
>Onihei - 02 (Amazon).mkv

Haha, time for japanese police.

Are we gonna get the real son being jealous of the ex-thief because the real son is useless?

Thought this would be some episodic crime drama, but there is plot for the previous episode thief turned spy/police? Nice.

Them background music.


Not too sure, just making a guess honestly.

>recommended this anime to a friend, he complains that samurai anime with jazz music doesn`t make sense
if he lived in the same town as me i swear i would punch him in his fucking dick

Sad how fucking dead this thread is.

>that slide
I'm in tears.

Time to go over and raid his house.

Honestly this is one of my top anime for the season right now. Good themes and atmosphere.

Is the animation as bad as the last episode?

I'm no sakuga pro, but the amount of background cgi civilian that might stand out in bad taste are not that many. Not really focused on the animation for this, just give me my samurai detective, jazz and decent person turned shit story.

Christ man, that guy got mega-cucked. His waifu got fucked by two rich dudes, one of which was extremely fucking obese.

No bully.

He couldn`t move on because he was thinking about her, now i think he will, and as a man, he can still have a family at his age.

Yep. Pic related highlighting the main theme.

People do not remain the same.

this show is the comfy hidden gem of the season

So I'm guessing the honorable thief from last episode won't appear again.
Poor guy, I hope he appear again and actually get on with his life.

Yeah. I don't want to be one of those retards who wank themselves over "sophisticated anime for adults" or something, but I find this more realistic and subdued style a nice change of pace.

Apart from the animation this show is really fucking pretty.

It's good so far but this episode felt pretty similar to the first. I hope they switch things up a bit going forward. I can't get enough of Hayashibara Megumi though, it'd be a shame if she was only in this one episode. I hope she at least reappears in Rakugo in flashbacks or something.

Also the ED is great but Amazon should really try harder to not make the lyrics sound so silly.
>La la la
>And then... cry

>tfw born 200 years too early to browse Sup Forums

>I can't get enough of Hayashibara Megumi though, it'd be a shame if she was only in this one episode. I hope she at least reappears in Rakugo in flashbacks or something.
Oh, I knew she sounded familiar. I guess suffering women taking revenge is just her thing, then.

>I can't get enough of Hayashibara Megumi though
Same here. Such a lavish voice.

>Good art
>Good music
>Zero cute girls = Zero views

I had hoped for an overarching plot, but episodic will do fine if they switch it up a bit

I'm not complaining, but why is CR not subbing this again?

Because it is picked up by Amazon

To be fair, Nig-Nog music and Samurai go along really shittily.

I remember Samurai Champloo being almost unbearable due to the shitty "inner-city" music.

Please tell me Hosoya is a regular instead of one episode character

>hating on champloo OST
You were in it for the wrong reason

I liked the characters, and the history of Christians being repressed. That was interesting.

Fuck that music, though.

When the season started I was like "what's this, another samurai show?", but then I was like "but actually, when was the last time I watched a samurai show?" so I checked it out and it's pretty good. Episodic police shows are great.

Are you really talking shit about Nujabes?

nujabes is bland entry level shit over rated garbage because anime makes everything better than it actually is

>"but actually, when was the last time I watched a samurai show?"
Last season. The gay one.

The MC was /fa/ as fuck when he was younger

Greater than moe shit.
I guess this is the first traditional story animated.

Sharo-chan is my waifu though.

I'm digging the floral print too.

That's not really a samurai drama.


>bland entry level shit over rated garbage
6/10 could have use more buzzwords.

No bully, she had a hard life.

He first husband was a good man though.

Shit went south after he died though.
Every soul has a breaking point.

His character is on the official site so he should show up again after he cleared his thoughts.

>get hot waifu
>horse kicked you to death


Isn't this the thief guy in PV?
Hair looks pretty similar


Best OP of the season

All I could think of was how long her neck was.