The next clannad they said

>the next clannad they said

pizza sauce was a qt

theres no way in hell you can produce anime as boring as clannad was ever again, you should see it coming

so what's the consensus after all this time
is it actually worth going back to watch it today, or was it just another seasonal show which is only worth watching at the time but can be dismissed and forgotten afterwards?

i think if it was 2cour it could've been better

The happy end sure was less forced than the one in clannad

>muh dragon balls

>so what's the consensus after all this time
Imouto was cute but her gimmick was annoying.
The slasher shit was retarded.
The drugs shit was laughable.
The travel-around-the-world shit was rushed.
It sucked.

It was bad. Worse pacing than Angel Beats and it had no idea what it wanted to be.

But it was a fun ride all around despite being a train wreck.


>But it was a fun ride all around despite being shit
only if you enjoy shitty animes

The only good thing about that piece of shit was pizzasauce's cuteness.

It was closer to Angel Beats but worse.

>the next clannad
Absolutely nobody said this. If anything the consensus was "hopefully this will be a better AB". Unfortunately, instead of learning from his mistakes, Maeda made the same mistake but even harder for some fucking reason. Why the fuck is this the one thing he can't wrap his head around? He's a decent writer but christ keep him away from anything with length limitations cos the motherfucker has no sense of moderation.

It was irredeemably terrible. Most of the stuff in the earlier half didn't even matter since they went back in time and erased it.

At least Angel Beats hit you with a well aimed punch to the spleen, Charlotte didn't manage even that.

>Makes a smaller cast so it won't be as cluttered as Angel Beats.
>Not only are the supporting cast members shafted harder than the ones in angel beats but new characters keep on showin up.
God damn it Maeda

It was a fun ride with Sup Forums.

I don't think I would've enjoyed it as much if I'd watched it alone.

It turned to shit so fast that it wasn't even funny.
It still amuses me how much praise it got from normalfags.

You're probably right. I just have some rose colored glasses for it because of how fun the threads were.

Why do you think your opinion worth something?

Watch out we got a badass here

because i dont have a shit taste like you

Nao was great, and didn't deserve being stuck in such an awful fucking show.

More accurately people said it would be the next Angel Beats. But no, it was even worse and even more disappointing.


Not him but I enjoyed it even before discussing with Sup Forums.

>Worse pacing than Angel Beats

I dont think you remember angel beats that much.

>the next clannad

Only retards said that, and they will say it next time key visualfarts makes a new show



more like a poor man's Kara no Kyoukai

But user, Kara no Kyoukai is the poor mans Kara no Kyoukai

I feel like everyone has forgotten the hype that built up around it after the first episode. Everyone was *so* excited for a MC who was a bit of a selfish dick with actual personality. He tried to do all the "alpha" stuff Sup Forums fantasized about doing with their superpowers, like making girls fall for him.

Of course that completely went away after that first episode.

that doesn't even make sense

I'll lay it straight, Kara no Kyoukai sucks.

Pretty good doujin got translated recently.

>Everyone was *so* excited for a MC who was a bit of a selfish dick with actual personality
I didn't bother with Charlotte beyond 3 episodes but I will say that at the very least Key stuff usually has entertaining MCs. Even Clannadman managed to be aloof enough that he stands out among a sea of Snarky Niceguys.

Suffered the same productions and length problems as Angel Beats!, except it wasn't nearly as good as a story. I hated how the MC started as proto-Lelouch and then became a pushover.

The drug scene made me laugh though. Fucking elevens.

MC looked like the next Lelouch but after a few episodes it seemed like he became your regular "passive and good" MC.

Charlotte was best girl



That shit never gets old.

We've had worse shows than Clannad. Far worse.

Shut up Clannad is a fucking masterpiece.

Babbies first Key

I rewatched it recently and I forgot how crazy cute Nagisa is.

hi there, Code Geass

Reminder: The power of courage

Who said that?

>there are anons hating clannad with passion
>there are anons hating nagisa with passion
Why though?


I hope you didn't fucking download that thing this year

Because it's shit. Besides from half of AS.

Yeah what happened to him? His personality suddenly did a 180 by the second episode.

>being a selfish dick means you have personality


We live in truly shit times.

In all honesty though, Clannad really is a perfect example of the time it was made it. Its artstyle was the highest point the kawaii uguu age.

Behavior patterns that can be described implies a personality Better than average highschool boys who don't do anything, don't have any like/dislikes, don't have any meaningful relationships, and only react to the world around the.

>any Key adaption in this current age

>The drugs shit was laughable.
The amount of asspain it caused to druggies around here was hilarious, if that's what you mean.

>violence or drugs
Shit was hilarious