It's finally happening!

Was this the recording Trump was referring to?

What's this what the meeting Q was referring to was about?

Did Trump tell or show this to Mueller to get him on board? Or is Mueller part of the plot.

It is rumored McCabe said "First we fuck Flynn, then we fuck Trump. ". And then the Muh Russia BS was launched.

Deep State BTFO. Trump gave em enough rope.

Other urls found in this thread:


Top FBI executive = McCabe

"Fuck Flynn, then we fuck Trump"

TruePundit/ThomasPaine first broke this story months ago. Sara Carter also did a story on it after.





stroke bump

He fucking pleaded guilty.

He literally could have been investigated by Hitler as part of some convoluted plot to engineer an invasion from Mars and his guilt would still be rock solid because he fucking admitted his fucking crimes.

You are way too damn late to go after the Flynn investigators.

so we do believe anonymous sources! (as long as they have agreeable things to say lel)

he plead guilty but said the accusations were false.

now we know strozk is a crook

really activated my dick

fuck drumpf and fuck Sup Forums

you go girl

If the deepstate is so desperate, how come they are the ones with the consistent narrative? Sup Forums keeps saying this "muh russia" thing is going to go away any day now, but it's still here after a year. Seth Rich, Uranium One, Comey leaks, Obama wiretaps, Fusion GPS, all of these feel like cheap distractions and we never hear a followup on them. I keep hearing that it's the deepstate that is manufacturing distractions, but it appears to be the opposite.

So I ask you Sup Forums, why aren't we talking about Seth Rich, Obama wiretaps, Comey, etc. anymore? Why is everything getting memoy hole'd if the stories truly have legs? I don't mean to blackpill anyone, but we should start asking ourselves why we are treating watergate-level shenanigans (according to Trump's own words) like memes that we forget in a matter of weeks.

>If the deepstate is so desperate, how come they are the ones with the consistent narrative?
>he was broke because of gambling problem
>he was a millionaire and not broke
>he was a Muslim convert
>he was not a Muslim convert
>he was ISIS
>he wasn't ISIS
>he was a loner
>he was married and hung out with lots of prostitutes
>he wasn't married
>he had a girlfriend
>he had no mental illness
>he had possible mental illness
>he was a gun guy
>he wasn't a gun guy
>he was alone in the room
>evidence that he wasn't alone in the room
>he shot campos after he started shooting into the crowd
>he shot campos before he started shooting into the crowd
>campos was killed
>campos was shot in the leg
>campos was a janitor
>campos was in the hospital
>campos was in Mexico
>campos investigated open door alarm
>there was no alarm because door was jammed shut
>campos was on "random patrol"
>campos is a security guard
>campos doesn't have a license to be a security guard
>there was a maintenance man
>there was no maintenance man
>he shot at the fuel tanks
>he didn't shoot the fuel tanks
>he was driving a Chrysler Pacifica
>he was driving a Hyundai Tuscon
>vehicle was full of guns and explosives
>vehicle was not full of guns and explosives
>there was a note
>the note was bullet drop calculations
>the note was a handwritten receipt
>there wasn't a note
>there were shots at other casinos
>there were no shots at other casinos
>there is casino video footage
>there is no casino video footage
>this is the official story
>this is not the official story

Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI. That's all.It's like when the cops charge you for resisting arrest and you haven't committed any other crime.

of course you will not show a single source for any of your claims. Most of those things were just speculation in Sup Forums threads.

God I hate brainlets.

>swear under oath not to lie under penalty of law
>lie anyway despite 'having no reason to' according to dipshits
>dipshits cry foul when fbi pursues legal action against you for lying to them

>sources say
fake news nigger

>So I ask you Sup Forums, why aren't we talking about Seth Rich, Obama wiretaps, Comey, etc. anymore?
You speak as if there isn't an entire state apparatus and multibillion dollar corporations bending their entire will into shaping the narrative and doing their best to bury the truth. We live in a unique time in history. Were seeing the replacement of an old guard, an major paradigm shift, right in front of our eyes.

So why are (You) and (Us) not seeing through all of this if we are in such a critical time? Where are the Seth Rich generals?

Did he lie under oath, though? Thanks to post 9/11 laws just lying to a law enforcement agency is a punishable offence. As to why he lied? Maybe he knew the Deep State and the Obama holdovers were out to get his boss. Remember the "muh Russia" hysteria from the beginning of the year. Back when Russian agents had individually hack every voting machine in America instead of buying some ads on Facebook?

Actually I compiled that list over a few weeks of listening to MSM about Paddock. You can google all of them and find a story or photo attached to them all.

Seriously, just replace "he" with Steve Paddock. All the stuff about Campos came out in a day or two and was reported by Tucker.

They've stopped mostly because mods kept deleting them.along with pizzagate or any of the other things you've mentioned.

You are a liar.

Show me somewhere where the MSM reported Paddock was ISIS. That came straight from Sup Forums and infowars. Show me the report where campos was killed. I'm not going to dissect and debunk every line of that, the burden of proof is on you.

Look at your ID, It's literally a blue pill. Jew.

>too damn late
Time will tell, friend.

You're liar, A liar I say. Damn it you are a god damn liar. Stop lying. Stop it....