Mfw i see

A sandy hook troll trying to deny it happened.

>lol it happened
>my daughter died lmao

Other urls found in this thread:

the most fucked up false flag of our time.

>Hurdur a whole town was in on a massive conspiracy


A whole town was snot in on shit but the supposed interviewed family members as well as the coroner was completely out of place for the situation. Zero recorded deaths in the town for that year. No images of bodies being transported out (Not saying nobody died, there is just simply no proof). Building leveled and contractors signed hush hush forms within months. Crisis actors clearly filmed at this particular event as well as others. Multi-agency drill underway in town day prior and of event. I could go on and on but you're too fucking stupid.

Why would they lie about killing children?

That's the first logical question you ask yourself after seeing these red flags. Answer it. Massive gun legislation introduced shortly there after. Just as after several other mainstream covered shootings. That's the pattern. It still has not stuck though..

Look at the man in the gif. His child supposedly was murdered that morning. Look at his face.

I can damn near bet this thread will be removed. This is one of their orchestrated events that they sensor HEAVILY. On JewTube anyway.

But they didnt win. And because they didnt win and nothing was accomplished we can just forget about it. If you try to correct it you have mental health issues. Fyi.

Why do only crazy ppl believe in the truther meme?

I don't understand at first it seems like you're trolling about the topic then you type as tho you're an ill-informed normie. I don't understand where you stand on this.

I stand on the side of truth: i have a cousin who attended sandy hook elementary school and i can assure you it really happened

almost everyone in connecticut is a fed. also get out is an accurate movie, excluding the part after the credits

i live in newtown it happened my neighbor got killed stop being evil the official story is correct


You said your daughter though? Or did you mean the smiling from ear to ear man in the Gif? The fuck are you shills on about? Maybe they were killed. But they were killed for an agenda by an agency within our borders using MK-Ultra. Just look at a picture of the cuck who did it. Then look at a picture of the Auroa theater shooters face. Compare and Contrast.

What do they have to do with eachother? Im pretty sure youre the only shill here







Look at their faces. They are under the effects on something.

All of the incidents were perpetrated by the government and the police departments.

There is no debate on the matter.

They harass people until they are driven crazy and these are the results, then they st back smugly and ruin your life.

Freedom is as important to human beings as air and water, which is why they are trying to deprive us of it.

They are not human.

>grasping at straws

Sheryl crow wouldnt lie

Is it more likely 2 lurking SHILLS are monitoring this thread at 6am or 2 individuals with ties to slain Sandy Hook kids are on here at 6am?

I'm painting a picture. That's what you do when you BUILD A CASE. TRY IT.

Children died

It is trolls, user. The " I know someone from sandy hook" is a meme, someone always uses it in threads like this.


Not denying children died. Be gone shill.

That's terrible this is not a memeing joking matter.

Have you even looked mildly into it? It's absurd. From the school having zero online presence for years before the shooting, to the school being a condemned shitbox, to the United Way making a webpage for a survivor fund days before the shooting actually occurred, and it goes on.

You haven't, have you? I dismissed it for years, too. Why? Didn't look into it. Look into it. You'll feel really, really dumb.

It happened. Children died. Respect the families and believe them

Too bad we can't confirm that, since the State of Connecticut passed legislation exempting the autopsies of children from FOIA requests. Oh, and when did they do this? Within a year of Sandy Hook.

Sure would be nice to know why they left bodies of murdered children to rot for nearly 24 hours before removing them in the dead of night. And that coroner was bizarre.

Sure worked out for Sandy Hook, thought. $200 million and counting in money flowed into people's hands as a result of this "shooting". Yet nobody filed a lawsuit against anyone about it. Weird how that works.

The two pictures aren't even the same angle you retard

What proof do you have of your assertions? Have you seen pictures of bodies or blood at the crime scene? Can you account for the fact that Adam Lanza's DNA was not on the bullets or magazines of the firearms used, but one of the supposed "victim"s DNA was all over those same areas? And why exactly does the United Way call the cops when people inquire about why they put up a website raising money for the victim's families before the shooting actually happened?

This was King Niggers idea of a catalyst that would make people "turn their guns in".

He lost that wet dream via senate vote, and turned out the be the best salesman the gun industry would ever have.

>holohoax incredibly unlikely
>m-m-muh families
>oklahoma obvious fed op
>m-m-muh chilluns
>sandy hook obviously preconceived if not outright staged
>m-m-muh chilluns again
>las vegas shooting increasingly looking like a deep state op gone wrong
>m-m-muh innocent music fans

kike tactics get more and more obvious as you see them

Prove it.

Must check in? To who? Where? So that means there's a list of names who checked in?

Do you think that even if they did this that they would be idiotic enough to use the same actors twice? I'm almost certain that this isn't even the same person although they look similar

i love it how crazy people suddenly become forensic experts to support their loony theories
>i've seen a whole season of CSI i know all about it

To be fair, they paraded the supposed dead kids around

Have you tried to look into it lately? Most online resources have been removed. Concerted effort to hide the truth.

dude you know as well as i do that signs like that are not unusual at american schools
just like metal detectors and armed police to keep the kids under control

This seems like the most likely scenario.


>no argument
Dude, do you even care what the truth is? Or are you more concerned with nice, comfy narratives full of lies?

Their dads worked together for one thing...


are you actually retarded?

You think that's the worst thing that could be done? Come back when you've figured out that the redpill is a suppository.

This is fake news

Not really. Plenty of docs on YouTube. It's astonishing how blatant it was, and I was really blown away at how little I knew about the incident.



Jesus Christ get some sleep user

jews will jew user, also you forgot 9/11 on your list also the holahaux, but that is a whole new thread

Lol spotted the glow in the dark cia nigger. Jeez you guys are retarded

>we're still doing this

The same cia nigger who keeps shilling these out his ass

Kek. My mother died in her sleep last night.

Legs and fingers

>i have a cousin who was a crisis actor at sandy hook and he will tell you its real



>Or did you mean the smiling from ear to ear man in the Gif?

Google "Robbie Parker family photo"

Parker's wife finally admitted that Emilie was shopped into the pic, and offered some lame excuse about it.

If she's telling the truth, that family photographer did a shitty job

how can you be so mean to people like Lenny Pozner who lost his son Noah

Twice. Once at Sandyhook in 2012 and then once in Pakistan in 2014

Plus he's clearly gay. Watch him speak on youtube and you can't deny that he's a gay actor.

Fuck you conspiritards. Pull your head out of your ass and stop believing whatever Alex Jones screams at you. My cousin died at Sandy Hook. It fucking happened.

kek I have noticed too

I'll make it real easy for the shills and doubters. Watch the following documentary "Dear Wolfgang":

The guy is literally the national expert on school shootings, and even he knows this one is bullshit.

gene rosen is andy kaufman reincarnated as a crisis actor

Kindly fuck off then.

Prove it.

Oh right, you can't because the State of Massachusetts made it illegal to share crime scene photos or autopsy details of Sandy Hook. Just have to take CNN's word for it, I guess.

>removing them in the dead of night. And that coroner was bizarre
and do you gringos let people dye their hair in jail?

me too. two of my cousins died at sandy hook. it was real. stop listening to alex jones

I don't doubt people died, I just doubt how.

Prove it. (Hint: You can't.)

can someone give or point me to a quick rundown of what actually happened at sandy hook?

I've seen the infographic with the paintings of the crying kids but beyond that is there any obvious evidence of jewry and such?

I saw a video of las vegas and there´s a bunch of fuckers just smoking and joking around, while all the people are running and shit
all very strange, no granades thrown, found dead, no one noticed all the equipment, I thought you couldn´t open windows above like the 17th floor

It was allegedly a cover up for the libor scandal

H-hello normal pol poster

You are a retard then, no one died

My cousin is fucking dead and now I can't go 2 days without some anonymous nazi troll telling me it didn't happen. I hope someone special is taken from you and then the world pretends she never existed.

You had your donkeys power up your computer for that.....

I usually avoid conspiracy theories for my mental stability, but it's hilarious how fox news coverage of las vegas (especially tucker) has been basically infowars tier

makes me think deep state war is heating up


Sandy Hook was hit by a hurricane and under water, the amount of water damage at the school was so extensive it could not be used, all alarm and most electrical systems were wrecked. It was too much money to fix the school.

no, donkeys are dying here, we´ve had to devolve to electricity

you cousin died in the sandy hook gas chamber, what a shoah


Oh wow hes right it was a fema drill

Honestly, the most effective way of redpilling normies is by name dropping Robbie Parker as much as possible. Who could watch this GIF without having a few questions?

>excluding the part after the credits
I missed that - what did they show after the credits

thats an AK they pulled out of the trunk, the officer racks the bolt thats on the right side, AR's don't have that. also you can get a quick glimpse of the recognizable top/rear area of the dust cover. why haven't i heard about this?

>I have face blindness

just saw a slightly clearer video and judging by the stock and fore end it might be a saiga style shotgun