophilia to become the norm. We have a saying around here. If something dirty comes up regarding a politician, we refer to it as “New Babylon“.
>James asked: What is the main concern (meaning what is the biggest case) going on inside the FBI at this time?
A: Israel. We are truly in danger of becoming the United States of Israel. They own 80% of our politicians. They have infiltrated our media, our tech companies, our banking systems. The average Jew in Israel or America is not a problem, they are regular people. But, the ones who either serve Zionism, or work on the so called “Greater Israel” manifest destiny pose a serious risk, both foreign and nationally.
If we can move forward with a full investigation into the CF, Wiener, and HRC, it will eventually lead to exposing the vast reach of the Israeli lobby. The best thing we can do as a nation is to continue to bring this stuff into the light. That’s why platforms like Sup Forums on Sup Forums, and so called “truth” channels provide the people with some kernel of truth.
Back in July, I tried to let people know that their mandate for taking back the nation had to begin with a citizen’s investigation into the CF. Now, please investigate Israel, from Mossad, to AIPAC, to a huge and complex web of financial connections between Israel and our elected leaders. I promise you that you will find a slew of information if you look closely. And what you find will make you question how we can consider Israel or Saudi Arabia as allies.
Yes. This is my Uranium One theory.
The guy talking in this part of the clip indicates that the Uranium from the Uranium one deal was sent into Canada and then "disappeared".
Then Judge Jeanine says
>Do we know once that stuff was exported, do we know where it went from Canada?
Congressmen whatever says
>We know it went to Europe, We know it went to Asia. We're trying to figure out if it also wen't to a rogue regime like Iran.
Could this be the relevance to JFK?!?!? After all, Israel killed JFK for trying to inspect Dimona. Could Israel have used Uranium One to acquire more nuclear material in order to further develop its ILLEGAL nuclear arms? I wouldn't be surprised if Mossad was tasked with hijacking the shipments and stealing that shit.
Judge Jeanine talks about the fact the Iran nuke deal is actually for MEDICINAL USES OF NUCLEAR MATERIAL.
Could Obama have made the Iran deal specifically for non weaponized purposes of nuclear material WHILE AT THE SAME TIME making that shit classified. THIS COULD BE THE ENTIRE REASON FOR THE DEAL. The fact that Israel and the ZOG puppets use this nuclear deal to call Iran the enemy. THE EXCUSE TO GO TO WAR WITH IRAN, A GIANT LIE. The truth could be that Israel stole the uranium from uranium one as well and everything to do with Russia is complete bullshit.
Is this some next level thread bump limit tactic?
lol they are still using his face on their website in multiple places what a cuck
Drowning out discourse, redirection of topic.
what was he kicked out for?
No one will ever answer this
They are trying to slide this thread
>The creator God is beyond order and beyond chaos, but utilized both forces as mean for creation. You are stuck in the creation, and not looking at the creator. That God contains The Absolute does not make him evil or neutral, for he is greater than the sum of his parts. He contains all possibility, but he is just.
Sabotage, open anti-semitism and neo-nazi tendencies, among other things. Basically for being a turbo autist.
I hate Lauren Southern, but it's fucking pathetic.
Probably 1/2 of the poeple attacking her were leftists fake accounts, and the rest of you retards bought into it. Way to go dumb fucks.
REMINDER: Tara is good. She should be defended and supported.
probably being a fag. hes a bitter pos heard he lost his job or some gay shit, guys a fuckin tool
one of these shills kinda dropped the mask today and it was pretty clear it's a hate for women, not a substantive argument against these people. I don't even like or donate to ecelebs but this shilling REEKS and I'm against shilling.
They posted a vid of roosh going against them ,
(seems to be an incel fan club)
Watch them accuse me of donating beta bux now.
>removing shekel begging roasties
>Shitting up the board
Don't be an idiot, they are the same ones spamming them here all the time.
The shills using the contrarian nature of this place to make us hate them through overexposure.
Frogtwitter are behind almost every single D&C thing that fumbles it way into Sup Forums these days, as well as many other things. They tricked that faggot kraut into going after rage on purpose. The majority of the new 56% memes were all made by Hisperic and then dumped on the Sup Forums and Sup Forums discords to destroy the board. Because you mentioned them by name, the thread is gonna be spammed to death.
A thread like this should be kept up at all times, people need to be made aware.
Dp you have any screencaps or anything that can be posted when these tactics are used?
lol all those simultaneous news articles.
I don't care about any of them (they do basic redpills at best), but this coordinated shilling against them tells me they're doing SOMETHING to piss off the left pretty hard. They're bringing people to Sup Forums's side by being pretty and saying new stuff for the uninitiated.
They absolutely DONT want women on our side (even if on the sidelines) because that might result in white babies.
>twitter group responsible for shitting up Sup Forums
Gee, not like anyone could fucking notice in this sess pit anyway
I i know that sandnigger is involved, he runs the pick up culture groups that dont ever want the relationship between white woman and men fixed because it would ruin his money pigs in the MGTOW community who pay him to teach them how to drug white woman in nightclubs and fuck them.
So traditional
Though why the LS hate? She goes places and talks to people on location, something I could never do.
That alone earns my respect.
most of the altright have never even heard of them. most people here aren't even altright just shitposters larping as altright to shitpost against other shitposters larping as commies.
sieg heil gas the kikes race war now
No. Frogtwitter is way too good at hiding their shit. They change twitter accounts continously and disappear and repear over and over again. Majority of them protect their tweets too. Almost all of them originate from Salo Forums but, that was years ago.
You're overstating the pissing in an ocean of piss angle. I've pushed narratives on Sup Forums that I constantly see repeated. A good narrative is like a virus, all it needs to do is infect a few people and those few people spread it to a few more people each and so on.
>They absolutely DONT want women on our side (even if on the sidelines) because that might result in white babies.
yes I'm sure 30 something childless race mixers will really increase the numbers of white babies
nigs gonna nig
MGTOW is just a nice name to put on hatred for women because some man married a liberal who screwed him in divorce. I went to their reddit a couple years ago and the hatred was pretty fucking obvious.
They have a few good tips on how women operate but they go so extreme and set up this false dichotomy where if you aren't drugging up women at a bar, you're a beta orbiter cuck.
Good point about his money pigs, can't have them ending up in relationships, can he.
Keep shilling, you just make Sup Forums wise up to it.
Hello, shill. Now GTFO
It's so easy to subvert you people.
Sure, women being silent and just popping out white babies (even when the shitskings will still outbreed us) will totally shift the metaculture away from anti-white globalist-leftists right now.
There is a culture war still going on right now, and the right needs women too, sausagefests are doomed to not attract normies and eventually fail.
I'd say it was because of the large amount of low info newfags and redditfugees but 8pol is just as easily subverted
This is the result of the post-Trump demographic shift. An overwheliming majority of this place is nu/pol/ populated now, and they cannot differentiate between edgy board culture and blatant shilling.
8pol is the worst of them all. Afaik they helped antifa and the Daily Record to doxx Millennial Woes. And there are even rumors their mods are completely compromised. The more fanatical, radical, autistic a board is, the easier it is to shill.
Yep, I really wish people here wouldn't fall for such obvious D&C. Even if you hate those sluts you'd have to be stupid to see all those threads and not realize this was a shill raid. The amount of retards here who jumped on the band wagon was pathetic. Like retards desperate to belong to something. I really hope faggots learn from this.
>Wow, them pissing into this ocean of piss really disrupted my Sup Forums viewing experience
What a pack of faggots.
I was on 8pol during evalion-gate and TRS-gate and it's pretty clear where the mods stand on women or any kind of growth. They DONT want to win, they are retarded and one is probably mexican. Also, they seem to have become less relevant post gamergate.
Tbh there are so many blatant shills here, the sheer amount of it. I don't think anonymous debate culture has much of a future. It's way to easy to abuse.
They are trying to get you retards to attack your figureheads so you look like the retarded SJW's do when they attack their own. It's so fucking painfully obvious too, this morning there were like 10 fucking threads bashing lauren and the other bitch. This place has always been critical of her but never as obsessive as today.
>They DONT want to win
There's rumors, the mods are infiltrated by antifa. I don't trust them a bit. And neither do I trust the Daily Stormer, Weev and Anglin.
>mods are infiltrated
They are. Check this
It's sad but since we've become targets due to the Trump election you have to assume everyone is arguing in bad faith and has an agenda even if most of the time they probably don't.
The first dude linked, this image was being spammed in Southern threads. This guy has ahuge vendetta
Yeah, it's been pretty bad lately. I've been coming on less and less because of it. There has also been a large influx of new users. Had a guy ask me how to greentext a few days ago.
fanatical is about right. Only thing I appreciated about the place was higher quality posts and more moderation of obvious shills. But they were so dumb they sided with the devious shills. The campaign against TRS should make it obvious to anyone.
They might as well be.
He is the main one it seems, as the nazbol thot seems to have pussied out.
She went full panic mode last night realizing that we would not relent.
And it's not just Trump. It was also the "It's okay to be white" campaign. JIDF, antifa, "hope not hate" and all the rest of it were NOT happy about it. It was probably the best pro-white campaign in the last two decades, maybe ever. And even their 24/7 shilling during the campaign couldn't stop it. So they are on overdrive. And they smelled blood after the wedge between Peterson and the white identitarians widened. Immediately after that, they started to attack women in the alt-right, mass flag Kraut's video. Although the false flagging and attack on them had been going on for months before.
I'm about to try to send the niggers after this faggot. I actually want to see him in a hospital with how much he's tried to shill himself here these last few days.
At least his mom his dead, lmao
the 56% meme might've come from them too
People NEED to see d&c for what it is.
She probably got cancer on purpose to get away from him and his one liners.
Oh shit. Kali follows my tumblr. Neat.
The group ruining Sup Forums is called r/The_Donald
Who are these people and why do they care about us? Are they liberals or what?
Sounds likely.
Nupol literally gets subverted by two anti white skitskins. Pathetic.
Does anybody have a personal info on these people yet?
They are barely even here anymore it feels like.
Idiots, virgins, and bitter neckbeards. Take your pick, they're all being corralled by asspained redditors who really, REALLY don't like how funny we are.
Good god oilarch is probably the biggest fucking schizoid autist i have ever interacted with on twitter
He should fucking off himself
This is what they get for fucking with Sup Forums with their endless shills. I'm glad people see straight through their bullshit.
Shawk is ex Identity Evuropa member that got kicked out and vowed to revenge on the alt-right. Kali (real name Grace Jones from Wales) is an anti-white Nazbol. Here's a little rundown on them:
"She’s a scenester who has been annoying people on twitter since 2016. Never developed much of a following for a female. Fangirled HWNDU. Was cringing with the best of them and all in on the ‘praise kek’ train. Addicted to twitter and being an edgelord. An ‘ex WN’ Iranian/Welsh unironic NazBol. She is extremely anti-nordic and anti-anglo . Big time resentment issues. Sticks on the periphery of right-wing twitter just to criticise it like the usual gang of ironytards (Logo_Daedulus, Menaquionne4, Beardson etc). Half of her tweets are counter-signalling white identity politics.
Earlier in the year, Sinead Mc (the lolcow who owned Beardson in a debate) claims that she is an actual tranny and names her ‘Trad Grace’(with same exact pic as the evolasbae twitter). Looking at her face it is a possibility. Also, Shawn broke off their ‘e-relationship’ and when asked why his reply was ‘guess’. He had been talking about traps before this. This may be the source of ‘her’ extreme resentment towards white females.
She changes her politics depending on what guy she is currently infatuated with. Liked arabs not that long ago. She is a very basic."
This person is also a key member of their Nazbol group working to subvert pol. An ardent anti-white trannie communist:
We all need to step out game up.
>virgins, and bitter neckbeards
I wonder how many of these manipulated idiots are from /r9k/. Doesn't take much to bring out their incel rage.
>Being against e-celebs who offer little to no value towards Sup Forums is now considered shilling
Eat my testicles. I'm glad they're gone. No, it's not divide and conquer. They're just vaginas who rake in shekels. Absolutely no different than a Twitch streamer. In fact, some of them did or still do that very activity.
Reverse anti-e-celeb people are just shills calling people shills.
They've ghettoised themselves into /ptg/ and the CBTS threads for the most part
I wouldn't pin it all on the opposition though. All the ecelebs&thots shilling is being done by spergs like Moarpehus who see controlled opposition everywhere, and Kraut&Cucks video got flagged by the autist Olreus Kikerus/Lazia and his buddies. And just now the MSM is jumping the the chance, see the peculiarly timed articles Every mentally ill fringe retard is coming out and want the biggest piece of the right win pie now.
He is an insufferable cunt, but if this is really true then I don't think it is somethingto be lauged about.
Not really, they are a mere annoyance at best with their /ptg/ retardation. We have way bigger and more numerous problems on the periphery right now.
Yeah, but you're a discount Australian, so you shouldn't really be THAT shocked that people pick up on your shitposting every now and then. Call me when you have someone posts a picture you made to help out with a dump you're doing.
So? Even if she outed a roastie, just ignore her. Not defending her, but there's nothing wrong with being against the alt-right.