I thought it was illegal to be this Islamophobic?

I thought it was illegal to be this Islamophobic?

It's not Islamophobic to suggest taking action against domestic members of a listed terrorist organization.

>trying to reason with the left

I'm surprised the Guardian hasn't smeared him; seems like they published a normal article for once

The funny thing about this blatantly rational and self evident statement is, that it might be seen as offensive by some.


What a virulent racist nazi!

What is Trudeau

Why? Most of the solider killing ISIS are other Muslims. That’s the hard fact.

Is this one of the guys trying to oust Sharia May?

>state something sensible

I'll believe his words when there is action. Cohenservatives will say something that sounds vaguely based but do the exact opposite.

>looking for villains that don't exist.
You have become as bad as the 'left' you hate so much.
You cannot take small victories anymore, you must contiinue the fight no matter what, mustn't you?
I like this guy, and the fact that nobody has challenge his statement goes to show that things really are turning round. This may be a very obvious and relatively tame statement, but we know the guy doesn't fuck around and people are ok with it. That is a move in the right direction.

Ofc I wouldn't understand an anime fag to understand.

Who are those Jihadists? Nobody knows, but they are sponsored by Israel and USA, so much is known.

Not exactly, he's the one who ousted his predecessor and instilled himself as a member of cabinet.

He's setting himself up to replace May when she inevitably fucks up so massively that people start to call for blood.

What a fucking picture. This shit should be shown to every mudslime loving libtard there is.

Kill all Muslims. Don't limit yourself to just ISIS. ISIS isn't any worse than your standard sand niggers.

May needs to go? any chance for redemption?

What an evil fascist

All Tories need to be wiped the fuck out but they're like cockroaches and ridiculously hard to dispose of. May and the modern conservative cabinet form what is literally the most incompetent government in British history.

But it works in their favour the common Brit is remarkably retarded and easily swayed by a words from The Sun, Daily Mail, Daily Express etc...

How close minded, open borders for all the poor capraphilically inclined. We should be paying them reparations, and remember #savealifetakemywife

This, at least labour openly admit they are cucks.

What about this defense minister, and people like Mogg?

would be a good time to everyone get rid of the nukes dropping all of them at the middle east

open bob and vagene

As far as Williamson being based, i don't think what he's said about terrorists as controversial or even meaningful. Nobody truly does because he toes the same line as his predecessor (and probably molests children like him too).

Mogg is cut from the same cloth in that he's another self-serving politician who'll always put him and his party before the national interest. Just because he's having the same rise as Boris Johnson doesn't mean he's not a dangerous cancer at heart.

Jesus Christ, it's a head of a person. Are they just savages or what? Just bury it. Is it too much to ask?

I wouldn' t kill them, but taking their papers away and denying re-entry is more than enough.

If you go away to kill innocent people, stay the fuck away. Simple. No discussion.

Fallon getting replaced is great, Rudd needs replaced more than anybody.

Spent more money hunting down lads in scotland picking up litter than she did hunting islamists.

damn son

"B- b- but we made the death penalty illegal!"—British 'Boomer

>Rudd needs replaced more than anybody.
>Besmirching based Rudd and her anti-Internet policies
That's you on a watchlist. SURVEILLANCE FOR ALL.

Is it legal bc he didn't say it online or what?

Im allready on all the lists lad.

Including the nonce list?

Okay maybe not ALL of the lists.