She is a Professor who believes Gender does not exist


I wil l never understand why the suffix "phobe" is used to insult people.


I think she is a professor or something. Ger her fired now!!

>Straight white fraternity bullies woman to suicide for the crime of not having sex with one of them
>Everyone would condemn this as horrific

>LGBT community bullies woman to suicide for the crime of not having sex with one of them
>"Well, you know...she was homophobic...and really the condom should've been enough, he shouldn't be obligated to get tested."

This. Fucking kikes.

Why the anti-semitism?

Why the reddit?

We need to start pipe bombing colleges. Make mines @ plant em under desks of SJW profs.

>verb tense annihilation

Pick one

I have news for you...


>i hope all these rapists, murderers, and thieves run rampant in the streets to piss off a few nazis on the internet that said mean things to me on twitter, that'll teach them!

why are so many people concerned about dead whore?
do you seriously believe she killed herself because someone was bullying her on twitter?
these porn whores are fucked up, they do stupid shit, do drugs, drink etc., most of them are wreck because they suck dick in front of camera for living, therefore they feel worthless (because they are), and just a little trigger is enough to push them to kill themselves, idk why this one is such a big deal

That cunt is a realityphobe, biologyphobe

He's a freak disguised as woman.

holy shit

Blatant mental illness

>tfw not wanting to fuck a fag makes you a homophobe in 2017

"Homophobia" is now justification for murder and/or rape.

Whatever happened to "no means no"?

When will the arachnophobia end?

I'm a homosexphobe. I don't want to see or be involved in gay sex. pls no bully I can't help it.

Zach is not a professor he's just a mentally ill youtuber/redditor that stuffs oversized phallic objects into his ass for pennies.

Thank you for your service FBI dude

That's not a professor and it's a man faking to be a woman

I also have stopped believing in these Patreon numbers. Call me delusional, call me a loser, call me whatever, but I just don't buy that she's making 500 dollars a video, and if she is, that money is coming from (((them))).

You're underestimating the power of retarded, hungry nu-males. It's a difficult red-pill to swallow, but it's real.

we don't give a fuck about faggots and dikes

After a Muslim kills himself in a terrorist attack, we are supposed to be concerned about the bullying of Muslims.