Can someone please

Explain to me what the fuck the alt right is supposed to be? Its clearly a corporate honeypot set up by valarie jarrett

Other urls found in this thread:

It's pic-related.

They're basically saying "don't tell the truth".

Wrong. Pic related is the real alt right.

>Israel is our greatest ally
>Jews are based

Evil internet cyber nazi hackers who go by the names Anonymous, and Fortchan.


Alt-right is just the name for republican voters who aren't traditional conservatives. It's meant to conotate with neo-nazis (alt/neo right/nazi) on purpose as a way of demonizing mainly new voters that don't support the democrats. The real alt right is NRx though, and I don't think they make memes or any kind of outward communication. Fake news basically.

Holy crap i never noticed the similarity there, that is some next level subversion.

Why read depressing, possibly fake news/propaganda when you can laugh at a meme? At least the latter is healthy for you. All news does is make people depressed and stroke the egos of celebrities.

This has been explained time and time again for the past year, how fucking dense are you?
The alt-right is just an alternative to the current cucked right, it's a third position that is based around white identity politics (and the JQ, but that's not as prominent).
Before retards pipe up, no, Hillary didn't create it.

Looks like American are really assblasted about the 56% meme

I just wanna know what the alt right is

>damage to democracy

Otherwise known as voting for options that the left deems unacceptable.

lol i'm killing democracy

>He thinks the al-right actually exists
Keep drinking the koolaid

General label for those with right wing, race emphasised SJW (yes, they are social justice orientated) viewpoints.

>he thinks the alt-right doesn't exist
Keep falling for jewish astroturfing.

Fucking nazi frogs

anything right of (((them)))

But no one who uses the label alt right says that. You're just quoting /r/T_D faggotry.

Oy vey

>Explain to me what the fuck the alt right is supposed to be?
Anybody who is politically to the right of Bernie Sanders

It's soon time for Salon to join the other regressive leftist sites in death.
Last boss is huffpost. I'm gonna quit my nofap when that monstrosity falls.

Democracy is a meme. (((Multinational corporations))) control everything.

It is a *ism fake news can shit on.

They can not argue with ideas. So they invent *ism, throw shit at it and see if something sticks.

oh please burger! everyone knows it is an organic and holistic movement to save the le 56% white race

is the guy in the picture that guy who died while nigger nurses were laughing at him?

The term has been abused to the point of meaning "not SJW/socialist/democrat." I personally never heard the phrase until that GOP "strategist" Rick made the anime comment in an attempt to shame Trump supporters during the primary.

Something a bunch of anti-establishment right-wingers labelled themselves as during 2015/2016 until it came out that Richard Spencer coined the term, who proceeded to do a speech where he went "Heil Trump" and a bunch of people did nazi salutes, which caused daddy Trump to denounce them, after which after a brief flirtation with the label "alt-lite" everybody abandoned the term.

For awhile people on Sup Forums were seriously calling themselves alt-right, and think less stormfront and more milo fanboys, but they were always mocked. The entire label has become very convenient for the left because of how widespread use it got at one point and how unpopular the label is now.

No but that nurse was just doing her job

Buzzword that basically means 'those young conservative meanies!!!'

>Explain to me what the fuck the alt right is supposed to be

A liberal meme that a bunch of retards blindly fell into.

>Explain to me what the fuck the alt right is supposed to be?

Fake news = alt right memes

News = memes

Alt right is the source of non-monopoly news that gives the public alternative perspective of reality.
Alt right is just made up boogeyman to explain why the ownership of media and communications infrastructure is losing it's monoply on propaganda, the ability to manufacture consent.

News have always been memes, the monopoly is just now breaking because of non-centralized mass communication through internet?

.its illegal to make unsanctioned memes in 2020

> 7. Pugna (beating - lat.) - a reception related to the previous one.

> It is based on the fact that the enemy or the concept he defends is given a false name, after which the whole controversy is being waged against this arbitrarily taken term. This method is used most often in the so-called principal polemics. The enemy is accused of some kind of indecent "ism," and then they decimate this "ism."

We were talking about anarchy with Nazis then the mainstream hit us with a label and fake identity.

>The headline
This is not even scraping the bottom of the barrel, this is scraping the dirt under the barrel

It's the lol that is Sup Forums.

/r/T_D is the majority of people who say "alt right"


exchange of ideas... terrifying. these are not american values

Isn't Salon dead yet?

Checked. Maybe youre actually a nazi. And the left is right

Lol jk

Found the retard

literally controlled opposition

Why so mean fellow white man?

Why not say truth movement? Isn't that what the Deep state is affraid of? For democracy to function for the benefit of the people it must be held accountable through transparency. Otherwise it will be hijacked for the benefit of the few and truth will be substituted for main stream media propoganda.

>nigger nurse
>was just doing her job

yeah because salon and their blatant race bating and anti white agenda is doing wonders for "democracy"

legacy leftist kike propagandists are TERRIFIED of us

they dedicated the entire last year to us with all the fake news about imaginary russian hackers. We do it for free.

The alt right are one of our oldest enemies. Another Taliban if you will

Do memes have elements of truth?
Why can't the left meme?

The writer is essentially admitting belief in meme magic.

It’s a rebrand of WN 1.0. It was a bit more palatable to the public and got a fair bit more popular. But now it’s over. Mainly because it is not in White peoples nature to follow orders and they have an incessant need to micro-criticize and cannibalize. The next rebrand is happening right now. It will follow the same fate. And that will be the last major white ‘movement’. It will become apparent then that white people are too individualistic to follow through with any cohesive group strategy. They will fade into the great brown sunset, arguing the minutae of political systems, purity, e-thots, some podcasts possible gayness, some leaders past indiscretions, some groups optics etc etc. It will be a truly non-epic end.

Or can it be different? Ask yourself now. Can you resist acting ‘white’ and quarrelsome for long enough to achieve cohesiveness before the sun sets on us?

Oh look a time traveler from june 2016

>Wrong pic
No it's not you nignog

So Hillary is our gal/ then?


alt-right and fake news were both invented by the left

case in point try to find the earliest mention of them you'll see it's CNN or some other leftwing outlet

This. If you're not a herr merkel suppprter you're a cringy autist and brobably gondrolled obbosition as well :::-----DDD hail democracy and pluralism not white people ok

>alternative perspective of reality

That's called fantasy friend

>The alt right is everything (((we))) say it is goy
I once saw an article on Salon claiming CGPgrey was alt right.


Controlled Opposition. Stop identifying with it.

"Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have"
>autistic anime image board virgins shitposting
>"wahhh ur destroying muh democracy"



I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as Alt-Right, is in fact, Feminism/Alt-Right, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Feminism plus Alt-Right. Alt-Right is not a full movement unto itself, but rather a male beta subgroup of a fully functioning movement made useful by Women, Girls and Girls (male) comprising a full movement as defined by e-celebs.

Many Alt-Right betas advocate for a modified version of Feminism every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of Feminism is often called Alt-Right, and many of its advocates are not aware that it is basically Feminism, developed by female e-celebs.

There really is an Alt-Right, and these people are part of it, but it is just a fracture of the actual movement they are part of. Alt-Right is the beta part in the movement that allocates the male's resources to the other members which are women. The betas are an essential part of a movement, but useless by themselves; they can only function in the context of a complete movement with Women to admire. Betas are normally used in combination with Feminism: the whole movement is basically Feminism with the Alt-Right added, or Feminism/Alt-Right. All the facets of so-called Alt-Right movements are really movements of Feminism/Alt-Right!



>Laurenpost leads to trips

>Mainly because it is not in White peoples nature to follow orders
Fucking what? Whites are naturally collectivist as fuck, we fucking love our monarchies and emperors.

WN 2.0

I've been apart of the alt-right for four years now. It's been one hell of a ride.

>case in point try to find the earliest mention of them you'll see it's CNN or some other leftwing outlet
False. You can find posts back in 2013 on Sup Forums about the alt-right.
Fake news was a leftist thing though, it backfired horribly.

The greatest generation that see what the country has become and regret fighting for it?
That greatest generation?

Delusional liberals man

So you consider the altright not a right-wing movement defined by e celebs, but rather a right-wing part of a broader e celeb movement. Okay I'll bite.
But how is it basically modified feminism?


anything the right, center or left doesn't like. basically Sup Forums

Richard Spencer claims that he coined the term "alt-right" himself. Wouldn't this confirm the theories about him being a plant?

Why would it? Is everyone who creates anything a plant? Do you just want everyone to sit online and do nothing while the white race dies out?

I grow evermore weary of there being so many utter retards posting here.

who is this "fart chan"?

It's identity politics for white people, nothing more nothing less