Why are pedophiles always right wing?

why are pedophiles always right wing?

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Why is your gay

Jared from subway was a pedo


Jared Taylor the alt-right leader is probably a pedo too just listen to the creepy way he talks

I like this

Ooooh? What's this? I thought the left was for legalising pedophilia? "I'm a pedophile, not a monster"? What caused this sudden shift? Why are you acting like you give a fuck about the common man /now/?
Also, 14 year olds are hebe, not pedophilia. :^)

Judeo-Christian values

Because they're naturally misogynists that hate women and only love younger girls. They love to manipulate and screw with women so they'll be inferior later in life.

What about Pedosta?



There’s no such thing as “pedofiles”
It’s the law of nature

maybe you can answer why bill clinton used to shove his cigars up the vaginas of senate pages before he smoked them, and why he took 26 trips on virgin raper airlines?

What makes you assume I'm a female? Assuming by 'girl' you mean female?

pedowood which was defending and willfully ignored by people like you for a entire generation.
You leftist child fuckers have no leg to stand on.
Had you listened to the pedogate news years ago instead of calling it "conspiracy theory" you could have saved many women and children... but alas you are at fault that more women and children got abused.
How does this undeniably truth feel?

>Questionable ethics
>Using the word misgynists unironically
>Fag flag
>Clearly left leaning
>Don't add anything interesting to the discussion

if you aren't a digusting roastie ill be seriously surprised

>fat roastie calling anybody inferior

calling someone a misogynist doesn't make me left leaning, and learn how to spell it >:(

That's how you spelt in in your original post, you digusting mongoloid.

>Doesn't deny shes a roastie


moore is not a pedo

Justice is coming. That shills of establishment pedophilia will face justice too.

Doug Jones grabbed my dick when I was 13

>why do I think everyone I don't like is evil and rapes children despite no evidence
>why do I ignore that most proven child rapists are lefties?
>why am I so retarded someone please tell me?

This is how you sound to Sup Forums

Why do leftists ALWAYS project

Sexual attraction to pubescent females is not Pedophilia. Pubescent humans are adults.

thats a logical fallacy, assuming someone is a pedophile based on a physical trait of theirs. read the sticky

Moore will win and there is nothing you can do about it lol

has he been convicted? oh right that doesn't matter.


lol pedophiles and creeps will win and the right are smug about it. well don't act surprised when they rape you

>being a godless commie
Hell is for ever!

>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!

pedos usually aren't into 27 year old dudes
now your tight pussy, that's another story

the relevant accusations have no evidence.

because they are mental defectives.

remember they could have had a guy that went after the racist murders but they wanted the pedophile

repeating a lie doesn't make it true

pretending a 35 yo district attorney having sex with a 14 yo and harassing minors at the mall isn't a pedophile.

is that you roy?

you fucking diddler

All the Hollywood and Washington sexual predators and pedophiles have been liberals
and mostly Jews

these threads are pointless shareblue

Never happened.

A good fraction are young boys. I would bet half

this is how the predators justify their crimes.
actual facts don't matter to these ppl
hey look over there

stop defending child rape you creeper

Why are child trafficking hotspots always in left wing shitholes?


the facts are that it never happened.

and you'd know about the hotspots.
in fact no one knows more about the hotspots than you. the go to expert on child hotspots

because right wing people in these modern times are all jewish or pro-israel, so anti-european by default.

alternative facts guy has his own version of the story

No, just the truth. You lose.

stop sucking dog dick.

he's not going to get you a underage gf

masons are pussy worshippers. gays like masculinity. man hating traitor jew phobes love little dainty tits and any little boys they think are effeminate. LIKE THEM

You lose. Your lies failed.

Why is it that accusations against right wingers always end up being false, and accusations against leftists always end up being true?

fucking retard. youre a molech party. youre a whore for the cow goy named ashkenazi bibi. the stars on your party logo are upside down. democratic ones are not. franken resigns. you get supported by the epstein pedo putin tory smith "president"

Franken, Clinton, Weiner, Weinstein and many other (((Hollywood leftists))).... all guilty. Why defend these people? I think there’s maybe one or two cases of a right winger actually being guilty, but whatever the actual number is, it’s MUCH higher on the left. These people are despicable.

Because they are the DEVIL in disguise

Because there is nothing wrong with fucking hot little girls with developing breasts and tiny little body you can toss around.