This about sums it up.
This about sums it up
Other urls found in this thread:
I love it when people draw their dots just to connect them. It's why Ancient Aliens is my favorite show.
But seriously, there are so many legit negative things you could say about Trump and Brexit. Why start putting yarn and newspaper clippings on your walls like a Looney?
She's not wrong. Always punch up.
This is horrifying.
Should I know who that is?
Yes manipulation
No one would think giving free housing and welfare to millions of migrant leeches is a bad idea during a financial crisis unless they were manipulated
Why did Hillary Clinton destroy North Africa, opening the shores for lawless human trafficking and 21st century slave auctions?
Why is there no reason ever given for this?
ah thats it
it wasnt all the trucks being driven into crowds and suicide bombs an mass shootings and the fact that they follow a pedophilia based death cult and have vowed to kill us for over one thousand years, we just gotta vote Dem next time surely that will fix everything!
>people were only "gambling with all our money" 10 years ago
ah life is so simple and clear. all is good in moral highground lefty utopia.
Replace bankers with Juden and you might start to see the full picture
The Jew bankers Goldman, Lehmann and Sterns did it in order to basically redistribute wealth from whites to shitskins. They gave out homes to niggers and illegal spics with no expectation of returning the money. It was basically an anti-white communist project done within the capitalist system.
And when it all inevitably collapsed, the kikes bailed themselves out through the government with white taxpayers' money.
>you see the corporation's finance the alt right and the alt right go out.... and they make money
>the actual millions of migrants have nothing to do with it
I watched Sup Forums go from
so whoever that is isn't wrong
Terrorist attacks are the least of anyone's worries.
>giving free housing and welfare to millions of migrant leeches
This is actually exactly what the Jews did under guise of "substandard mortgage". It was more like communist, anti-white wealth redistribution. They got their money back not through payments on interest (they knew shitskins wouldn't pay), but from the ZOG bailing them out with white taxpayers' money.
This is immigrant paranoia. What is more interesting is why you follow it or even bother. Do fuck off!
Mass migration is in the banks own interests, this guy is an idiot.
If only it was known that mortgage financing to serve underrepresented demographics would lead to this. To bad there was never multiple congressional hearings financing would lead to trouble.
T. Ex mortgage broker
One in the same, user.
>quick blame everyone else!
this shit has been in motion for a lot longer than 10 years
sure thing mohammed
marxism leads to fascism
>anti immigrant movements only exist since the banking crisis
so Trump is FDR?
It's in our economy's interests actually. More migrants boosts our GDP and makes your morning coffee cheaper.
The only people who are against it are bitter old brexit voters who can't handle change.
>But seriously, there are so many legit negative things you could say about Trump and Brexit.
>financial crises caused anti-migrant rage
literally what?
>What do September 15, 2008, TARP and "Too Big To Fail" have in common?
!0's of Millions of people on both sides of the Atlantic still fucked today. And just in case you didn't feel fucked enough, it only worsens when trust is further betrayed by a single person responsible for doxxing 1/2 of the US. And not a GD thing will happen!
You miss the point. The moderates etc are the far bigger existential threat than a few still relatively rare incidents.
If I had my way there wouldn't be any here to "radicalise". If you want a "multicultural" nation so long as nobody gets blown up occasionally then that's your problem but dont drag me down with you.
yeah.....before Trump I was thrilled to have pea brained 3rd world illegal invaders wandering around my country
Except most people hate both kike bankers and nigger migrants, both are detrimental to society.
Obviously, but it was still the hill to climb for many before the 2015 election. I think the /biz/ split helped in that regard because all the banking stuff went there and Sup Forums stayed talking about jews.
>manipulated into anti-migrant rage
Lol we hated shitskins long before the minor housing bubble in 2007. These people take their Michael Moore-isms and just spout them all over the Internet.
>fascist reactionary who scapegoats a religious minority for the country's problems
No, that makes him Hitler. FDR would be Merkel.
It's like someone shining a light in a dark cave and showing them the exit and someone in the cave saying YOU'RE BEING MANIPULATED as you are led out to freedom
>*truck of peace engine intensifies*
anti migrant rage was a byproduct of the actual agent of change - destabilisation of the middle east causing mass migration meant to dilute the effectiveness of the original populations to reject the bail outs and softening of rage over establishment corruption
hysteria over rejecting anti migrant rage is another tool of manipulation as it seeks to neuter those that would stem the flow and shift priority back to self preservation, which would again screw institutional corruption
this guy seems to be biased ideologically to the point where he cannot discern symptom from cause
>More migrants boosts our GDP and makes your morning coffee cheaper.
If it makes my morning coffee cheaper, doesn’t it also take my wages away?
>I love it when people draw their dots just to connect them
>there are so many legit negative things you could say about Trump and Brexit.
I love your irony
It's such basic bitch normie talking points to be like "[x] blames all their problems on immigrants! scapegoats and stuff!".
Like they think they're dolling out some really genius street wisdom when it's really just anti-intellectual garbage that moves from a discussion to the person making the statement trying to look virtuous.
Pure faggotry.
Yes, the housing fiscal crisis was all on one day ten years ago when every big banker went to Caesar's Palace and gambled it all away.
Not that banks had been forced to give home equity loans to houses that were over-valued and being bought by deadbeats who couldn't pay for the twenty years prior.
>(((they))) took our money
>(((they))) changed our lifestyle
>(((they))) control the opposition
>(((they))) rule us
miss the spot in the middle where (((they))) created and imported the immigrants to steal more money, but it's pretty spot on.
I fucking hope so
It sums up his complete lack of understanding of self-determination, yes.
This is irony, folks.
False equivalency.
This thread is cancer.
We've suffered in Weimerica long enough, there is only one logical next step.
Cause History works exactly like that. If 2008 was like 1929, then we had WW1 in the 90s
Can anyone who knows economics tell me why we need a monetary system where the central governing body can print money?
Why can we increase our amount of money at all?
What does fiat money do, which a finite amount of money couldn't also do (apart from making our governing constitutions less accountable)?
How retarded can people be....
Should be pretty obvious to anyone with a brain that the "barons" who are manipulating and distorting public sentiment are on the left, in the name of the gigantic tech companies, which constitute the largest and most powerful concentrations of corporate power that has ever existed.
And the people voted against what they wanted, and deserve credit for that, even if Trump hasn't been much good (still better than the last half-dozen Presidents).
Yeah i too remember when the media instigated against migrants...
Why are leftoids so dumb?
I know right?
>gambled all with our money
Why does the leaf bother getting out of bed in the morning?
I didn't know the financial crisis I responsible for white becoming minorities and Muslims raping our daughters
I love that 12 years of our history can fuck up the future for everyone. And it keeps repeating, we live in Reichs circle. Goddamn, i love to be german and in to be in the minds of the whole world. Bow to the Herrenrasse you Untemenschen.
Alex seems to have overlooked the Community ReInvestment Act...predictably. Coward and Piven.
Wtf, I love jew bankers now
>manipulated into anti-migrant rage by billonnaires
How can they say the rich are anti-migrant? It makes no sense.
welp thats it im alexrocket now
>More migrants boosts our GDP and makes your morning coffee cheaper
How come everything costs more now? Oh I know, we need to take in more
I want the Muslims to succeed so they kill people like this.
>Slave labor makes thing cheaper
Wow, I guess slavery was a good thing after all.
This ! Whose money is used to bail out the banks? The governments. Which group of people pay the most taxes? right...
Is this cuck arguing that the billionaire press barons were anti-migration???? Holy fuck someone please gas him. Fucking disgrace, most of our diaspora is leftist as fuck
Hitler rising from the grave any day now!
I think the joke is that he's attacking der juden himself, he was Hitler all along but didn't know it.
>implying Sup Forums wasn't countersemetic since it's inception
nigger, what? Despite Doom Paul most of libertarian shtick was a meme that quickly died when Ron Paul got Romney'd and the Tea Party ridiculed even by GOP.
See and engage your brain for once. An occasional terrorist attack is one of few things ensuring there's still some opposition to the displacement of a native population; if anything they're a good thing.
I remember pretty constant threads arguing ancap vs synarchists vs socialists vs etc etc
Replace "bankers" with Jews, and quit pretending that people have no legitimate reason to oppose the migrant invasion and you've got it.
Pls, more Americans died last week from obesity than in 9/11. Terrorism is a a non issue.
Yeah let me put it this way: in a few years people will remember the Cruz Missles as a legitimate trend in Sup Forums during the primaries.
They were a meme that got crushed by reality. Wanna bet that all Ron Paul supporters are now 100% GTKRWN and supported Trump both in GE and Primaries?
Anti-migrant rage has come from the effects of overpopulation, oversupply of unskilled labour, the formation of Islamic ghettos and of course the sex attacks and terrorism.
>a blue tick on this idiot
Imagine my surprise.
Actually Jews, being the richest demographic, paid the most of that relative to the taxes.
And the CEOs were mostly white. The credit rating agencies and the banks all had white CEOs except for Goldman Sachs. And the person who created the bailout was white.
>people unironically blame minorities for the crisis
Republicans blow my mind sometimes
Delegateposting as a fantastic meme nonetheless
>Why Dahnald? All i ever wanted was the delegates
This guy is retarded. The next depression will be the equivalent of the Great Depression.
>CEOs were mostly white
jews arent white
Because Gaddafi made the mistake of trying to make an African currency that would compete with the US dollar for energy transactions in Africa. The first rule of fight club is don't fuck with the petrodollar.
there is still hope
Why wouldn't the folks who voted Ron Paul not initially like Trump. A vote for Ron Paul was a vote against the status quo, like Trump. It's just that during Trump's campaign, many-a red flags popped up. Hillary wanted war with Russia, so we were sort of backed into a corner.
i wish you a merry christmas and a succesfull Beer Hall Putsch
>why print money
A low amount of inflation is good for the economy. It pushes people to invest by gradually eroding the value of held money. If there's deflation, it becomes profitable to hold money.
The US government has also used control of the money supply to deal with financial crisises, but not through printing money. The US financial industry has proven time and time again to be unable to operate without occasional intervention.
The vast majority of the money supply isn't printed money. 95% of the money in circulation is in credits, deposits and so on. The fractional banking system, where banks are allowed to lend out a certain ratio of hard cash, say 1:10, multiplies the amount of money in circulation. One way the US government controls the money supply is changing this ratio.
>why we need a monetary system where the central governing body can print money?
It's one of the 10 planks of the communist manifesto, goy
Come on, you don't remember the first couple of weeks the Ronfags claiming muh libertarianism and muh values? They started coming around when Trump started saying that he wouldn't be an interventionist
lol no. Community reinvestment act just banned the practice of discriminating entire areas. It neither set quotas nor forced banks to accept subprime mortgages. I'm not sure where people got this idea.
Banks knew they were selling subprime loans. See Goldman Sachs Timberwolf securities. Why they did it was they securitised the loans and sold them to the market for massive fees.
Ron Paul was a libertarian, anti intervention, and was a on the fence person about illegal immigration. Trump is actually a clusterfuck of things that are contradictory and most never came true, but he's generally intervenionist and strongly anti illegal.
>The end monologue of The Big Short is fact
What a faggot. You think we hate migrants, not crime. You think we hate niggers, not the culture. You think it's rich vs poor, not people vs government. How about you stop bring told what to think and try to do it on your own for once.
>the bankers are tricking you into hating migrants
I'll never understand these extraordinary leaps of lefty logic.
Good Merkle is Hitler and trump is FDR
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
White Genocide is real - In their own words
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
What actually happened
The government forced banks to make loans to nigs or face massive fines. Banks didn’t want to do this bc nigs don’t pay back loans and have no credit. So the government (fanny and freddy) guaranteed the loans. So banks went ahead and granted the loans as they couldn’t lose.
Canada nigger has never seen the movie "The Big Short" so he blames bankers, not the government.
Stupid Cancucks
>gets his understanding of the world from the (((film industry)))
the though of her being the largest mass murdered and most immoral person in that photo is disturbing